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My Honest Opinion On Nerfs.


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Before you start, no, this isn't a QQ thread. It's quite the opposite. 


As I browse the forums, all I see is a QQ here and a "Why the nerfs?!" there. It's pissing me off because people seem not to understand what the upside of these nerfs are. The whiners that cry out for the debuffs are probably some of the most intelligent people on here. 


"But what's the purpose of these nerfs?" you might ask? The purpose is showing the weak players out to us. We ask for a challenge because the weapons are too 'stronk' so they lose their power through these nerfs so we have more difficulty. Problem solved. I don't understand why people here are just wasting their time ranting about the nerfs when as each weapon becomes weaker, the playerbase is getting what they want.

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Theres that, then theres also the difference between a nerf and a balance change. Which most people seem to not realize.


Nerfing would be down right making something worse than it was. Sometime this is necessary so it fits better with the rest of the game (which would mean its actually a balance change).


A balance change is changing that thing so that it fits in line better with the rest of the game instead of either being totally op or totally bad compared to the rest of the game.


People also seem to not realize HOW HARD IT IS TO BALANCE THINGS. For example, look at Starcraft Broodwar, it took them like 10 years of constant changes, buffs, and nerfs, to make it so that it was perfectly balanced. Balancing is not something DE is going to be able to do in a single update.

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As the game changes, so must the things in it. Originally, the changes were unneceassry but when we whether things like complete overhauls to the damage system, eventually the older stuff is going to have to be rebalanced. We are lucky that the initial integration, though flawed, didn't result in a bunch of abilities and weapons being changed all at once.


Though I don't agree with all the changes, I do agree that a change was necessary 90% of the time.

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Before you start, no, this isn't a QQ thread. It's quite the opposite. 


As I browse the forums, all I see is a QQ here and a "Why the nerfs?!" there. It's &!$$ing me off because people seem not to understand what the upside of these nerfs are. The whiners that cry out for the debuffs are probably some of the most intelligent people on here. 


"But what's the purpose of these nerfs?" you might ask? The purpose is showing the weak players out to us. We ask for a challenge because the weapons are too 'stronk' so they lose their power through these nerfs so we have more difficulty. Problem solved. I don't understand why people here are just wasting their time ranting about the nerfs when as each weapon becomes weaker, the playerbase is getting what they want.

Im gonna go on a limb here and most probably risk getting hanged by a angry mob, *sigh* but here i go.

When i look at what Warframe ''fans'' think, and im using the word 'fan' as loosely as possible here, i remember what WoW has become. Now its a mindless game that caters not to every single noob out there and every kid thats under 10. I got a friend whose son managed to get from lvl 1 to lvl 50 in a week.Yes its that easy, and no its not even funny.

And im actually afraid that the same thing might happen to Warframe.

*loads Flame Repellant mod*


Edited by Alinna
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Im gonna go on a limb here and most probably risk getting hanged by a angry mob, *sigh* but here i go.

When i look at what Warframe ''fans'' think, and im using the word 'fan' as loosely as possible here, i remember what WoW has become. Now its a mindless game that caters not to every single noob out there and every kid thats under 10. I got a friend whose son managed to get from lvl 1 to lvl 50 in a week.Yes its that easy, and no its not even funny.

And im actually afraid that the same thing might happen to Warframe.

*loads Flame Repellant mod*


i agree and understand completely, the exact same thing happened to mabinogi


it has a rebirth system so you can level to 100 over and over and rebirth and stack the levels to make yourself stronger(adding to your total level) , when that game first came out it would take 3+weeks to get to level 50 doing the hardest dungeons and you needed the best teams you could muster, now you can get to level 50 in about 1 hour by merchanting (walking around and avoiding combat)and whoever pays the most money gets to be the strongest, its gotten ridiculous

Edited by MerelyARumor
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It always boils down to the devs wanting to balance [at least the popular] weapons. It's all any developer really wants to do. If you think it's really for other reasons, out of malice, out of "not listening" to the players, wanting to sink their own game, exploit player's wallets, you're wrong. It's the exception, not the rule. Most devs just want to create a great experience for as many players as they can. The only real problem is that you can't please everyone all the time, so as long as devs don't get too caught up in that, they are doing the right thing (whether or not they are good at it is another matter).


Things get "nerfed" because they caused some imbalance. Not everything should be buffed or you end up with the problematic form of power creep. So sometimes things get nerfed. It's really that simple.

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Im gonna go on a limb here and most probably risk getting hanged by a angry mob, *sigh* but here i go.

When i look at what Warframe ''fans'' think, and im using the word 'fan' as loosely as possible here, i remember what WoW has become. Now its a mindless game that caters not to every single noob out there and every kid thats under 10. I got a friend whose son managed to get from lvl 1 to lvl 50 in a week.Yes its that easy, and no its not even funny.

And im actually afraid that the same thing might happen to Warframe.

*loads Flame Repellant mod*


Something to note is that with more popularity, the bigger playerbase usually gets more casuals in proportion, so like that the forums also are changing, but it's just a tendency maybe the people who were here from a long time ago can tell more about how the community was then.

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Theres that, then theres also the difference between a nerf and a balance change. Which most people seem to not realize.


Nerfing would be down right making something worse than it was. Sometime this is necessary so it fits better with the rest of the game (which would mean its actually a balance change).


A balance change is changing that thing so that it fits in line better with the rest of the game instead of either being totally op or totally bad compared to the rest of the game.


People also seem to not realize HOW HARD IT IS TO BALANCE THINGS. For example, look at Starcraft Broodwar, it took them like 10 years of constant changes, buffs, and nerfs, to make it so that it was perfectly balanced. Balancing is not something DE is going to be able to do in a single update.

Both buffs and nerfs can be balances so this is pretty much a pointless thing to say ._.


But yeah... It takes time and people are too impatient and judgmental of DE


Inb4 stop whiteknighting


Idc what people say really


What im saying here is the truth

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Say DE released a blatantly overpowered weapon, say a Soma with a base damage of 1000 per shot


After release the playerbase will be split in two, those who use the op weapon and those who do not. Those players who do use it are likely yo become bored of content as nothing will be remotely challenging anymore. Players who refuse to use said weapon will also have their experience in the game harmed as well, as it is likely that other players in game will be using the op weapon and still ruining the challenge.

From there there are two options, nerf the op item back in line with everything else, which will result in a flood of idiotic whining on the forums from people who know nothing about game balance.
Or having every single other piece of content ingame buffed to match the new power level so that they remain relevant, however this would take an extremely long time to do, and would result in the same thing, the only difference being that the numbers we see onscreen would be larger.

I've exaggerated the scale, but this is the logic behind nerfs.in game. There are more reasons, such as keeping older content relevant, but that is the central idea.


However this only applies when a Nerf is justified.

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Say DE released a blatantly overpowered weapon, say a Soma with a base damage of 1000 per shot


After release the playerbase will be split in two, those who use the op weapon and those who do not. Those players who do use it are likely yo become bored of content as nothing will be remotely challenging anymore. Players who refuse to use said weapon will also have their experience in the game harmed as well, as it is likely that other players in game will be using the op weapon and still ruining the challenge.

From there there are two options, nerf the op item back in line with everything else, which will result in a flood of idiotic whining on the forums from people who know nothing about game balance.

Or having every single other piece of content ingame buffed to match the new power level so that they remain relevant, however this would take an extremely long time to do, and would result in the same thing, the only difference being that the numbers we see onscreen would be larger.

I've exaggerated the scale, but this is the logic behind nerfs.in game. There are more reasons, such as keeping older content relevant, but that is the central idea.


However this only applies when a Nerf is justified.

Dont bother


I made a thread about this that turned into an idiot brush off fest for an argument noone could beat


People are stupid sometimes


Strangely enough i found this relevant beauty today



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If nothing ever got nerfed or buffed players would be using the same one or two frames and the same one or two weapons forever and nobody would ever want to continue playing outside of the mindless few that enjoy exploiting the hell out of flawed mechanics in games to eliminate all challenge. Those people are not true gamers or true fans. They are imbeciles that are the children of our very flawed internet. The only useful purpose they serve is showing DE the issues that need to be fixed right before they come on the forums to whine incessantly. I know I got a bit negative here but seeing the exact same complaints and the exact same arguments over and over and over when none of it is constructive and all of it is shoved directly onto the front page rather than where it should actually be in the forums (though technically because it is not constructive that place is nowhere) just gets on my nerves. I want this game to thrive and I like to spend time on the forums to learn some potentially useful tips and help out with feedback but my god is it a challenge sometimes. I am really glad that DE are very patient people and truly enjoy what they do enough to put up with the crap they do every day. Luckily I know that the 60-70% of people on the forums are only the most vocal and not necessarily the majority of the players. I just wish that they would leave and that the intelligent members of the community would come to help improve things on the forums. Or maybe they are intelligent for not being on the forums haha. That is all of my ranting though. I feel better. Catharsis is good.

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Im gonna go on a limb here and most probably risk getting hanged by a angry mob, *sigh* but here i go.

When i look at what Warframe ''fans'' think, and im using the word 'fan' as loosely as possible here, i remember what WoW has become. Now its a mindless game that caters not to every single noob out there and every kid thats under 10. I got a friend whose son managed to get from lvl 1 to lvl 50 in a week.Yes its that easy, and no its not even funny.

And im actually afraid that the same thing might happen to Warframe.

*loads Flame Repellant mod*



Good stuff!

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If nothing ever got nerfed or buffed players would be using the same one or two frames and the same one or two weapons forever and nobody would ever want to continue playing outside of the mindless few that enjoy exploiting the hell out of flawed mechanics in games to eliminate all challenge. Those people are not true gamers or true fans. They are imbeciles that are the children of our very flawed internet. 


I understand your frustration, but this doesn't help. If you are able to so easily brush off the concerns of people on the grounds of them "not being true gamers/fans"... well, it's a slippery slope, lemme tell ya.


I don't think the people complaining because they can't exploit a flawed mechanic are the majority. People just like to feel powerful. Why else would we be playing as Space Ninjas?

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Nerf the strong, ignore the weak. That is the logic of all those who want nerfs. meanwhile buff hreads get no attention. Poor torrid, may it never prosper due to these selfish people.

I'd like to introduce you to Ash. And to an extent, Nyx and Banshee.
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I agree but in the name of freedom of speech, we have to accept all kinds of conversations and arguments. Be it illogical, unjustified or whatever else. I also forget this at times and I have to come around saying this to myself.


Not on company owned forums.


You actually waive your freedom of speech the moment you agree to the Warframe TOS or when you make an account to post here.


What we can say or converse about on these forums and sub forums is determined by what Digital Extremes allows.

Edited by Ziegrif
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