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Thank You De


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Well I was looking round the forums today as usual and I noticed something that someone said in one of the countless threads made by butt hurt people, now this person mentions a very good point which was that only the people who dislike what has happened are the vocal ones and that the majority of people who like the changes do not say anything.


So that is why this thread has been made, Thank you DE I think the recent changes have been very well implemented and have been needed for a long time. (Hugs for DE)


Now to everyone who is but hurt let us go into these changes and see exactly what was nerfed shall we.



The first being Rhino's Iron skin. Now I was not playing warframe when this happened but I feel brining it up to still be relevant. So what was it like back then, it gave you invulnerability for a couple seconds and was effected by duration mods.


Then there was Frost's Snow globe. It used to be a shield that the entire team (And an objective)could hid behind and it was impervious to gunfire, even more invulnerability.


after that there was Trinity's Blessing. It used to make the entire team invulnerable for almost half a minute if modded correctly.


Now am I the only one who sees the pattern here? All these powers were substitutes to any actual skill and experience!

You could take a team of rank 0's strait out of the tutorial and into the highest level content and as long as you had a trinity they could do the content without any fear of failure. Snow globe is basically the same thing. Iron skin well I actually got nothing on that they could of gotten away with that one but still invulnerability is not good to have in any game.


With all these abilities you needs no skill to play the game if you used them some of them, that is why they Needed to change, to be fixed because they were broken. The current versions of said powers supplement skill they amplify it but are not replacements for it.


Now the Nova changes well to be honest that was a buff, sure you need to use a different build than you used to but other than that is is almost the same thing as before.

Edited by BrotherIcarus
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...only the people who dislike what has happened are the vocal ones and that the majority of people who like the changes do not say anything.


This is a widely accepted fact of human nature and isn't anything new.


But yeah, the changes are nice, aren't they? I was especially pleased with trin when I found out that energy vampire was friggen awesome. For the first time I actually enjoyed playing her.

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Yeah I've yet to be totally in disagreement with any of the Warframe changes other than perhaps Nova's Null Star not being 100% stun proc anymore. I think they should've kept that. (and..still think Ash should've been female, dammit! I'll never concede that!)


But overall, I'm not disappointed. These crybabies have to remember: Digital Extremes is a development team. Everyone over there have been to college, worked in the field for many years, got degrees in their line of work. They know what they're doing. We, on the other hand, can only give feedback a player can give, and while that's of course important and welcome....At the end of the day, DE knows what's best, and how to incorporate our views with their own. Godmode and infinitely spammable nukes is not one of those views.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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I haven't tried the new nova yet, but even though i played nova a lot, even i have to admit that she was plain op.

And yes.... also against high lvls.... slowed them down.

And i don't know about trinity , cause i never play her, but i remember a surv mission where a trinity rendered my fragile nekros invincible.

I think de knows what they are doing

Balance wise at least.

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Well I was looking round the forums today as usual and I noticed something that someone said in one of the countless threads made by butt hurt people, now this person mentions a very good point which was that only the people who dislike what has happened are the vocal ones and that the majority of people who like the changes do not say anything.


I Hate this Nova change. But do you see me posting thread after thread complaining about it? No.

You know why? It's to keep people like you from *@##$ing whining about that, so why don't you stop whining about how other people are whining? It's bad enough that people cry "STAHP NERFING", we don't need more complaining about it.

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I Hate this Nova change. But do you see me posting thread after thread complaining about it? No.

You know why? It's to keep people like you from *@##$ing whining about that, so why don't you stop whining about how other people are whining? It's bad enough that people cry "STAHP NERFING", we don't need more complaining about it.

I am not whining. I thanked DE and explained why the nerfs happened, there is no whining there.

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I Hate this Nova change. But do you see me posting thread after thread complaining about it? No.

You know why? It's to keep people like you from *@##$ing whining about that, so why don't you stop whining about how other people are whining? It's bad enough that people cry "STAHP NERFING", we don't need more complaining about it.


No one's whining here, not even the OP. It's an appreciation thread.

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Skill and team work + new AI/enemy types. Makes the game much more valuable time wise aside from MR boosting the epeen.


on-topic: Hug for you and you and her and group hug for them and her and him and them again, your mom n pop, your dog or cat, hug for your waiter...you get it DE.

Edited by ViLeDeth
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thanks DE for keepin' me allerted. waitin' a new frames. trinity? rip trinity. that hard to believe, but nerf one by one team-supportin' spells in "team-playing" game is not euqally evolving team-playing game.


nova? np DE ;)


thanks anyway

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