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Crossbow Class Of Weapons?


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When we only had one bow there were mods specific to the Paris. Now we have a whole class of bow weapons and the Paris mods have been made to work with them.


Will the same be done with Attica, will there be Crossbow specific mods or will it be eventually folded into the Bow class of weapons?


Will thunderbolt ever work on Attica? If not will we be getting mods specific to the Attica or crossbow weapons in general?

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I hope there will be a class of it, even if it's just 2 or 3 crossbows in total.


However, I also hope they actually buff the Attica correctly before doing so, or else, if the new one ends up being far better than the Attica, people asking for a buff to the former weapon will just have other people tell them "use the new one instead." Such a scenario is bad, and will only lead to avoiding the issue.


But yeah, crossbows~ <3

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What's wrong with the Attica? Been using it a week and a half now, feels absolutely fine to me


lets see...


-"meh" damage

-garbage rate of fire

-garbage crit damage

-garbage sound (subjective but w/e)

-garbage reload

-garbage arc on bolts

-no punch through (pinning =/= punch through)


all in all its a beauitful weapon, and i love the way it feels, but you cant really argue that it isnt largely ineffective, not even worth the forma required to craft

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What's wrong with the Attica? Been using it a week and a half now, feels absolutely fine to me


Like many other Clantech weapons, it suffers from the issue of being a pretty mediocre weapon despite the time and resources needed to make it. It's got the disadvantages of a bow (travel time, arcing projectiles) without the benefit of a 100% crit chance, ability to punch-through terrain, or a charge function. It's fire rate is also pretty slow and the ammo capacity is low. You'd probably be better off with a Latron, which is much easier to acquire.


Don't get me wrong, I love the Attica myself, but right now it doesn't really bring anything new or spectacular to the table, and it's damage output is pretty bad considering it's sub-par utility and the difficulty of landing headshots.


It also sounds a bit wimpy. :/

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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The main conclusion I had when I finished ranking the Attica is that it's trying to accomplish several things that other weapons do, all at the same time, but it ended up being mediocre in all of them. I feel DE lacked a clear direction with this weapon and so it ended up in its current state.


As comparison, I felt the Tigris was in a similar spot. I kinda still do in a sense.


According to people who did the maths, the Attica has less DPS than the regular Braton that can be bought from the market.

Lacking in general utility.

Lacking in single shot damage.

Lacking in DPS.


I want to love that weapon, but I can't even have fun with it myself. I applaud those who are able to.

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