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I'm confused, and there is just too many things on wiki, and what people tell about lore, and more.

So, if you can help me out, tell me about a little...


Is the connection with the Dark Sector game is just reference, or actual lore?

Lotus, who is she? Was she a corpus?


Stalker, who the hell is that guy? Was he found by the grineer, and thats why he is a renegade?
Why is he a renegade? And why he looks, like excalibur, and uses abilitys like ash,

and more... and a lot like that O.o..


What is tenno actually? Warframes were part of the orokin.. but then tenno..

.. is like a regroup, or like old warriors comeback...? or the warframes are not orokin?


Valkyr, one more that is... a bit messy. Was she a warframe like excalibur,

and were made to be sth else? or was she a try for remaking the birth of a warframe?
Was born from putting other warframes together... or was she forced into a warframe,

of her dead comrades?


Please help out o.o!

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1. Actual lore. Warframe is descendant of Dark Sector.


2. Read his lore in his Codex.


3. Tenno are Tenno - alien race.


4. Valkyr was (and still is) a frame like Excalibur. Corpus only experimented on her, stripped her of her armor, et cetera. She was not created by Corpus - Zanuka was. Valkyr was just a reference material to see how Warframes work and to use this knowledge in creating Zanuka.

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3. Tenno are Tenno - alien race.

No, they're not. Tenno were members of warrior clans of the Orokin Empire, a system-spanning human hegemony thousands of years ago. It's not explicitly stated but I think the term seems to have been transferred to only those who were twisted by the Void and able to wield the Warframes.

edit. You may or may not call them human any more but they started off as human.

Edited by Krjal
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4. Valkyr was (and still is) a frame like Excalibur. Corpus only experimented on her, stripped her of her armor, et cetera. She was not created by Corpus - Zanuka was. Valkyr was just a reference material to see how Warframes work and to use this knowledge in creating Zanuka.

Worth noting Zanuka is also frankenstiend out of various tenno components. 

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3. Tenno are Tenno - alien race.


    This isn't stated anywhere. Though interestingly enough there's a weird difference between The people/things that inhabit Warframes, and us as Tenno. Ember's lore points to those who are within Warframes are children who were part of a very suspicious mission/experiment that involved the void. Those children would grow up to become the Warframe people. Maybe call those within the Warframe's "Tenno" and with good reason. I believe that it's referenced here and there so that makes sense.

    However, somewhere in Captain Vor's Lore, it's speculated that the Tenno, are not in fact those who wear the Warframes, but those who possess those who wear the Warframes. He describes how each warframe they kill in battle appears to be a hollow shell of what it was. and that there may be "Mysterious ghosts from the void" that control them. One could speculate that we are said ghosts from the void controlling these Warframe wearers.

    Anyway, whatever we/they are when the Warframes were made they weren't really to friendly with the Oriken. I dont recall if it's only implied or stated but I believe they locked the Warframes away until they needed them to fight the sentients.

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1. Actual lore. Warframe is descendant of Dark Sector.


2. Read his lore in his Codex.


3. Tenno are Tenno - alien race.


4. Valkyr was (and still is) a frame like Excalibur. Corpus only experimented on her, stripped her of her armor, et cetera. She was not created by Corpus - Zanuka was. Valkyr was just a reference material to see how Warframes work and to use this knowledge in creating Zanuka.

Tenno were ones humans


here is the link to the Wkiki that gives you the best lore you can find right now. plus if you read Mag primes new lore it will help a bit as well.


Edited by Senketsu_
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3. Tenno are Tenno - alien race.



Tenno used to be human, that was confirmed in a livestream (I'll try and find the specific one) After their alteration in the Void we don't know what they are.


Remember "Orokin Empire" doesn't have to mean "The Empire of the race called the Orokin" it can also mean "The Empire ruled by the Orokin" IMHO the Orokin Empire was 99% human ruled by a very limited number of "living gods" who were called the Orokin (Oro=Gold Kin=People)


Dark Sector is "From the same well of awsome" and "connected" but not 100% cannon, expect changes (E.G. the Proto Excalibur armour has the same abilities as Excalibur, yet Hayden Tenno didn't have those abilities, and Our Tenno don't gain Hayden's abilities).


The Stalker was part of the non-tenno Orokin military.


A Warframe is a suit of armour, it's gear. The Prime Warframes are the Orokin-made originals, the other Warframes were made by the Tenno for some reason (probably limited access to Orokin Tech)


Valkyr was a Tenno-in-a-Warframe that was vivisected by the corpus, the torture drove the Tenno mad and unearthed different abilities that she channeled through her damaged Warframe tainting it. Our Tenno do not have access to the original Valkyr Warframe so we can only make copies of the tainted/damaged version.


Zanuka is most likely a quad-amputee Tenno-in-a-Warframe that had other Warframe mods jury-rigged into it, with a Orokin-inspired mind control "crown" and covered with a corpus proxy style-skin. No modern race save the Tenno can operate a Warframe, hence Alad V side-stepped the problem by keeping a Tenno alive in each Zanuka.


Look at the size and configuration of Zanuka, there is still most of a Tenno in there:



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I'm confused, and there is just too many things on wiki, and what people tell about lore, and more.

So, if you can help me out, tell me about a little...

Is the connection with the Dark Sector game is just reference, or actual lore?

Lotus, who is she? Was she a corpus?

Stalker, who the hell is that guy? Was he found by the grineer, and thats why he is a renegade?

Why is he a renegade? And why he looks, like excalibur, and uses abilitys like ash,

and more... and a lot like that O.o..

What is tenno actually? Warframes were part of the orokin.. but then tenno..

.. is like a regroup, or like old warriors comeback...? or the warframes are not orokin?

Valkyr, one more that is... a bit messy. Was she a warframe like excalibur,

and were made to be sth else? or was she a try for remaking the birth of a warframe?

Was born from putting other warframes together... or was she forced into a warframe,

of her dead comrades?

Please help out o.o!

Dark Sector (another game by DE) is not the prequel to this game. Warframe and Dark Sector are two entirely different games. BUT DE_Steve have said that you can consider Warframe as a "spiritual" successor to Dark Sector, but other than that, they are their own games and are not connected ( not sequel/prequel).

Although they did create a new area called Dark Sector in the game as well as for a limited time during the anniversary event, introduce Hayden's armor as an Excalibur skin called proto-armor (think of these things as Easter Eggs to the Dark Sector game?).

Warframes are basically suits that are specially crafted by the Tenno (and in some cases blueprints can be found for the Orokin Empire's Primed versions). These suits each contain their own special powers. Here is where it gets confusing. Each Warframe (suit); You can clearly tell there's a gender to it. The problem is that in the game UI, you are "equipping" a different Warframe. The bosses in game, refer to your player name and also your Warframe suit's name. Which leads to the question as you have said "What ARE Tenno?" or more specifically "What are the people controlling the Warframe?".

The Tenno are a group, yes, as you said. You can think of them as a group composed of warriors, trained in the usage of guns and swords. Other than that we also know they are lead by the Lotus. We can clearly tell the Lotus is female. Does she have any special powers? We don't know for sure. We do know she spends almost all of her time in the intelligence and field communications area (hence her knowledge of the general layout of missions, hacking during mobile defense, warnings of the G3 and any other enemy troop movement/communication warnings). Not a lot is known yet at the moment.

If you want, here is Excalibur's codex entry, along with Mag's and Ember's. They don't really explain a lot, but they do suggest that we came from the void because of some experiment or other:

Excailbur/prime Codex Entry -

The Sentients had won. They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more advanced we became, the greater our losses. The war was over unless we found a new way. In our desperation we turned to the Void. The blinding night, the hellspace where our science and reason failed. We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend.

Excalibur was the first.

- Orokin 'Warframe' Archives

Mag Prime Codex Entry -

Warframe Archive - Debrief excerpt:

We sat strapped in, safeties off, waiting for the punch. Waiting for death. Through my filthy porthole I saw stars among the outlines of the other Splinter ships queuing for the Solar Rail. It would soon grip us with an incomprehensible power and cast us through the void into the mouth of our enemy.

I watched the ships one-by-one bending and gone. Each crammed with zero-tech soldiers sucking stale air, white knuckling their percussion rifles. Each filled with a desperation that comes from extinction. Our ship would be the last to cross the gap. Our ship had special cargo.

It was essentially empty. Just ten men, like me, strapped in with the best zero-tech suits and weapons the empire could build... and "it". "It" stood in the aisle, a slender and eyeless metal form. A Tenno inside its Warframe. Vaguely human, vaguely feminine. Was this armor or some ornate carapace for the monster that lived inside? I strained against the harness as the ship yawed for final approach. I could see the Tenno standing there freely. Solemn and gold-gleaming, oblivious to the inertial force.

I had been, until then, a Tenno denier. They were ghosts, propaganda, twisted casualties of the void era. Not possibly real. Yet here it was in the flesh. The Empire, in their desperation, was going to turn the demons loose and hope for the best. Who did we fear more, the enemy or this monster? We had our safeties off, could we trust it? Then it didn't matter anymore. The punch came - and our windows became blinding. When we could see again our ship was somewhere else, shattered and dead in an instant.

My lungs were flattened, eyes full of death. Ship debris glittered like a night snow. The alien blue star was dark and blinding beyond us. The countless articulating worm-ships of our enemy, ringed in glowing discs, undulating and heat-bursting the surviving soldiers like me. This is where I died. I was in R-disc, sweeping over my right and setting my blood on fire. My vision flattened, the hearing muffled and buzzed. I could feel the side of my face going slack and wet.

I was in a dying dream. I saw a bright spot blurring and weaving toward me. I felt a tug toward it from the metal clasps on my suit. It reached me, rising up - a gleaming beast, a plume of golden wings rising and unfolding behind it. An angel. It snatched me from my death. I could feel my lungs fill as it wrapped me in its wings. Its Void Shield shimmered blue, strained under the enemy beams. I felt a suddenly tug of acceleration. I closed my eyes and held on it like a child.

I awoke on the floor, the sting of crisping flesh on my face and side. It was standing over me, the wings gone. I heard the cracking of weapons echoing down the corridor. Maybe the mission would be saved, but I was dying and so I waved my hand to send it away. I felt a pistol thrust in my hand as I was heaved to my feet. The angel had saved me, pulled me from hell, but it would not pity me. I was to die on my feet, by its side. I turned my good side toward the gunfire and raised the gun. It nodded, its outstretched metal hand surging and pulsing in ancient shapes as blue shimmered around me. It turned, drawing its blade and together we surged headlong into the hailstorm of death and fire that awaited us.

Ember/prime Codex Entry -

Three figures waited behind a simple table. Their attention on a single chair, bathed in light. An old woman's voice from the shadow: 'Send her in'. Across the room a security officer, stern and plain, opened the door. The outline of a young woman appeared at the door. She hesitated, but only for an instant, then crossed the room and sat.

There was a gasp as the light hit her face. Her right eye was bright and blinking, but her left was a greasy slit. Her skin had been burned moon-white. Her mouth was a sagging gash without lips or expression. Her military beret was pulled snug over a scarred and hairless scalp.

The old voice: 'Your name is Kaleen.' Kaleen nodded. 'You were the principal investigator of the Zariman?' Kaleen's voice was a jagged whisper, a rigid face. 'Yes.'

Kaleen coughed, straightened: 'The Zariman was lost making the fold from Saturn to the Outer gates. Mechanical failure. I notified families and filled a report with the inspectors. Nothing ever returns from the fold, so I closed the case.'

'But you reopened the case, days later.'

'I didn't believe it myself until I stepped aboard the ship. It was completely intact, full environmental, as if it had never left.'

'And the crew was gone.'

'Not exactly.' Kaleen hesitated. 'We thought it was empty but we began to find...' Her face twitched at remembered pain, 'We began to find children hiding in the ship.'

'And that is when you violated procedure?'

Kaleen bowed her head, a tear welling in her sightless eye. 'They were children. They were afraid. They needed comfort.'

'So you broke quarantine and this happened to you.'

There was silence as Kaleen touched her face, 'So what have you done with them?'

The old woman gestured for the officer to take Kaleen away. The meeting was over. When Kaleen reached the door she twisted out of his grip and shot back, 'Why would you do that? Why did you put children on a military ship?'

'We didn't. That would violate procedure.'

The Orokin were a vast empire/society, that was also very technologically advanced. You can read the codex entries from Excalibur.

For Stalker, this is his codex entry, and will be the closest thing to "lore" you will ever get:

Some have walked these desolate worlds while you have slept. Some like me. I remember what you did. I remember the day.

The Tenno appeared at the Terminus, gleaming and victorious. Our cold and gold Emperors, breathless, bathed you in savior's silk. Then came the sound. Across all our worlds, all at once, the ceremonial Naga drums. A royal salute to the honored Tenno. Ten solemn beats to declare the suffering was over. I watched from a distance, with the rest of the low Guardians. With each beat terror began to crush my throat. The Tenno were not stoic and silent. They were waiting. They were poised. I tried to call out but only a strangled whisper escaped.

When the ninth beat rang a torrent of blood filled the stadium, loosed by Tenno blades. The drums, the Empire, fell silent forever.

Now I hunt, dividing your numbers. Watching from that dark place, cataloging your sins, I am the ghost of retribution. You may forget but you are not innocent.

This suggest that the Tenno were a different kind of group. It also possibly suggests a darker past to the Tenno group/organization.

Valkyr, was experimented on by the Corpus (more specifically, Alad V). This suggests that Valkyr was something else. It never said if Valkyr was Tenno to start with, but we know that Valkyr joined the Tenno's cause (universal balance of the factions? BS? I know....) after Update 11 (guessing after beating Alad V). OR she possibly escaped on her own through the help from the Lotus, hence joining the Tenno's cause? (You can see examples of this when you fail/die to the Harvester and start on your own escape mission)

Valkyr was the failed experiment of the Zanuka Project. The boss that accompanies Alad V whenever you fight him.


The lore is basically a small history of the story. The problem is we usually get to understand the lore through playing the game. Like a sort of campaign mode/main mission. BUT this game lacks a campaign/story mission of any kind. DE says they are working on it and actually have concrete stories and more lores for us, but they want to work on the touches of the rest of the bosses and so on. At the moment, we are being kept up with the current events/history of Warframe through events that DE releases, as well as the updates that signifies the new Warframes and weapons that releases along with them.

Edited by VoidWraith
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DE use the Souls approach to lore. They sprinkle it in through the Codex.  All you have to do is read it.


Dark Sector and Warframe are the same continuity, yes.


[DE]Megan, on 28 Mar 2014 - 12:54 PM, said:snapback.png

Warframe Lore

It’s without surprise that the Proto Armor has raised questions about the Lore of Warframe. For many players, Dark Sector was the beginning. The Proto Armor has indicated that yes, Dark Sector and Warframe are inextricably linked. Stay tuned for more!


Lotus is an Ai.  We don't know where she came from though, could be rogue corpus, could be Orokin.  hell, maybe a rogue neural sentry.


Stalker's text, taken from his codex.


Some have walked these desolate worlds while you have slept. Some like me. I remember what you did. I remember the day.

The Tenno appeared at the Terminus, gleaming and victorious. Our cold and gold Emperors, breathless, bathed you in savior's silk. Then came the sound. Across all our worlds, all at once, the ceremonial Naga drums. A royal salute to the honored Tenno. Ten solemn beats to declare the suffering was over. I watched from a distance, with the rest of the low Guardians. With each beat terror began to crush my throat. The Tenno were not stoic and silent. They were waiting. They were poised. I tried to call out but only a strangled whisper escaped.

When the ninth beat rang a torrent of blood filled the stadium, loosed by Tenno blades. The drums, the Empire, fell silent forever.

Now I hunt, dividing your numbers. Watching from that dark place, cataloging your sins, I am the ghost of retribution. You may forget but you are not innocent.


Tenno are children that were exposed to the Void during the orokin age.  Here follows three codex entries regarding Excalibur, Ember, and Mag respectively.  Warframes are what we wear to help channel our abilities.  They're made of living metal, like the armor Hayden wore/wears. 

The Sentients had won. They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more advanced we became, the greater our losses. The war was over unless we found a new way. In our desperation we turned to the Void. The blinding night, the hellspace where our science and reason failed. We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend.
Excalibur was the first.
- Orokin 'Warframe' Archives


Three figures waited behind a simple table. Their attention on a single chair, bathed in light. An old woman's voice from the shadow: 'Send her in'. Across the room a security officer, stern and plain, opened the door. The outline of a young woman appeared at the door. She hesitated, but only for an instant, then crossed the room and sat.

There was a gasp as the light hit her face. Her right eye was bright and blinking, but her left was a greasy slit. Her skin had been burned moon-white. Her mouth was a sagging gash without lips or expression. Her military beret was pulled snug over a scarred and hairless scalp.

The old voice: 'Your name is Kaleen.' Kaleen nodded. 'You were the principal investigator of the Zariman?' Kaleen's voice was a jagged whisper, a rigid face. 'Yes.'

Kaleen coughed, straightened: 'The Zariman was lost making the fold from Saturn to the Outer gates. Mechanical failure. I notified families and filled a report with the inspectors. Nothing ever returns from the fold, so I closed the case.'

'But you reopened the case, days later.'

'I didn't believe it myself until I stepped aboard the ship. It was completely intact, full environmental, as if it had never left.'

'And the crew was gone.'

'Not exactly.' Kaleen hesitated. 'We thought it was empty but we began to find...' Her face twitched at remembered pain, 'We began to find children hiding in the ship.'

'And that is when you violated procedure?'

Kaleen bowed her head, a tear welling in her sightless eye. 'They were children. They were afraid. They needed comfort.'

'So you broke quarantine and this happened to you.'

There was silence as Kaleen touched her face, 'So what have you done with them?'

The old woman gestured for the officer to take Kaleen away. The meeting was over. When Kaleen reached the door she twisted out of his grip and shot back, 'Why would you do that? Why did you put children on a military ship?'

'We didn't. That would violate procedure.'


Warframe Archive - Debrief excerpt:

We sat strapped in, safeties off, waiting for the punch. Waiting for death. Through my filthy porthole I saw stars among the outlines of the other Splinter ships queuing for the Solar Rail. It would soon grip us with an incomprehensible power and cast us through the void into the mouth of our enemy.

I watched the ships one-by-one bending and gone. Each crammed with zero-tech soldiers sucking stale air, white knuckling their percussion rifles. Each filled with a desperation that comes from extinction. Our ship would be the last to cross the gap. Our ship had special cargo.

It was essentially empty. Just ten men, like me, strapped in with the best zero-tech suits and weapons the empire could build... and "it". "It" stood in the aisle, a slender and eyeless metal form. A Tenno inside its Warframe. Vaguely human, vaguely feminine. Was this armor or some ornate carapace for the monster that lived inside? I strained against the harness as the ship yawed for final approach. I could see the Tenno standing there freely. Solemn and gold-gleaming, oblivious to the inertial force.

I had been, until then, a Tenno denier. They were ghosts, propaganda, twisted casualties of the void era. Not possibly real. Yet here it was in the flesh. The Empire, in their desperation, was going to turn the demons loose and hope for the best. Who did we fear more, the enemy or this monster? We had our safeties off, could we trust it? Then it didn't matter anymore. The punch came - and our windows became blinding. When we could see again our ship was somewhere else, shattered and dead in an instant.

My lungs were flattened, eyes full of death. Ship debris glittered like a night snow. The alien blue star was dark and blinding beyond us. The countless articulating worm-ships of our enemy, ringed in glowing discs, undulating and heat-bursting the surviving soldiers like me. This is where I died. I was in R-disc, sweeping over my right and setting my blood on fire. My vision flattened, the hearing muffled and buzzed. I could feel the side of my face going slack and wet.

I was in a dying dream. I saw a bright spot blurring and weaving toward me. I felt a tug toward it from the metal clasps on my suit. It reached me, rising up - a gleaming beast, a plume of golden wings rising and unfolding behind it. An angel. It snatched me from my death. I could feel my lungs fill as it wrapped me in its wings. Its Void Shield shimmered blue, strained under the enemy beams. I felt a suddenly tug of acceleration. I closed my eyes and held on it like a child.

I awoke on the floor, the sting of crisping flesh on my face and side. It was standing over me, the wings gone. I heard the cracking of weapons echoing down the corridor. Maybe the mission would be saved, but I was dying and so I waved my hand to send it away. I felt a pistol thrust in my hand as I was heaved to my feet. The angel had saved me, pulled me from hell, but it would not pity me. I was to die on my feet, by its side. I turned my good side toward the gunfire and raised the gun. It nodded, its outstretched metal hand surging and pulsing in ancient shapes as blue shimmered around me. It turned, drawing its blade and together we surged headlong into the hailstorm of death and fire that awaited us.


Valkyr is the catframe.  You can see remnants of that.  Yes, she was a normal frame that alad tried to make loyal to him, but it didn't work.  She's a predecessor to Zanuka.  Judging by her design, he tried using corpus tech that was welded onto her to control her, but that didn't work. 

Hopefully this helps. 

Edited by Gaminus
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these are all the confirmed facts that we have from the backstory, from what we have in game, dark sector, have been told in the devstreams, and from events (mostly from the codex)


-humans create technocyte virus

-virus spreads over much of earth

-"hayden tenno" is the first one to get virus and not go insane, humans begin to evolve

-much, much time passes, technology advances greatly

(alot of messing with living metal and gold, later known as forma, and massive use of mind control)

-humanity begins its greatest empire, and starts a new golden age, the "orokin" era

-sentients come from another solar system, challenge the orokin

-using their the orokin's technology against them, the sentients are winning the war

-in desperation, orokin begin insane and inhumane expirements

-orokin begin super secret experiments with (including some with technocyte virus)

-when an experiment was a failure, it was thrown into the void (not all ships made it into the void, hence we have derelicts)

-earlier experiments  lead to the creation and spread of infestation

-upon going to the void again, orokin find some interesting results of tests

-some of the hosts did not mutate fully, had obtained strange powers (some of these were even children)

-some subjects were brought back for further experimentation

-said subjects were given suits made of technocyte, to give them a better form, and focus their power (this is a very darth vader moment)

-these beings were given primitive weapons so that the senients could not use them against them

-these warriors eradicate the senients, winning the war for the orokin

-they are given the title of the "tenno" both in honor of their victory and as homage to the one who originially lead to the golden age

-during the victory celebration, tenno mysteriously and suddenly commit genocide on the orokin (this is a very order 66 moment)  

(this is how the tenno obtained the title of betrayers, and also why the stalker wants revenge on us)

-the tenno, their mission complete, go to sleep until they are needed again ("wake me... when you need me")

(its widely hinted that the lotus was the one to convince the tenno to kill the orokin, for both the experiments they were subjected to, and to bring balance to the universe)

-more time passes, universe falls into chaos and despair

-tenno are reawakened to bring balance once more

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Lets add another little bit of gasoline to the fire.


In Mag Primes codex, the rank and file orokin soldiers know little about the tenno and are scared to friggin' death of them. They obviously have been taught--or assume for reasons unknown--that the tenno might be as big a threat as the sentients.


The empire is desperate and employs the tenno enmasse with little oversight or control (again, a codex reference) and their big gamble pays off. They win the war.


Now, the speculation. The empire has survived, but they now have to deal with their own creation that could potentially be a bigger threat than the enemy you just defeated. They have to be dealt with. What happens when you try to put the genie back in the bottle?

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these are all the confirmed facts that we have from the backstory, from what we have in game, dark sector, have been told in the devstreams, and from events (mostly from the codex)

-when an experiment was a failure, it was thrown into the void (not all ships made it into the void, hence we have derelicts)

This is not a confirmed fact. The Orokin derelicts were supposedly Orokin ships that didn't make it to the Void during the Orokin exodus, only recently has the Infestation taken them.

Update 8 era text describes Europa thusly:

"The Infested are spreading throughout the Orokin derelicts in this region."

We have no evidence to suggest that the infestation was active at the point of the Sentients war.

Given that the Lotus tells us that Lephantis has grown slowly and contains Grineer and Corpus material, it indicates that most of it's mass was gathered after the Orokin Era and the Corpus/Grineer split. Also given that the Golem Nav Coordinates come from the Orokin Derelics further suggests that the Infested fanned out from the facility that Lephantis resided in, some time after the end of the Orokin Era.

Edited by SilentMobius
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This is not a confirmed fact. The Orokin derelicts were supposedly Orokin ships that didn't make it to the Void during the Orokin exodus, only recently have the Infestation taken them.


Update 8 era text describes Europa thusly:


"The Infested are spreading throughout the Orokin derelicts in this region."


We have no evidence to suggest that the infestation was active at the point of the Sentients war.

Given that the Lotus tells us that Lephantis has grown slowly and contains Grineer and Corpus material, it indicates that most of it's mass was gathered after the Orokin Era and the Corpus/Grineer split. Also given that the Golem Nav Coordinates come from the Orokin Derelics further suggests that the Infested fanned out from the facility that Lephantis resided in, some time after the end of the Orokin Era.

I thought the Technocyte Virus was an Orokin created weapon to destroy the Sentients (that didn't work).

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I need to know the back story for barrels, you hear me, how did they come to me.  I must know!


So much is not know in Warframe, this is done on purpose.  I mean look how lousy the Borg or the Cenobite became the more you knew about them.


That being said though, there is a little too much mystery in the Warframe universe.  We need some sort of an anchor to build from.  And it doesn't have to be about the Warframes or any of the existing factions either.  I'm fine playing a sidestory but I want something... something.... Darvo where are you?

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This is not a confirmed fact. The Orokin derelicts were supposedly Orokin ships that didn't make it to the Void during the Orokin exodus, only recently has the Infestation taken them.

Update 8 era text describes Europa thusly:

"The Infested are spreading throughout the Orokin derelicts in this region."

We have no evidence to suggest that the infestation was active at the point of the Sentients war.

Given that the Lotus tells us that Lephantis has grown slowly and contains Grineer and Corpus material, it indicates that most of it's mass was gathered after the Orokin Era and the Corpus/Grineer split. Also given that the Golem Nav Coordinates come from the Orokin Derelics further suggests that the Infested fanned out from the facility that Lephantis resided in, some time after the end of the Orokin Era.


you are aware contradicted yourself right?


-lephantis was confirmed to be "created during the old war" <- can assume this was the war with the sentients

-infested fanned out from where lephantis resides

-lephantis resides in orokin derelicts

-therefore, infested fanned out from the orokin derelicts


i never said the spread of the infestation happened during the old war only that the orokin experimentation is what eventually led to it

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I thought the Technocyte Virus was an Orokin created weapon to destroy the Sentients (that didn't work).


The Excalibur codex talks about the Sentients war and doesn't mention the infestation at all, as does the Mag Prime entry, again no Infestation.


The Technocyte virus has existed since the dawn of the Orokin era and (IMHO) is the reason for the existence of Forma and the Orokin themselves (DE talked about the "living metal" from Dark sector and the societal implications of turning that into a technology), however the Infestation is a different strain of the technocyte virus (It behaves differently to the one in the Dark Sector Era) and was created by the Orokin but at an (currently) undefined time.

IMHO it is more likely that the infestation was an attempt by the Orokin to create something to replace the Tenno as the Tenno had become too popular and powerful during the Sentients war, forming clans and even making their own Warframes and weapons without relying on the Orokin.

Before the end of the Sentients war, when the Tenno found out about the details of their own creation (Child experimentation etc) and the Infestation experiments (Orokin feeding humans to the new modified technocyte strain) they decided to overthrow the Orokin and execute them for their crimes, leaving the vassal humanity to fend for itself, because they didn't want to risk becoming like the Orokin, ruling over humanity while never being a part of it.

Given that the Tenno have lore in the ether blades that suggests they have (in the past) fought the infestation I think it's most likely that during the Tenno vs Orokin progrom the Orokin released their prototype infestation against the Tenno to slow them down while they escaped into the void. Defeating what they thought was all of the infestation, but being unaware of Lephantis lurking in a hidden Orokin facility.

This gives humanity hundreds, maybe thousands of years to come up with their own society, the rise of the Grineer and Corpus free from the ravages of the Infestation, eventually the Grineer get their mass cloning working and start conquering the solar system waking up the nascent infestation and providing fuel for its progress.

Edited by SilentMobius
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Imagine a century long war. Man vs biotech aliens. As Mags codex says, they use Wormships, energy weapons that destroys ships in moments.

Most likely they originate in the Void space wich explains why the Warframes was the only thing that could repell them.

Again , mags codex tell us Orokin had no sheilds, yet mag does and this is how she survives.

OROKIN develop an army of biomonsters. They fail. Their robots fail as well.

Later the Tvirus runs rampant . The corpus find the droids and recreate them.

The Tenno are mutated returnees from vessels returned from the Void space.

The few are cloned to create a warrior race to fight the Sentients.

Kept in isolation, the Orokin creates battlesuits for them.

The ai-systems Lotus are installed in each one to ensure control.

The oppresive and tyrannical Empire fights a long war against the Tenno and the infested.

The survivors fled or hid among the ruins, until now.

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Imagine a century long war. Man vs biotech aliens. As Mags codex says, they use Wormships, energy weapons that destroys ships in moments.

Most likely they originate in the Void space wich explains why the Warframes was the only thing that could repell them.

Again , mags codex tell us Orokin had no sheilds, yet mag does and this is how she survives.


The sentients originated in another Solar system (mentioned in a livestream when talking about the Mag Prime entry) that the Orokin Solar Rail system connected to, not the Void. Given that the Sentients could control any tech the Orokin threw at them it more likely that the Physics-defying power of the void was an anathema to them given that the Tenno were very effective most likely _because_ of their Void powers.

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