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What Has Happened To This Once Glorious Community?


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i'm going to date myself with this statement... but i remember the internet before this type of venom was common in general.

before the days of HTML when irc, kermit and telnet were the standard ways to do things.

when newsgroups were torrents and trolls were met with fire and sword from any community they dared to raise their shaggy faces to.


i feel you OP. 

This time existed!? I envy you. Wait, were you the first person on the internet? (sarcasm mixed with genuine sadness about the internet communities as a whole)

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Open Beta happened.

it really started after E3 when that new wave of attention and players got here. Maybe the should take away upvotes on non OP posts to get rid of the attention seeking posts that happens.

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This time existed!? I envy you. Wait, were you the first person on the internet? (sarcasm mixed with genuine sadness about the internet communities as a whole)


i started online with a whopping 2400 baud modem in 1987 through peachnet / university of georgia dialup.

i wasn't the first, but i'd say i'm probably in the first percentage.

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I agree. Things were kinda chilled around U9ish (but that's the furthest back I remember regularly reading these forums, so what do I know?), but as of late there's been so much whining i'm struggling to make enough cheese to go with it (Also, why is everyone acting like DE want to squeeze money out of and ruin the fun of everyone? That kind of attitude has become alarmingly common as of late).

I try to not be rude when I post, but it's kinda hard not to be after seeing 50 bajillion people claim that we're somehow exempt from balancing the game because Warframe is PvE every week (Apologies if I ever act toxic, by the way.).

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Closed beta is over and now not just the guys who really want to help DE improve their Game are here, everyone else is too.

Also the Playerbase got bigger and bigger meaning that the chances are higher that people who love nothing more then poisening a Community will find the Forums too.


Its sad but thats the Case in every Game. During the Closed Beta you have a great Community, helping each other and the Devs and as soon as its over and more Player get aroudn it gets worse and worse.


But still Warframe has one of the better Communitys if you compar it with other Games.

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i started online with a whopping 2400 baud modem in 1987 through peachnet / university of georgia dialup.

i wasn't the first, but i'd say i'm probably in the first percentage.

In 1987 I didn't exist yet ha. Another year or so until I was even a swimmer in my daddy. Says a lot about the variety this community gets eh?

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When player-base increases, toxicity and immaturity always follow. 

Games like dota and LoL went down the same way.

I'm guessing Warframe is following suit.


Speaking of good ol' times, anyone remember 'cknives'? 

That guy could piss people off to no limit. 

Used to love reading his replies.

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When player-base increases, toxicity and immaturity always follow. 

Games like dota and LoL went down the same way.

I'm guessing Warframe is following suit.


Speaking of good ol' times, anyone remember 'cknives'? 

That guy could &!$$ people off to no limit. 

Used to love reading his replies.

Doubt warframe is ever gonna match up to that kind of toxicity. I meet friendly ppl 75% of the time, while in LOL its like 5% of the time *hence why I quit so fast. I'll also pull the Nexon card, atleast DE does provide us hotfixes while Nexon it could take months.

Edited by cryotech9020
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Its a phase.... and its, like its was already stated, due to the player base growth but you'll see that in a few months from now it will settle, probably things will change as newcomers start to get the hang of how things are handled here in the forums.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again: Open Beta happened. Just like every other game out there that was once in a closed alpha/beta, and then released to the general public.


When it was closed off, there was only a small margin of people who were disruptive because you actually had to be invited/get lucky with a beta key to participate. The vast majority however were here to not only enjoy the game, but help improve it.


Then Open Beta came, as it always does... and the gates were opened to everyone, for good or for ill.


It's a sad state of affairs, but thanks to how the internet works and how anonymous we all are to each other, alot of people enjoy totally ignoring actual social etiquette to instead insult and bash everyone who doesn't agree with them. Then there are folks who are -blatantly- trying to ruin the game with trolling suggestions.


It's just..how it is. Best thing we can do is just ignore them and try to stay civil ourselves.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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im maybe acting like a jerk when im angry to doesnt had any chance to get excalibur prime on ps4 so here is my constructive feedback , make it aviable for a week or a month , give us an exclusive prime warframe or make a differant excalibur variation like a dragon excalibur

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This toxicity rises up and down depending on the situation. When new updates come out or OP weapons/frames are added, the anger just shoots up like crazy. For example, when U13 was delayed twice DE got a huge amount of complaints and the toxicity of the forums rose. When U13 was released, the level stayed high because of the vay hek, argon crystals, and stance farming. The worst time the forums has been since I have played was probably the nova nerf phase or the prime trading phase. The forums were just filled with constant arguments and flaming that were in almost every topic.


P.S. The the tide may be calm now but when U14 comes out, things will get bad again. Especially with something like pvp being added to the game.

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 The worst time the forums has been since I have played was probably the nova nerf phase or the prime trading phase. The forums were just filled with constant arguments and flaming that were in almost every topic.

Oh christ, tell me about it.

Those were dark times indeed.

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I thinks it's a lot easier to see the negatives rather than the positives. Lately I was thinking about the red veil event and how the major complaint was arc traps. Pretty calm compared to Cicero being a rather toxic (hehe) discussion what not with the rng rants the amount of effort it took to complete people getting ludicrous platinum from selling anti toxins ect.

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Where you see a flaw I see an important aspect to balancing the game. Right now it has a pretty big drawback to the damage it does, this is not a flaw. The drawback gives the ability an element of "Only push 4 if you need to and when you can afford to", unlike (after the toggle update) every other ultimate in the game. This is not a flaw with this ability, its a balance problem with other abilities and the game in general from my perspective. People all over the forums complain about "Push 4 to win" gameplay being the only gameplay. Yet when an ultimate isn't push 4 to insta kill the room people seem to get upset. The community can't seem to figure out what it wants as a whole. That is part of the reason when parts of the community go "We want X to change" and it would cause very apparent balance issues I tend to not like it. Mainly because after it happens 5-10 threads pop up going "X change that we asked for sucks now that we actually play it", "It wasn't implemented the way we wanted", "This change is terrible DE what were you thinking", or "it's way to OP change it back." I'm willing to bet speeding up bladestorm (im assuing to ~5 seconds unless you're not doing the animations its all clones in which case basically instant) will have the same effect. 


I posted this in a bladestorm thread but its basically the same thing here. The community can't agree what they want changed and how they want it changed, no matter what DE changes they upset people. Mainly because changes just seem to be what the loudest minority (since im willing to bet there is no majority of players that want any one specific thing). Then the upset everyone who isn't that loud minority. Its gone on for about a year now, wouldn't you get sick of it after awhile? I am. I am willing to bet the rest of the community is as well. If you're upset about all these threads you're going to have a short temper and be unproductive.

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I honestly thought the iron skin nerf was far far worse. Those two can't even compare. 

Did the iron skin nerf cause a megathread to pop up? I think not actually and most people got over the nerf since he was buffed. Nova was complained about everyday in update 9 and it lasted well into update 13. Even with this current "nerf" people are still discontented with her. Prime trading became so bad that it was shoved into a megathread so no one actually bothered to read most of the posts.

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I honestly thought the iron skin nerf was far far worse. Those two can't even compare. 

I don't think I remember that far back. What was it like? Or was it just the usual "omg this ability isn't broken anymore rip rhino de trying to ruin my fun" screaming from the munchkins?

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Doubt warframe is ever gonna match up to that kind of toxicity. I meet friendly ppl 75% of the time, while in LOL its like 5% of the time *hence why I quit so fast. I'll also pull the Nexon card, atleast DE does provide us hotfixes while Nexon it could take months.

If Warframe remains PvE, then I agree things won't be that bad.

But more and more DE is catering to PvP.

Especially in the last devstream, they said something in the lines of 'even if [PvP] is not your thing, you should still try it' and something about PvP will give game longevity.

PvP leads to competition and this is where people with inferiority complex become excessively vocal

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I posted this in a bladestorm thread but its basically the same thing here. The community can't agree what they want changed and how they want it changed, no matter what DE changes they upset people. Mainly because changes just seem to be what the loudest minority (since im willing to bet there is no majority of players that want any one specific thing). Then the upset everyone who isn't that loud minority. Its gone on for about a year now, wouldn't you get sick of it after awhile? I am. I am willing to bet the rest of the community is as well. If you're upset about all these threads you're going to have a short temper and be unproductive.

You are correct about this in the sense that we have unrealistic expectations. We cry out for nerfs and buffs and are discontented when it happens. We wanted damage 2.0 but we complained about it when it came out. We wanted "endgame" but we complain about battlepay baiting and eclipse. We wanted Melee 2.0 but we complain about stance farming and other problems melee 2.0 has. Now we want kubrows and we are probably going to complain about it when they are released as well. The community wants DE to have everything be done fast or done perfectly. We actually really have no idea what we want (most of the community) and its hurting the game and the community.

Edited by Lqn8r
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