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Spectors, No Seriously, Whats The Difference Between Them?


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All 4 have different minimum conclave ratings. Also, I think the rank of the equipment your specter has increases with the tier of the specter you've created, which boils down to absolutely nothing from what I've heard.

Edited by OptimumBow0
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Increasing levels, and a replication of whatever loadout you had when you built it (conclave build)


So you wouldn't want your boltor prime/rhino prime, etc, for something less than Cosmic, because it's the highest level spectre. 

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I'm going to say I think the difference is just having a stronger specter. My friend rushed his on the first day. Cosmic. Used it one of the level 20~23 ish rescue missions, and brought out a level 37 Rhino Prime. I came back the day after, tossed out my Vapor, and it was level 23.


In Short. You get 10 weak (but still fairly strong) Vapors




One, really powerful Specter.


Since specters level scale with the mission. Having a level 37 specter in a level 20~23 area is overkill.

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Cool... So they spawn at +0, +3, +5 and +10 levels above Mission Level.


What does another level do? Do health or shield increase with levels? Damage? Use of Abilities?


Do all MODs work on them? What about their arsenal? Do equiping Abilities make them use those, or it doesnt change anything?


So yes, Wiki has information on Spectres thanks to generous players who should be getting paid for doing DE's work. But no, this is not nearly passable information about a game mechanic.


So no, the information available now is NOT enough, and ALL of the information we have was researched by players, while DE doesnt clarify a thing about yet another aspect of the game we are supposedly testing.

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they are all useless?


I don't even play or care for rails conflicts, and now they add features to an uninteresting thing.

You can build specters and take them on regular missions. They don't have to have anything to do with the Solar Rails.


They are awesome for Solo missions. A sentinel and specter well equipped is a mighty thing.

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I'm going to say I think the difference is just having a stronger specter. My friend rushed his on the first day. Cosmic. Used it one of the level 20~23 ish rescue missions, and brought out a level 37 Rhino Prime. I came back the day after, tossed out my Vapor, and it was level 23.


In Short. You get 10 weak (but still fairly strong) Vapors




One, really powerful Specter.


Since specters level scale with the mission. Having a level 37 specter in a level 20~23 area is overkill.


This is the only substantively useful post in this thread, thank you.


We already know that Specters do not replicate the mod configuration they're set up with, which makes basing it on Conclave rating even more bizarre (given that there is already a very weak correlation between Conclave rating and effectiveness and the insignificance of Conclaves to the game in general).


Therefore, having Specters basically scale in the same way as NPC enemies makes a lot of sense (higher survivability and damage based on level). Since the game adds levels to the Specter after using the enemy level in the mission as the base value, it could possibly be a problem for endless missions because it would be using enemy level at the start of the mission for the multiplier rather than the current level when the gear is activated.

Edited by holdenagincourt
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From my experience, Vapor have unranked/unmoded weapons and the Phased/Force (I am yet to use a Cosmic) have higher level weapons. Also, I have never seen a Vapor use an ability other than its first more than one time (but that may be me not paying attention).


I think that the conclave to make the specter is more for weeding out the low level players. Only a high level can make a high level specter. It would appear that the game takes your load out (weapons, frame, and NOT mods) and makes a build based on the minimum conclave of the said specter. I am assuming they did this so people did not abuse some traits of Warframes. So, when you build a Cosmic specter it takes your weapons and frame and makes a build with a conclave of 1800... I think.


I am not sure of this, but it makes sense from my experience. I agree that that AI sucks, and the only reason to use a specter is to use a specter.

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What i really want instead of rank differences is that spectres would copy original warframe appearance so my beautiful immortal warprint color scheme and helmet would differentiate my specter from another...

Edited by WkdXeqtr
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