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Should Multishot Use Up Additional Bullets?


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Plainly saying something "sucked" is not constructive


It sucked. It was bad. If you used it on anything except for maybe the Spectre you were doing it wrong.

Edited by Worira
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Nobody's forcing me to use Serration either, but it's a plain increase on all types of damage and any build without it is clearly inferior (regarding damage and ammo use).


MS is only "optional" in the Penta and Castanas.

You are comparing apples and fruit cocktails. Serration is a specific damage increase per bullet/DoT every bullet every time. Multishot increases the chance of duplicate base damage and proc/status chance per bullet. Not the same. Serration is mandatory and is currently acquired all over the star chart.

Edited by Nkomo-Sama
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I wouldn't call multishot mods "mandatory" by any means.

I have them, and they are maxed out.

You want to know how many weapons I use it on continuously?

5 or 6.

And I have every weapon in the game.

And you know what?

I can go into a T3S/D/MDef and come out on top of damage and kills even though I am not using the multishot mods in the vast majority of my weapons most of the time.

Sure, its a nice boost, but it is hardly mandatory.


Depends on what your definition of 'mandatory' is, but I'm not going to address anything on that matter.


There is a short list of weapons that have drawbacks when it comes to using multishot (ie. Penta, Castanas) due to their mechanics. So in my mind, that speaks of imbalance when just a few weapons aren't ideal when it come to a set of mods that can be used on any other weapon and have no drawbacks at all. Therefore, that says to me that multishot should be balanced in its use across ALL weapon types, because to have a select few suffer from it while the rest operate perfectly doesn't make a lot of sense to me. 

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Currently? No, it's not necessary.


When they do mods 2.0 and try to effectively balance out mods so none are flat better than others? Yeah, having multi-shot be literally a chance to fire twice/thrice while consuming ammo would be an effective way to balance it.


Currently, Multi-shot is like having a 60/90/120% damage increase on your weapon (Technically it's 60/90/120% chance to deal 100% more damage but still... In the long run it's functionally the same) - This is comparable to the base damage increase mods - Hence why both Multi-Shot and Base Damage mods are included in nearly all builds.


Making Multi-shot into purely a burst DPS increase rather than an overall DPS increase would allow for balance regarding other mods (Which is something people are interested in, mods that aren't directly superior to most others allowing for equal opportunities for mods so builds can be more diverse)

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If what OP suggests did happen, DE would have to change all weapons' total ammo count, to balance the change i.e. give fast firing weaker weapons more ammunition whilst lowering low ROF weapons with high damage less ammo.


which would kinda nullify the point of consuming more ammo per shot if all they did was give it back a different way.

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You are comparing apples and fruit cocktails. Serration is a specific damage increase per bullet/DoT every bullet every time. Multishot increases the chance of duplicate base damage and proc/status chance per bullet. Not the same. Serration is mandatory and is currently acquired all over the star chart.

How so? Multishot increases your damage, critical chance and status chance. It's not the same. But it's just as good. The methods of acquisition are irrelevant when considering something with unlimited use.


There is a short list of weapons that have drawbacks when it comes to using multishot (ie. Penta, Castanas) due to their mechanics. So in my mind, that speaks of imbalance when just a few weapons aren't ideal when it come to a set of mods that can be used on any other weapon and have no drawbacks at all. Therefore, that says to me that multishot should be balanced in its use across ALL weapon types, because to have a select few suffer from it while the rest operate perfectly doesn't make a lot of sense to me. 

2 weapons out of... 91? Let's make it 74 to get rid of all the Primes, Vandals and Wraiths (and Dex).

2 out of 74 weapons don't "need" them. That's 1.48% of the weapons in Warframe. I'd still call it a requirement for maxing your weapon efficiency.

Mind you, equipping them on the Penta and Castanas isn't a drawback really, burst damage builds use it effectively.


And I don't believe MS can be balanced across the extremely different clip sizes, rates of fire, base damages and firing mechanisms we have in the game. If it were up to me MS along with all damage boosts would suddenly vanish from WF :P (with enemy scaling tweaks of course) 

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In the game Dark Sector you could also mod your weapons, and the multishot made you actually use 2 bullets per trigger.


I wonder why it doesnt do that in warframe aswell, atm it's just a free bullet which increases your damage and status chance.


It could be more balanced by adding the recoil of shooting two bullets at once and actually using up ammo from shooting two (or more) bullets at once.


Whaddaya think?


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No thanks. 

Care to elaborate?



Care to elaborate? :P


No. Just no. The Mod will become useless.

Every build features it right now.

I am well aware of that, but I am also for build diversity, it is in fact better than the damage mods as they duplicate the critical chance and status chance along with damage, the second bullet does not contribute to the recoil so if all bullets hit not only do they do twice the damage like with a 100% damage mod, it would crit and status effect twice as much....



These no/NO! posts do little more than clog up the thread.

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It probably shouldn't, but only because they'd have to rebalance pretty much all the things, as the game (and damage 2.0) seems balanced on the assumption that you have a multishot mod in all max-level guns. Otherwise it would have provided an interesting design choice, but it's too late for that (unless they do damage 3.0 or the like).

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So it takes a extra bullet from a mag? So vectis is borked and Bows have free arrows cause their mag is labeled as 0 meaning 2x0 is zero GG bows get no drawbacks while every other gun suffers from it. If you say from the max ammo pool then bows would have only 36 shots which would be too fast of a drain on them. Keep it like it is due to having to be a revamp on ammo usage that even now needs a look at Penta/ogris 540 with a mag of 2-5 Miter 72 mag 20 yeah....switch em will ya.

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