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[Allregion&casual] The Cutie Mark Crusaders!


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id like to join,

i have read the rules and accepted them, i want to join to help others, have fun and make friends.

ive been playing the game for 4 years or so? yeah since update 6 or 7.. i always played solo cuz im shy and scared of meeting new people.. id like it to change one day. im always ready to help those in need. im active most of the week when im not busy

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm sorry for the enthusiasm. I was in this clan 4 years ago, it brings back so many memories. I would love to rejoin if it's possible. Haldos, you know how I am 😛

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Hello!  I would like to rejoin also.  I joined back in 2015 and got kicked after being inactive.  But since a lot has been added and more to come, I am trying to get back in to it.   Just in case also, I to read the rules and creed and will follow them.

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Hi again, I've been informed that my previous post wasn't accepted as it was not following the correct format that the OP requested. For that, I will make it right this time.

I wish to join the clan because I have always heard that joining a clan would make the experience of playing this game much better. Also my friend is in this clan too.

I read the creeds and rules and am willing to oblige to it.

In game name is alexkimxd.

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On 2018-07-13 at 9:22 AM, VeloxPrime said:


We are indeed, smaller than we used to be but our resolve remains to the last Crusader.

On 2018-07-13 at 9:26 AM, VeloxPrime said:

I'm sorry for the enthusiasm. I was in this clan 4 years ago, it brings back so many memories. I would love to rejoin if it's possible. Haldos, you know how I am 😛

Of course, VeloxPrime.

Though I strangely recall your name to be different around that time. If I'm remembering correctly we ran quite a few Xini missions back in the day. All those hellfires haunt me to this day. It has been so long.

Of course you may rejoin. All we need from returning members is to confirm you've read the rules again. I know you'll be fine but it's a formality thing.

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On 2018-07-13 at 9:01 PM, MiniAllko said:

Hello!  I would like to rejoin also.  I joined back in 2015 and got kicked after being inactive.  But since a lot has been added and more to come, I am trying to get back in to it.   Just in case also, I to read the rules and creed and will follow them.

Greetings, MiniAllko.

Of course, your invite has been sent. Welcome back, Crusader.

21 hours ago, alexkimxd said:

Hi again, I've been informed that my previous post wasn't accepted as it was not following the correct format that the OP requested. For that, I will make it right this time.

I wish to join the clan because I have always heard that joining a clan would make the experience of playing this game much better. Also my friend is in this clan too.

I read the creeds and rules and am willing to oblige to it.

In game name is alexkimxd.

Hello again, Alexkimxd.

Much appreciated for giving the rules a looking over. Everything checks out.

Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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10 hours ago, Haldos said:

We are indeed, smaller than we used to be but our resolve remains to the last Crusader.

Of course, VeloxPrime.

Though I strangely recall your name to be different around that time. If I'm remembering correctly we ran quite a few Xini missions back in the day. All those hellfires haunt me to this day. It has been so long.

Of course you may rejoin. All we need from returning members is to confirm you've read the rules again. I know you'll be fine but it's a formality thing.

Haldooos! Yes yes, our first encounter was in DMs concerning some forum post I had made years ago, that's where I learned we were clanmates. 😛 I have indeed re-read the rules. Can't wait to see what it's become. Also, do you guys have a Discord server?

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Hello again!

I would like to rejoin the clan. I was removed for inactivity sometime last year.

I have re-read the creeds, and plan to follow them by being a decent person as always. Helpful, respectful, charitable, courteous, and generally positive! I haven't tarnished the name of the CMC yet, and I hope to help maintain our reputation as one of the most amazing groups of people in the community.

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14 hours ago, TomeWyrm said:

Hello again!

I would like to rejoin the clan. I was removed for inactivity sometime last year.

I have re-read the creeds, and plan to follow them by being a decent person as always. Helpful, respectful, charitable, courteous, and generally positive! I haven't tarnished the name of the CMC yet, and I hope to help maintain our reputation as one of the most amazing groups of people in the community.

Hello again to you, TomeWyrm.

Always happy to see a returning member.

Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader. 

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o/ Hola


I'm one of those odd ones who have made several attempts to get into Warframe over the years, before conceding that I have no idea and running away to more familiar experiences.  However, this time darnit, over the past few months, I'm pleased to say that after many quests, several Warframes and dozens of weapons, it's stuck, and now I find myself searching for a little place to call home.

Naturally, the first search is always going to be 'Equestria', and that search led me here.  Historically, MLP has always fostered a somewhat more welcoming community, and having read through the creeds, I'm pleased to see that it's a trend that looks to have continued here!  As such, with all the waffle aside, I'd like to join, or be considered for such (Pretty please).

My knowledge of clans in Warframe is, I admit, woefully lacking but, as with everything else, between the wiki and just jumping in headfirst, these things tend to work out in the end!


P.S. Mild Switch Warframe hype!

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Hi i would like to join your clan. I've read your Clan rules and absolutely agree with them. My reason for joining is that im actually new to this game and would like to have a community at my hand helping me to learn to play it and have some fun. Thank you 🙂

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I'm getting back into the game after a few years of not playing and was looking for a Pony clan. I was in the CMC back a long time ago, but I assume I was kicked for not being on for a few years lol.


I've read the creeds and rules and am willing to oblige to them.

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I understand the creeds and they are reasonable so it will be easy to follow. the encouraged guidelines are great due to it encouraging interaction between the clan members. I want to join this clan because I'm am looking for a clan that wants to prosper (my previous clan did nothing) and helps each other. my ign is twolegittooquit 

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I am relatively new to Warframe but have been a fan of the show since 2011. I've found that Warframe has a pretty friendly community and I've been pretty satisfied in the clan I've been a part of, but... I'm first and foremost a fan of the show, and I think my clan would understand if I took my leave on good terms to join the CMC. I grinned typing that, I admit. Seems like a moment out of the show where I anticipate getting a patchwork cape next!

I read the rules and I promise to heed the best spirit of harmony, if you would have me. I also know another Tenno that would love to join, but they had a bad experience in another game's guild so they'd like to see how things work out with me first.

I hope to be a part of a storied clan's future!

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Reading it back, it does look a bit spartan, doesn't it?

Very well!  Hola, again!

I'd like to lead off with yes, the creeds (and guidelines) have been read, and understood, and I'm pleased to say they've been filed away under common sense and decency, so there's no chance of issues down the line,there.

As to why I'd like to join?  That looks to be something that could have been elaborated on far more so than previously posted, so...

It's always a good thing to find a community in a game that (hopefully) includes a fair number of like-minded individuals who, in an ideal world, who check the boxes of being good-natured, fun, and decent company.  Historically, my experience with MLP-themed groups (Royal Equestrian Armoured Division in World of Tanks (... READ 2.  I wasn't good enough to compete in clan wars, and also never had a tier X.  Not for lack of trying, I'd just reach tier IX and get distracted by a new line.), and South Coast Bronies away from the keyboard), even if they've grown beyond that over the (many) years and no longer centre around the show, is that they've never been lacking for that kind of person.

And again, without the sidetracking.  If a community is a nice place, with decent people, it's easy to want to stick around further and give something back.  I believe the CMCs would prove to be such a community, and would very much like the chance to join the ranks and help the clan grow further still.


Torhe o/

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Why do I want to join this clan?

Because I want to contribute.

It might sound fake, but hear me out.

About three years ago, I met several members of the CMC during a survival mission. Their clan name stood out. I was just a newbie at the time, and the survival match was much harder than I could handle, but they carried me and were kind about it. No "stop leeching", "get good" or "Woodensword leave squad pls". Whenever I went down, they just brought me back up without complaints. They even gave me advice on how to proceed before leaving.

I've forgotten their names now, but I remember their clan.

Kindness should be repaid with kindness.

I've read the rules and agree to uphold them to the extent of my abilities.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello. My name is Admiral Spraker. 

I've been playing WarFrame for a few days and Ive now got the feeling that playing alone is boring. I did some reasearch and found that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were one of the longest running Clans and i thought it would be perfect for a beginner like me. 

Yoshifighter, who is my boyfriend, also recommended to me to join the clan after discussing about the clan. 

Hope i can hear from you all soon.

Best wishes,

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Hey back into warframe now. Would like to join again, i've read all the rules again and such. 

"I played back in 2013, when there were 2D worlds..man those were the days, now I'm back on a fresh new account (MR4) and starting to learn all this new content. I'd like to join mostly because of the research and stuff that I'll need to progress further into the game but also to be able to help others and for others to help me if I ask a question about the new content. Also, I've read the rules. :)" ---my old app, basically the same motives as now except im mr 9


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  • 2 weeks later...


I was a CMC member back in 2013/14. I think I played 4 hours everynight for 6 months straight at one point.
Life and study got in the way, changed jobs and I never had time to play.
Elite: Dangerous came out so I got caught up playing that for ages

Are there many players from back the still around?

I liked how helpful people were in CMC and how much fun it was.

I'm looking for people for casual play a few times a week.
I'm happy for people to look me up in game esp if they are looking for someone to run missions with as a team during Australian evenings.

IGN: Bad_Horsie


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all!

First things first, I Know the Creeds !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I play Warframe for a long time but recently this year I came back to it full time.

During that time I was trying to find a clan with active people so that I can interact with but unfortunately haven't found anything yet.

I believe that half the fun in Warframe is to help newcomers - since the game throws so much stuff on you when you first experiencing it - it really helps to have somebody assisting you along the way. 

Other than that I don't mind chatting - as long as it doesn't disable me from playing the game / helping.

Take care 🙂







(P.S. Layanti says hi :3)

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