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Moba Frame Confirmed


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I agree, my experiences from PvP in this game has been simply watching people with max speced melee weapons running around doing slide-slashes for one-hit K.Os, and since they can unequip their other weapons or simply not mod their other weapons they can go into lower(my) conclave ratings since they obviously cannot fight back to it...


If they add PvP for something like solar rails, they'd have to do it in some form of a MOBA-like, in which everyone starts on fair grounds and depending on their performance the other team will out-scale the opposing one.   

I'm more concerned over the toxicity this game mode might bring to Warframe. MOBAs are infamous in that regard, finest examples being League of Legends and DOTA 2. Granted, all gaming communities have toxic and obnoxious players, but some have it more than others, mainly the competitive ones.


ahaha this is gonna be such a glorious trainwreck of garbage game design and garbage p2p hosting. can't wait to see how bad this turns out

I hadn't even considered the issues with Peer to Peer hosting, that could make things worse.

Edited by RazorTip
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As long as, there is no PvP specific Content (not about pvp specific stats), but actual, pvp specific content (get Weapon A or Warframe B only by making PvP) i'm fine with the idea.


I dislike PvP, i dislike the idea of warframe having PvP. But as soon as it comes out, i will test it, and i might even enjoy it. Since i like most of what DE creates, invents and innovates.

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I'm more concerned over the toxicity this game mode might bring to Warframe. MOBAs are infamous in that regard, finest examples being League of Legends and DOTA 2. Granted, all gaming communities have toxic and obnoxious players, but some have it more than others, mainly the competitive ones.

Numbers will tell.  If the play in the PvP areas drop to nothing it will get changed or abandoned in the long run.  I don't see it having a big draw or at least a lasting one due to the way the weapons in this game work.  I assume you will be limited to play area based on conclave rating?

Edited by (PS4)geomancer1980
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I hadn't even considered the issues with Peer to Peer hosting, that could make things worse.


The good side of this:

They must work on this problem, which I and many other brought up so many times, just to get completely ignored by DE.


If they want this gamemode in the game, they have to solve the hosting problems and add a dedicated server support.

Competive PvP with P2P hosting does not work. I could literally just block packets towards others, and the game wouldn't even know why one or all other clients just disconnected.

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It's not about being forced. It's about bunch of people that'll whine about how OP are certain things in PvP.

You mean just like PvE?


It's going to suck. Everyone is going to have "op weapons for no-skill players" and destroy everything.


Conclave dosen't solve anything. The new players will go through blood, sweat and tears.

Its end game


New players shouldnt even be there in the first place

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ABout people complaining about Ogris penta and so on.


the maps seem larger than conclaves and it's not 1 v 1 or 2 vs 2 ony; There are other things to shoot. people are gonna be flying everywhere shooting everything.


Snipers are gonna be very fun to use , those should be  feared, not slow rocket launchers and the penta

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if they are going to add PVP, this i feel is the absolute best way to go.


everyone starts from zero, and we level up from there. if some weapons are too powerfull/weak, they will be balanced. it´s easier to balance something from a PVP perspective rather than a PVE perspective

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It's obviously going to need some balance passes (which they've slowly been doing with conclaves) but this is a major step in the right direction imo.  Balance aside, warframe has had all the pieces needed for building a mobaish tower defense mode for a while now.



This PvP mode may be very good and interesting. Now they have to get rid of Conclaves and do more gametypes such as new Rail conflict MOBA :) 

Eh rather than that I wish they'd expand the game modes in conclaves.  The mobility this game has would be amazing for CTF and we already have domination in game :|

Edited by Aggh
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