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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name Suggestion:Infested Spy


Behavior:They tend to stay away until they strike and usally stay with other infested,they also hate grineer and corpus and can convert dead ones into other infested,also they tend to attack their prey from behind and try to flank you,also they can climb objects and when shot at they will try to pounce but if hit they'll be stop and stunned for afew seconds,They will also try to climb walls 



Attacks:They will try to sneak behind if it grineer or corpus they'll try to transform them by injecting the techno virus in them,transforming them,they will pounce any alerted grineer or corpus,they will always try to sleathly pounce Tenno if they do a normal hit to sides or front they do low damage


Environment Restritions:lvl 20 or above,25 mins or waves on D or S

Edited by robby2074
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Name: Gunk Spewer


What makes the Gunk Spewer unique is that it is able to create a sticky corrosive bile that it can spit from its scorpion-like tail, which sticks to the ground, and any Tenno caught by it, and hinders movement while causing minor damage. The cooldown for this ability could be similar to the infested healer’s health pulse to ensure the ground doesn’t become too littered with the mess.  Additionally, the Gunk spewer would remain at medium range and attack just outside of Tenno melee range using its Scoliac like appendages. This unit would fill a support and crowd control unit for the infested class. This unit would make the melee threat of the infested a much more serious threat. Being caught in this gunk would give the infested extra time to close into melee range. Additionally, spamming melee when swarmed would be less effective since players would be moving and attacking at slower speed. Because of this unit players would be forced to become more aware of enemy placement and tactical positioning, which is currently lacking in infested missions.


The Gunk Spewer lobs a ball of this gunk in front of its enemies that lingers on the ground in a 2m area for several seconds. This gunk hinders the movement of any Tenno in its effected area and slows all movement speed considerably, much like the frozen pathways in the void. Additionally, while caught in the gunk all Tenno will take constant but light corrosive damage. [The gunk could also be flammable, ignited by any fire weapons a Tenno possesses, which would cause all units (Tenno and infested alike) to take constant fire damage while in the affected area.] Additionally, the Gunk spewer would remain at medium range and attack just outside of Tenno melee range using its Scoliac like appendages.

Environmental Restrictions:


Concept Art: Coming Soon!

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Name Suggestion: Infested Quadruped


Behavior: Combination of 4 Shield Lancers, it peeks out of the shadows with its 4 headed face with 8 eyes. It uses its 4 bent, twisted, and sharpened shields attached to its flesh  as legs to climb on the walls. It surprises its prey by attacking them from the shadows and jumping at them. They travel alone and attack smaller groups of its prey.


Attacks: Uses its legs as knifes and slashes them at its enemy. Leaps and dives its legs at the target making a heavy blow. In a desperate attempt to kill the enemy it swirls on the floor making a tornado that will cut any one who approaches it.


Environment Restrictions: It hides in the darkest corners of Grineer  and Corpus ships. It avoids sun light and does not spawn in the open forests and harsh deserts.


Optional Art:



Edited by Golden_Edge
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Name: Incubus




Idly remains on walls or the ceiling without movement, slightly blending with the environment. Once it senses a Tenno nearby, it focuses on them and gains stealth or light camouflage, yet leaves a visible acidic trail as it crawls.

It then proceeds at closing in on the target Tenno and following him, making a muffled, distinctive sound and waiting for him to be separated from his allies. Once this occurs, the Incubus leaps on its target’s head (homes on it) and attempts to penetrate it with its sting-like tail. If successful, the Incubus will then assume total control of its victim and proceed at attacking the victim’s allies. Tenno can attack back and damage their infested teammate until they force him into bleed out; otherwise the victim will have their health drained over time until it occurs naturally. When the victim falls into bleed out, the Incubus drops on the ground. This causes it to flail for a few seconds until it regains its ability to jump to a nearby wall / ceiling, where it attempts to camouflage and recharge its Leap (10 seconds). The closest target is the new victim.






Jumps on victim’s head and forces them into tumbling (similar to the tumbling that occurs when Phorid’s yelling at you). Repeatedly pressing E may free the victim from its grasp, otherwise the Incubus   will proceed to the next stage (2-3 seconds of struggle time). Alternatively, Leap helps the Incubus to latch to a nearby wall/ceiling after being downed.




Incubus stings the victim with its tail. This causes the player to take a % of max health in poison damage over time, as well as lose control over the Warframe and gear (and probably even chat and microphone) - the more helpless the better. The Warframe then utilises an aggressive hostile Spectre/Stalker AI, seeking and attacking other Tenno with the currently equipped weapon and abilities until the Incubus drops from its head. If the player is running solo, the posessed Warframe will attack random enemies (not giving EXP) and lose health down to 5 hp, then the Incubus falls off and retreats until the next engagement.  


Environment restrictions:

Spawns in Derelict or (hopefully) upcoming infested tilesets. Prefers smaller rooms to spawn in. If forced by environment, will use ground to walk, but will lose stealth that way. Favourite traveling methods are wall-climbing and occasional leaping from one wall to another while chasing a victim.

Spawns as one entity only, should be challenging enough. No spawning in Defence and Assassination. 







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Name suggestion: infested cannon

Behavior: this infested prefers to attack Tenno from affair by launching globs of corrosive sludge from is large cannon snout.

This however takes time and Tenno have a chance to attack and defeat the cannon befor the sludge is launched.

The cannon walks slower then other infested and usually only attacks with large groups allowing smaller infested to attack while it gathers it's sludge to spit at the Tenno.

Environmental restrictions: would prefer open space such as hangers and platforms but could be deployed anywhere

Image: http://rewrewq.deviantart.com/art/Image-451779931?ga_submit_new=10%253A1399143005

Edited by (PS4)goodvibes9508
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Name Suggestion: Praegrandis Ballistarium    /   English: Huge Ballista, Big Ballista


Behaviour: This enemy behaves like an tank slow but deathly. This enemy has an Torid on its back as primary weapon, and huge armor on its front arms as shield while shooting. Its weakness is its hugeness can be killed easily from back, but when they attack in numbers they make an really strong phalanx. Its shields are inpenetrable carapace, there isn't too much shieldings only on its head and arms, the rest of their body is simple skin. This enemy always stays at the back of the charging horde, when at an defense mission the chargers attack the tenno, these creatures arrive later and they give an ranged support. These creatures are ideal for assaults when the enemy is defending positions, but they are week on open plains or when they are alone.


Attack: This enemy comes with an Torid on its back, its role is to support units from the back. But it can fight at close combat too, with its huge claws. When it is shooting, puts its two shield like arms to the front to form an complete shield with an small hole for the Torid, So its firring angle will be small wich prevents him from staying at one place all time just like an artilery support.

It can shoot with its Torid in it's normal stance but it looses the shoot's precision, this kind of shooting can be caused by panic if you get to its back or too close to him.


Environment restrictions: Suggested for wide areas with minimal obstacles, for Defense, Survival, Mobile Defense missions, for infestations and derelicts.













Sorry for the bad image quality.

Edited by cosma_cris99
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Infested Shaman



Shaman: Enter the missions with a herd of infested walking behind them. He is distant and aggressive, avoids close quarters combat to support the other infested. When in danger/or if the herd is not with him He summons a Shadow from the past to protect him.

Infested Shadow: Stands tall, looks very power is very swift in movement and is aggressive but also balanced between close and long range. 




1. Long range poison orbs ( like Orberon Renewal) Doing Poison damage over time for up to 15 seconds after contact.

2.Summon Shadow: Ha s a Double Bladed Sword (in right hand) for close/long range combat able to throw the blade 5-10 yards, can poison coat the weapon at anytime. Able to stop projectiles in mid air and redirect their path. Able to infect targets, Able to conjure a shield (with left hand) once ever minute, while able to stop damage up to 300 points of damage before shattering, after shield is shatter shadow is stunned for 3 seconds.      



No, Can be located in Void, Orokin Derelict and infested rescue missions being the prison warden, Random attacker i.e: Stalker, G3, Zanuka.. or as a stand alone boss.

Edited by PeterScarlet
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Name : Juggernaut

Behaviour: smashing and trashing things and environment - an raging monster. sometimes appearing in groups. a big one - but not as much like in the arts but a little bigger than gorilla.

Attacks: trow heavy objects, tackles, punches, similar to those that would normally HULK do.

Environment restrictions: yes, it don't like confined spaces

(Optional) Art or Reference Images (from dark sector ^^):




looks like a very infected rhino on steriods

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pleague bearer


Shape and Behaviour:

Big , slow, disk like center. Attached to it and hoisting up in the air are 4 acid filled ballons. Two orficies are placed along its center line above and below it.


It would hang low behind the horde of the infested.


for every infestation unit destroyed it would suck the " essance " flying out of it and deliever a small crawling unit of its below orfice. This crawler unit may stun and explode upon contact with the player. dealing explosion damage wih 5% status chance and knocking down tennos.


If the 4 ballons are destroyed its health will drop by 25% then it will engage secondry mode, in which it will transform into a quadruple mode and unleash heavy slow attacks on any player unfortunate to get in its way.


Also a charge attack maybe implemented.


Environment restrictions:


Only spaws in defence at end of wave 10 and survival missions as heavy unit.


Edit: the disk structure should compromise of fused and altered grenier and corpus bodies from which the arms will extened

for each ballon destroyed, acid will cover an area around of it by 10-20 meters (?) and deal overtime damage even to allies.

Edited by sterlok
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Name: Infected One


Behavior: These infested appear as infested Excalibur frames with the Skana molded into to one of their arms. They usually attack in squads ( up to 4 at the same time ) and rush in before the other infested. They are fast and able to wall run in order to pursue the player if he/she attempts to escape.



1) Slash Dash -  Like the original, but with a chance to poison the target.

2) Radial Blind -  Like the original, but instead of a white screen it's dark green.

3) Tendril -  The infested Excalibur launches his Skana combined arm at the player from a distance.

4) Agony -  The infested Excalibur sends out a loud screech lowering the attack strength of the player and draining a portion of their shield and energy.


Environment Restrictions: Appears only on Derelict missions.

Edited by Rosalaux
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Name: Infested Hive


Behavior: This infested is a large pod type monster that is fast once target is acquired. It eats the nearest infested (Instant kills the devoured infested; Doesn't attack bosses) then, becomes immobile only to start producing copies of the infested it ate every 3 seconds. This creature has a extremely high health pool and a even higher armor value that ancients. This infested usually stays near the shadows to stay hidden. 


Attacks: This infested will spit an aoe acid at the tenno if he comes too close dealing a medium damaging toxin attack. Once this infested has eaten another infested it will not defend itself.


Envirmental restrictions: Will not anywhere below level 18.

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I am thinking just to make the infested less discriminatory on who or what it takes over, and in what fashion. Plus have the Infested tell more of a story; like how they came into being in the mission, how each victim got the plague, and having solely faction based Infested enemies based on setting of the mission. Please make them more of a merciless and Dynamic Plague and not a cookie cutter enemy for every Infested mission.


Different forms and shapes of mutation on Chargers, Runners, Crawlers, and Ancients; with which (can) display how the victim got the Infested Plague in the first place. (Bite, Claw mark, Stabbing, Vomited on, Spores taking over the lungs, etc.)(originating from various places of the body). How the plague spreads(to me) is important for having an interesting and effective lore. It's not like they showed up in a random room of a ship or they intercepted a stray Escape Pod filled with them. Like in Dead Space 2.


Infested wildlife; not just the Sand Skate. Heck, maybe even a mission where it is solely filled with various wildlife Infested.


 A whole Corpus Ship has been taken over; I doubt the Plague turns Corpus armor into Grineer armor, there were no Grineer onboard, except maybe a prisoner or two. I suggest all and only Corpus themed Chargers, Volatile Runners, Crawlers and Ancients for Infested missions taking place on Corpus Ships and Corpus occupied Nodes; it just makes sense to me. Each could drop different mods.


 A whole Grineer Ship has been taken over; I doubt the plague turns Grineer armor into Corpus armor, there were no Corpus onboard, except maybe a prisoner or two. I suggest all and only Grineer themed Chargers, Volatile Runners, Crawlers, and Ancients for Infested missions taking place on Grineer Ships and Grineer occupied Nodes; it just makes sense to me. Each could drop different mods.


An even amount of Corpus and Grineer Infested in a mission only makes sense (to me) in the Orokin Derelict missions.

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Name Suggestion: Doppleganger

Behaviour: Codename "Doppleganger" it´s a highly advance corpus cyborg which origin comes from Zanuka project. With the difference that it can emulate, copy and reply the behavior of that warframe you are using and how you are using it at the moment.

Attacks: This Cyborg will be like a mirror, it will respond in the same manner if you attack. It has the ability to create blueprints of the equipment you have at the moment you are scanned so it will be more difficult to take him down just by the fact it has your same equipment (this will balance the game since it will change depending on the equipment of the player at the moment) it will even be able to replicate your sentinel. If you are defeated it will continue to copy the other members of the party and continue to try to eliminate each one of them. The only way you can defeat it is by improvising the way you play by changing quickly between your weapons and play styles (secondary, stealth, melee, primary, etc.) Even if it seems simple it is no easy task. 

Environment restrictions: Like Zanuka and The Grustrag Three you will have to be death marked from somebody in the lore and story from warframe to encounter them By doing invasions against corpus on grinner side or new types of missions against the corpus.

Optional Art:



what is the Bottom image from plz pm me if you can tell?

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Name Suggestion: Veref


Behaviour: This infested tri-legged predecessor to the Corpus MOA slowly limps around until an enemy is detected, at which point it will cease moving, and will attack as appropriate to the circumstances.
If line of sight/ fire is broken, it will move in an attempt to reacquire the target.


Attacks: It's primary attack is best described as a bio-mortar. A high-arching bomb, lobbed from the growth on it's back, that explodes into a cloud of poison upon impact or shortly afterwards. Designed to keep the target on the move when against groups of infested. This attack will continue to be used at close range, effectively making it bomb itself in an attempt to kill it's target.

An alternative/ another is a weaker and faster bomb launched at a flatter trajectory against targets that are out of range of the normal bombs, or in enclosed spaces that do not allow for higher arches of fire.
At close range a chemical spray is used, akin to a flamethrower.
The initial explosion of the bomb attacks may or may not damage other infested.

Environment restrictions: Found around other infested, mostly in open spaces, and more frequent in areas where Corpus once were.

Note - will be glad to expand upon these basic ideas, for anybody interested.

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Infested Tenno



A Tenno that was infested, Now it fights for/with the infestation. behaves similarly to the specters of the Dark Sector, but with no shields, and higher health



Uses unarmed attacks (Sparing) And will knock down another Tenno with a Tackle like attack



Orokin Derelict Only, spawns fairly infrequently per mission.

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Name Suggestion: Infested Sepulcher

Behaviour: Stationary mass composed of fallen Tenno conglomerated for the purpose of repurposing their genetic codes and biomass into new species of infested. Would occasionally spawn hybridized infested Tenno to actively track down players on the map. Each off-spring could utilized a randomly selected set of frame skills and could be limited to utilizing only Infested weaponry (would quintessentially behave as a far more aggressive variant of a Specter). The mass itself will continuously spew out off-spring every minute until put into danger from an attacking player, where it would then form a thickened carapace hide and grow tentacles that would continuously fire needles at targets (e.g. like the Tysis) at targets outside of a 25m range and beams (e.g. like the Phage or Synapse) within a 25m range. At a certain point (say 50-75% health remaining) the Sepulcher would release a pheromone that would increase neighboring Infested damage, speed, and status chance. If it is unable to attack or is disengaged from combat it will cannibalize some of its reserved biomass to restore its health. If disengaged from combat long enough it will recede into the hole it was protruding from and relocate itself somewhere else on the map. 

Attacks: Rib spitter- Fires out the desecrated bones of fallen Tenno using strong muscular contractions from one of its newly formed tentacles; chance to proc viral and/or posion damage.

Bio-beam- Fires concentrated energy beams from its newly formed protrusions at Tenno haughty enough to get close to it; chance to proc corrosive and/or magnetic damage.

Distress pheromone- Releases a pheromone that will intensify the ferocity of Infested attempting to aid it (described above) once it is damaged enough.

Refractive shell- Immediately after releasing the pheromone, its carapace will magnetize reflecting any projectiles back to the attacker and must be engaged in melee to make it return to its normal defensive state; will fling back melee attackers afterword.

Birth- Generates an Infested Tenno with a randomized Infested load out and skill set every minute.

Lashing retreat- If disengaged long enough from direct combat the Sepulcher will hyper-extend one of its tentacles and cause the nearest player to begin to bleed out before it retreats and relocates somewhere else on the map.

Environment restrictions: Dark Sector Survival or New Infested tile sets; could specifically be utilized for a new mission type called "Cleansing".

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Name suggestion: 'Ripper' or 'Chaser'




This enemy is a shapechanger in the sense that it is a shapeless being made of many worm like objects. It will pull itself along walls and the floor and chase tenno with about the speed of an unmodded rhino. It will squeeze itself through doors and try to grapple (with a REALLY short range) the tenno and 'ingest' the tenno (just like phagocytes ingest bad cells). Once you're in it, you will take a lot of damage really quickly. The only way to escape, is by trying to run in any direction (since you won't be able to see where you are), however he will still try to follow your movements so you have to run quickly. This enemy is mostly meant as a tank who will hide in small places and then expand and chase you down (you'll hear some warning scream or screech before he reveals himself).





As said above, he has two attacks:

- The first one is that he will pull the tenno into it, this won't deal any damage and just pull in the tenno.

- The second attack is rather a passive one, in the sense that whatever he touches will take dmg (except friendlies). It will deal a lot of damage and if you aren't trying to get away you will die quickly.


Environmental restrictions:


He doesn't really have any environmental restrictions, but rather he spawns in rooms that are small where he can hide easily.


Optional art:


I've been thinking of an enemy similar to something like this. (This is from Princess Mononoke)



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Name: name can change but infested broodlord.



Spawn mini infested crawlers, runs from players and does not attack for it self., high flight risk but it give a small pasive healing to near by alies. Will fight when it has an advantage .


Attack: has a close rang barb that it strikes with, will drop smal pods that spawn mini crawlers.


LvL restrictions:

This is a high lvl enemy that only spawns in infested survival and, defense. Average lvl is 25.

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Name: Tenno Infested


Behaviour:  Its behavior is to launch spore clumps at the enemy mostly long range, when enemy comes in close it reacts by pulling out a blade and slashing at the intruding Tennos. It reacts slowly at close range; weapons can vary depending on given model or it could be a warframe that hasn't been introduced.


Attacks: attacks consist of an arm that is mutated to form green bulbs that launch spores, and on the back of these infected tennos are weapons once worn by the deceased tenno which they use in close range combat.


Environment restrictions:  Tenno model could vary depending on enviroment.


(Tenno Infested was an idea I came up with if you already suggest a tenno type infested it is merely a coincidence.)

Edited by lordhalo
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Just for consistency's sake, make Corpus and Grineer Chargers, Corpus and Grineer Volatile Runners, and Corpus and Grineer Crawlers. I doubt that The Plague turns Grineer armor into Corpus Armor and vice versa.


Having even amounts of Corpus and Grineer Infested only makes sense on Orokin Derelict missions.


I want to see this dynamic, adaptive, and non-discriminatory Plague make sense with how it came to be in certain faction occupied mission Nodes.

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Name: Swarm brute

Behaviour: Attacks in groups of 5, agile and swift. Swarm brutes shoot viral spikes from their backs. Is an ambusher waits for opponent to come close ascends from ground and starts shooting.

Environment restricted: only spawns in infested flora (the one in game)

Note: DE it's time you make the infested more swarm-ish

Cover the levels in technocyte creep

The whole group is a living being of which the infested gain their speed, strength and maybe even food

The infested should have metamorphosis occurring in their mobs

Example: runner morphs into flying infested

Make the levels aboard ships dark again... Make them a bit more creepy with different music

Make the flora produce it's own light to attract prey

I hope one of you DE folks sees this post

Edited by CryoClaw
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Name Suggestion: Aggregator

Behaviour: A flyable swarm of many single infested bugs, which transforms from a shapeless mass into various builds. What they transform into is dependent on the environment. They can detain themselves at walls and ceilings to transform into a "stationary turret", into a crawling snake with big jaws on the ground or hover as a kind of flying ancient with tentacles in the air. By dissolving their shape, they can evade gunshots and transform into other builds.

Attacks: When the swarm detained itself onto a wall or ceiling, it gets a ranged attack and fires with acid projectiles by single bugs simultaniously shooting secretions from their tails.
In shape of the snake, the swarm dashes forwards to a Tenno to knuckle him down.
While hovering, the swarm attacks with tentacles to push the Tenno away.


Environment restrictions: The Aggregator needs walls or ceilings to transform into certain shapes, but can also transform without.

Art or Reference Images:
Single Bug:

3 Forms:


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Name: Tunneler


Behavior: The Tunneler strain of Infestation burrows into the ground or floor and charges Tenno in a semi-stealth state (given away only by a small disruption of the ground above).


Attacks: Primarily melee in close range, slashing with its claws; however variant strains exist that are capable of projecting a stream of corrosive acid in a line that damages any enemies it hits.


Environment Restrictions: None. Originally from Phobos, have spread everywhere; natural acid/lithe body allow it to dig through any terrain.


Optional Art:



(and because if Letter can, I want to as well) Why: Same reason as any ranged infested concept: give them a more common range option against their enemies, but rather than simply give them a natural gun of some kind make them a more unique opponent via a tunneling mechanic that keeps players on their toes to avoid getting ambushed.

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Name: Infested Predator

Behaviour: the Infested Predator is the infested form of Tenno that met their end fighting against the Infested long ago. Due to the fact that the Tenno were particularly strong willed beings, the ones that did successfully turn ended up maintaining a decent portion of their intelligence, making them some of the smartest infested beings. If left alone, the Predator typically ignores other beings, but if attacked it will immediately become extremely aggressive, and will hunt down and eliminate the attacker without mercy. Since the Tenno would have turned with a deep hatred of Infested, the Predator may also attack other Infested. The evolutionary changes on it's legs have also allowed it to acquire a level of motion far beyond what it had when it was still a Tenno, granting it an insanely fast charge speed.


Attacks: over a long period of time, steel merged with flesh. As a result, the weapons that the Tenno had at the time of death eventually became part of the Hunter, and it can utilise these weapons with a frightening degree of skill and intelligence.

- The left arm merged with the barrel of a gun, forming a weapon similar to the Acrid. The Hunter can use this to kill enemies from a distance.

- Like the Ancients, it can charge when the enemy is in range. When in melee range, it will either cut the enemy to pieces with the absorbed Skana in its right arm or latch onto the enemy with the appendages extending from the stomach and 'eat' them alive.


Environmental Restrictions: appears very rarely. It can appear anywhere, but will never appear together with other Infested (if they do, then the Hunter would attempt to kill the other infested)


Art: (rough black and white sketch) http://i.imgur.com/jqs4FRO.jpg

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