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Breaking The Trinity


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Max Fleeting Expertise, Max Continuity to offset duration loss slightly, Rank 3 of streamline.

(rank 3 as there is a 75% cap on efficiency, any extra isn't used)

(alternatively you can use a max streamline and a lower rank Fleeting to the same effect only less duration loss)

Natural Talent to fire it off faster.


That's all you need to be basically effective now If you want to play lazymode.

Freeing up a ton of slots for you to boost her health Shields, and energy pool.


Is it the same game breaking invincibility that you got used to? No.

Is it more in line with actually behaving as a Healer? Yes.

Edited by Nariala
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Dear OP,


If you hadn't noticed, many hated playing with a max duration blessing based trinity.  It made the game extremely unfun for those of us that like to have...well...any type of difficulty in the game.  So instead of relying on a crutch, maybe you should work at bettering your skills as a player and find a new build that works to your playstyle.  

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The day the Trinity changes came I was called out for being a bad support player (by not spamming Blessing) - and I even announced I wouldn't spam it beforehand.

I like to play my frames the way I like it, not like some people think I should play it, thank you very much.

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Prime example, Was just in an assisination mission. Activated my blessing when the group mate was at 50%, My blessing lasts 20 seconds. The target then Easily took us both back to death within 10 seconds, Meanwhile i could not activate blessing again to save us until 10 seconds later. You made the best healing class useless!!!! FFS, this ability now works BETTER without the mods I purposely set out to get like Narrow minded, Continuity and Constitution. God forbid I activate my ability before some gets damaged now as it makes my warframe completely @(*()$ useless for 20 seconds!!! You should have made a totally new warframe if you wanted a damage resistance class as this S#&$ is just whack!

You describe it like the "target" wasn't under "well of life" the whole time. So you're attacking things and not using your ultra-cheap "keep everyone healing while we kill this" ability?


...and you think the game is the one with problems.

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Prime example, Was just in an assisination mission. Activated my blessing when the group mate was at 50%, My blessing lasts 20 seconds. The target then Easily took us both back to death within 10 seconds, Meanwhile i could not activate blessing again to save us until 10 seconds later. You made the best healing class useless!!!! FFS, this ability now works BETTER without the mods I purposely set out to get like Narrow minded, Continuity and Constitution. God forbid I activate my ability before some gets damaged now as it makes my warframe completely @(*()$ useless for 20 seconds!!! You should have made a totally new warframe if you wanted a damage resistance class as this S#&$ is just whack!

Youre right


Those mods you set out tog et and rank are absolutely useless now


Nothing can use them


Not a single other frame you have or even trinity herself can make good use of it


Well of life wouldnt have helped at all against a boss either


not useless just under thought. Make the two seperate spells as healing is more important then damage mitigation. Now the Oberon has Better healing ability then the trinity as well. Very frustrating when you spent over 40 hours in game making the warframe attuned to long duration, its now only useful in smaller encounters as the 45 min + survivals you can and will die before you can heal again if you have these cards on your character

Youre building her wrong


Go for a 10 second or 4 second build if you cant make use of long duration builds


Use E vamp and well of life  for bosses so you wont be entirely reliant on your 4


Or go back to nova and spam 4 until her new changes kick in


Disclaimer: I have nothing against nova


Just had to point that out


I beg to differ, I didnt spend countless hours leveling cards that now make her less useful. The well of life Needed to be changed and is still now useless. If your going to change a "broken" part of the character you damn well should change all the broken parts

Well of Life is still good for bosses and self healing


How about you, and everyone else that is still complaining about tinity, stop complaining about her 4 and suggest changes to her 1-3 that would make her more "useful" (i suppose) for people


You say she was nerfed and needs invi to be good  but dont speak so much as a word about changing her other skills despite your only argument being she cant heal fast enough

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Yet another terrible player who thinks it was a nerf and Trinity is useless. Move along, folks.


Wow, some of you people whining about whiners are really douchy about it. Once again we witness a gaming community suffer the curse of the plentiful; the abundance of trolls, knowitalls, fanbois and lack of (a sense of) individual accountability. *sigh* It is embarrassing, guys!

Personally - I am dumping my thrice forma'd Trinity. She is a bad support frame and boring to boot. I have a lot more fun with most other frames where my abilities are not dependent on planetary alignment or self-mutilation.

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Wow, some of you people whining about whiners are really douchy about it. Once again we witness a gaming community suffer the curse of the plentiful; the abundance of trolls, knowitalls, fanbois and lack of (a sense of) individual accountability. *sigh* It is embarrassing, guys!

Personally - I am dumping my thrice forma'd Trinity. She is a bad support frame and boring to boot. I have a lot more fun with most other frames where my abilities are not dependent on planetary alignment or self-mutilation.


and she wasn't before?

Not with Blessing + Link combo... This time she can't do it without risk involved.

I forma'd my Trinity, put a potato in her and now she is useless too. What I said earlier still stands.


It doesn't help the fact that these threads are:

1. In the wrong part of the forum

2. Duplicated

3. Have no suggestion as a way to fix it with a change.


What I'm against is not people expressing themselves but when they do so non constructively. 

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and she wasn't before?

Not with Blessing + Link combo... This time she can't do it without risk involved.

I forma'd my Trinity, put a potato in her and now she is useless too. What I said earlier still stands.


It doesn't help the fact that these threads are:

1. In the wrong part of the forum

2. Duplicated

3. Have no suggestion as a way to fix it with a change.


What I'm against is not people expressing themselves but when they do so non constructively. 


I did not say she was not boring before also - she definitely was! ;) This is just the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

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I did not say she was not boring before also - she definitely was! ;) This is just the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

No I meant. People back then used her with Pentas and Castanas to hurt themselves whilst immune with Link on. So they didn't even have to aim directly they could just shoot themselves and kill everything. 

Edited by Sutherland
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No I meant. People back then used her with Pentas and Castanas to hurt themselves whilst immune with Link on. So they didn't even have to aim directly they could just shoot themselves and kill everything.

Honestly it was a very rare occasion for me that it only happened once. I've heard about it tons but I've only seen it once.
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Wow, some of you people whining about whiners are really douchy about it. Once again we witness a gaming community suffer the curse of the plentiful; the abundance of trolls, knowitalls, fanbois and lack of (a sense of) individual accountability. *sigh* It is embarrassing, guys!

Personally - I am dumping my thrice forma'd Trinity. She is a bad support frame and boring to boot. I have a lot more fun with most other frames where my abilities are not dependent on planetary alignment or self-mutilation.

You dont have to damage yourself at all


You dont know how to use trinity outside of pressing 4 obviously

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No I meant. People back then used her with Pentas and Castanas to hurt themselves whilst immune with Link on. So they didn't even have to aim directly they could just shoot themselves and kill everything. 


Oh, right! :) Yes, I never enjoyed doing that myself and as it was not "mandatory" I could overlook that tactic.



and she wasn't before?

Not with Blessing + Link combo... This time she can't do it without risk involved.

I forma'd my Trinity, put a potato in her and now she is useless too. What I said earlier still stands.


It doesn't help the fact that these threads are:

1. In the wrong part of the forum

2. Duplicated

3. Have no suggestion as a way to fix it with a change.


What I'm against is not people expressing themselves but when they do so non constructively. 


Sorry for the double answer here, but I decided to give a bit more thorough of a response to your post as it holds some good points.


1) Yes, I would think this ought to be feedback, but at the same time a discussion is in place. I'm sure it will find its way to Feedback soon though.


2) True, and a merge is probably to come with all these topics. It does not excuse anyone being rude to the op though.


3) This is where it gets tricky. I myself have been annoyed with people many a time for only being negative/critial instead of being pro-active or solution oriented. The thing I have come to learn is; people do not always know what they want. They know what they don't want (or think they don't want), but if you ask them what they do want they may not know - or their answer is at least seriously limited by what their own imagination can think up. If you like these things I can highly recommend the TED Talk "Choice, Happiness and Spaghetti sauce ( http://www.ted.com/talks/malcolm_gladwell_on_spaghetti_sauce ). It explains this far better than I ever could. The thing is; "I am not happy with this" is valid feedback and tells the devs they are doing something wrong. It may not steer them towards the right answer, but it gives them an idea of where not to go. I do agree though that ideas and suggestions ought to be very welcome. :)




You dont have to damage yourself at all


You dont know how to use trinity outside of pressing 4 obviously



lol XD

Edited by Kyria
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Though pre-hotfix I didn't see many Trinity's in my group until the patch.

Same, about my 8-9 month career have only seen 1 random Trinity that did Blessing+Link. And my teammate that only used Blessing. (Pre-hotfix)

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Here's a few tips on how to use the new Trinity: Maximum efficiency and reduced durations.


Trinity is now a very powerful Spot Healer. Throwing on Fleeting Expertise, Streamline and Natural Talent allow her to instantaneously heal her allies, and this can be repeated every three to four seconds. Before engaging a group of enemies, throw up a well of life on a target and focus fire on the enemies AROUND the WoL target. That way, you have a source of heals during actual combat and during the duration of Blessing.

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you guys do know i didnt say anything about casting it over and over.

I Rarely use it continuously but when I activate it for the Passive ability i have to first damage myself or risk everything just for the better mitigation. Maybe giving it a base mitigation or HOT instead would fix it but using it in extreme conditions like survival at 60 minutes is extremely suicidal. I have to purposly wait till just before someone dies to use it and usually end up dieing in the process. For an already poor support class (invuln only) going to a less poor but equally as frustrating class is just not as fun and ruins the experience.

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Trinity broken, you say?  Huh...imagine that.  I never did the Blessing spam thing anyway, so there was no big change in playstyle for me there.  And my groups actually like the new-and-improved Energy Vampire...a well-timed EV on a Leader-type mob can take the group from no power to full in under 2 seconds.  It's the closest thing to a "battery" role in the game thus far, and for ability-intensive players not having to worry about an empty power pool makes me a pretty popular member of the group.  


Oh yeah, and there's also heals n' stuff. ;)

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you guys do know i didnt say anything about casting it over and over.

I Rarely use it continuously but when I activate it for the Passive ability i have to first damage myself or risk everything just for the better mitigation. Maybe giving it a base mitigation or HOT instead would fix it but using it in extreme conditions like survival at 60 minutes is extremely suicidal. I have to purposly wait till just before someone dies to use it and usually end up dieing in the process. For an already poor support class (invuln only) going to a less poor but equally as frustrating class is just not as fun and ruins the experience.

You can try working with teammates who draw aggro. A Nyx/Trinity combo is godlike at the moment. 

Edited by bejuizb
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 You made the best HEALING class useless!!!! 


Now think again. Trin is a healing class not a god class. If you are unable to survive without invulnerability you should play a different game.

Edited by Haldos
Cleaned up.
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I healed myself when I had something like 10 health and I got killed after 5 seconds so I had 90% damage reduction +armor (Trinity has 15 armor that kinda reduces damage so it should help a bit) and still I got melted and where was that 90% damage reduction? mabe they works on Rhino I don't realy know.

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Why oh why did you change the Trinity? Blessing was very important when it came to defenses and survivals, Now you have made it a useless reactive ability. Mind you around 1 hour into a survival if I am a trinity and im WAITING for enemies to hit someone hard before I activate my ability so it works there is a Goddamned issue. I shouldnt have to let my squadmates get to 5% health to make the ability effective! This is a load of bullS#&$!

I wonder why all these rants are being posted by brand new players?

Is it random trolling or abject whining from older players who don't want their names attached to it?


Either way, I-win buttons shouldn't exist in a game. People that play that game shouldn't want them.

Heaven forbid, Trinities have to actually keep an eye on team health to heal it as opposed to running around tossing massive heals on perfectly health players.

Invincibility is a side effect... Much akin to nausea, drymouth, and anal leakage from other medications or treatments.


You don't use it for the side effect.

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