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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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he forgot:


4) Get in the Design Council


wich was the one I wanted to get, but didnt have the money at the time -.-


edit: fixin' typos

That was one reason that I was considering upgrading for a while, but then a couple friends of mine in the DC showed me some of the posts going on there.  It's really not all it's cracked up to be.  The outcomes on the enemy design event illustrates that pretty well imo.



Funnily enough you can tell the players apart quite easily.





Oh my... well this is awkward.

You see I paid because 1. The plats were cheaper and 2. I liked the game.

I didn't want the exclusive items so I opted for the cheapest pack. I'm just content with the badge on my avatar. Honestly.

So the platinum price was a factor.  What a surprise.  My point is that no one did it purely out of the goodness of their heart.

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Not that it has any relevance to the topic at hand, but about that list why people got founders, 100 plat says no one bought it for any one of those reasons, but had multiple reasons to get it.


Now lets get back to being spoiled little kids :)

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Not that it has any relevance to the topic at hand, but about that list why people got founders, 100 plat says no one bought it for any one of those reasons, but had multiple reasons to get it.


Now lets get back to being spoiled little kids :)


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everyone had an equal opportunity to press the buy button for founders.


not everyone knew about this game

not everyone could afford to buy founders

life isn't fair deal with it.


quit trying to bring the dead back to life please.


We already have the prime access exclusives*?

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everyone had an equal opportunity to press the buy button for founders.


not everyone knew about this game

not everyone could afford to buy founders

life isn't fair deal with it.


quit trying to bring the dead back to life please.


We already have the prime access exclusives*?

None of which apply to Aklato prime or Dual Skana prime since they're different weapons and aren't exclusives.

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My first time post on these kinds of a thread.


Why not re-release the founders package deal, BUT DOUBLE THE PRICE?. or triple it. 

since you really want it you may want to pay triple now since you missed that day that its up for grabs because you are short on money or whatever reasons you have



this issue will NOT and be over and over be discussed until DE makes a move.


Three Two scenarios for this issue:

1. DE keeps FIRM on their decision making it EXCLUSIVE community will have no choice and keeps whining for eternity.

2. DE re-release the founders package  mc.swaggatonmcswaggerygoldstuffyoumissed TRIPLE THE ORIGINAL PRICE and this deal will LAST FOREVER. everyone wins and PROFIT to make the game more wows. wow. i mean its already wow but can be more wower

3. You build a time machine



now which choice is good? the 2nd one ofcourse! everybody wins. everybody is happy! why not make everybody happy?! why??!!

unless the founders doesnt want anyone to get what they have, selfish kids.you'll quit anyway and go pay another game. y r u so mean people. y?




well ofcourse, if LARGE MASS of the FOUNDERS says NO.

relasing it again wont happen.

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I'm a founder, and I would have no problems with DE releasing them for purchase again, as long as it was included in the Prime Access offer so that you could only get them by shelling out cash, like the founders did.

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My first time post on these kinds of a thread.


Why not re-release the founders package deal, BUT DOUBLE THE PRICE?. or triple it. 

since you really want it you may want to pay triple now since you missed that day that its up for grabs because you are short on money or whatever reasons you have



this issue will NOT and be over and over be discussed until DE makes a move.


Three Two scenarios for this issue:

1. DE keeps FIRM on their decision making it EXCLUSIVE community will have no choice and keeps whining for eternity.

2. DE re-release the founders package  mc.swaggatonmcswaggerygoldstuffyoumissed TRIPLE THE ORIGINAL PRICE and this deal will LAST FOREVER. everyone wins and PROFIT to make the game more wows. wow. i mean its already wow but can be more wower

3. You build a time machine



now which choice is good? the 2nd one ofcourse! everybody wins. everybody is happy! why not make everybody happy?! why??!!

unless the founders doesnt want anyone to get what they have, selfish kids.you'll quit anyway and go pay another game. y r u so mean people. y?



Much as people would like to characterize it as such, this isn't a thread about re releasing the founders program.

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Why again with this LET IT GO! 


I missed out on Lato prime and wish now I had gone for the biggest package (even though tier 4 was double the price of tier 3). So forever will I miss out on that badly stated but swanky pistol. I do want it BUT I missed my chance. 


Ak/dual versions would be cool BUT would completely ruin the point of all this which was to reward founders. 


Please let it go. What is it that makes you want these things? To collect everything? Well its an admirable goal but there  is always something else (event weapons, lost weapons). Mastery? Well its true these give you a little boost over people who do not have them but that margin is becoming smaller and smaller. Also mastery does not bring much and even when focus comes out I bet the difference between being one mastery level and the one just above it will not be massive. 


WHY are we STILL going over these things. You can get Excalibur so the prime is merely cosmetic. And the weapons are pretty bad compared to newer weapons. E.g. Dakra prime > Skana prime. So why do you need them? 

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Why again with this LET IT GO! 


I missed out on Lato prime and wish now I had gone for the biggest package (even though tier 4 was double the price of tier 3). So forever will I miss out on that badly stated but swanky pistol. I do want it BUT I missed my chance. 


Ak/dual versions would be cool BUT would completely ruin the point of all this which was to reward founders. 


Please let it go. What is it that makes you want these things? To collect everything? Well its an admirable goal but there  is always something else (event weapons, lost weapons). Mastery? Well its true these give you a little boost over people who do not have them but that margin is becoming smaller and smaller. Also mastery does not bring much and even when focus comes out I bet the difference between being one mastery level and the one just above it will not be massive. 


WHY are we STILL going over these things. You can get Excalibur so the prime is merely cosmetic. And the weapons are pretty bad compared to newer weapons. E.g. Dakra prime > Skana prime. So why do you need them? 

No, they wouldn't.  Founders already got their rewards.  They paid for specific rewards and they already got them.  They should have no say in the release of different weapons and it's problematic that they think that they do.


It's kind of ironic that so many founders like to say that they already go their reward in the founders ship thread and the like, but all of the sudden it's a different story here.


The fact that they are bad on top of the fact that they aren't a part of the founders pack makes it all the more ridiculous that anyone would object to their addition on the grounds of founder's exclusivity.

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Why not just go back to the days when you could buy a weapon again and rerun it to thirty for mastery.

Apologies if this was already said...but I did not read 14 pages of posts...

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You have 3 types of Founders.


1 ) ones that paid to support the game.


2 ) ones that paid to get the Platinum deal


3 ) ones that paid to get exclusive items

My reasons for getting the Founders pack was

1) To support the game

2) To get in design council

3) To get exclusives

4) To get platinum

...they were all reasons but the first two are the most important to me.

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If they stated multiple times that they wouldn't re-release the founder's weapons, what makes you think they will give out dual versions? I've tried to look at this from your point of view, but all I'm hearing is "Oh, you paid hundreds for exclusive stuff? Well I'm whining until I get better versions for free!" Really? Have you actually thought about this from the average Founder's side of things?

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If they stated multiple times that they wouldn't re-release the founder's weapons, what makes you think they will give out dual versions? I've tried to look at this from your point of view, but all I'm hearing is "Oh, you paid hundreds for exclusive stuff? Well I'm whining until I get better versions for free!" Really? Have you actually thought about this from the average Founder's side of things?

Because you paid for Lato and prime and skana prime.  You didn't pay for dual skana prime or aklato prime.  Should all the people who spent money on Lex get a refund because dual lex was released?  No.  That's not how businesses work. 


And you didn't pay $100 just for exclusive stuff.  You got well over your moneys worth in platinum as well, not to mention design council access.  It doesn't matter if that's not why you bought it, because that makes up a significant part of the founder's packs value.  You got more than your money's worth and DE has no obligation towards you in regards to different weapons.

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Well that's kind of the point of the limited time exclusive thank you gift from DE to the founders. So yes.


It's also more than that. DE has promised on multiple occasions that founder gear will remain absolutely 100% exclusive. For me personally I want them to stay true to their promise, because reneging on it would severely damage their relationship with the player base.


It's not a "I'm greedy and want to keep my exclusives to myself" as much as it is a "I'm going to hold the developers to their word" thing.


When Riot went back on their word about keeping things exclusive (certain holiday skins), they still gave full refunds for the people who originally bought them AND made the splash art unique for original buyers. Sure, some people wanted their content to be exclusive, but there was still a measure of exclusivity and we got a full refund so it's not like we could even say we got cheated out of our money. That is the kind of thing that is being discussed in this thread - either DE stays their ground on exclusivity or they go FULL non-exclusive with a refund.


It's not a fix, it's just new content.  There's still no real reason not to do it.

Higher tier Founders paid for unique content. If a new player can have a Lato Prime in each hand then that Founder's single Lato Prime isn't unique anymore. Dual versions are not mutually exclusive of single versions and that's where you violate the trust. It's been said many times and you still don't seem to understand that. Yes, the weapons are "different" because they have different names and different stats, but no they are not different enough to maintain this illusion you have of them not being Founder's gear. They use the same model at least once, if not twice, so releasing them will remove the uniqueness of having a Lato Prime or Skana Prime.

I don't have either of the Founder's weapons, and while I would like them, I opted not to pay for them and that was my choice. Those that paid for them earned them and I DON'T DESERVE to hold a Lato Prime in EITHER hand EVER.

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So then we're all agreed this isn't "A Fix For People Wanting Founder Weapons 2.0" and is just a desire for some terrible weapons only for mastery? There's a lot of other weapons I'd rather see get primed first, the aklato and dual skana aren't great. The dual cestra, one of the whips, a sniper rifle, maybe the miter; there's a lot of weapons which are both more interesting to use and more powerful than either of those.

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When Riot went back on their word about keeping things exclusive (certain holiday skins), they still gave full refunds for the people who originally bought them AND made the splash art unique for original buyers.


Higher tier Founders paid for unique content. If a new player can have a Lato Prime in each hand then that Founder's single Lato Prime isn't unique anymore. Dual versions are not mutually exclusive of single versions and that's where you violate the trust. It's been said many times and you still don't seem to understand that. Yes, the weapons are "different" because they have different names and different stats, but no they are not different enough to maintain this illusion you have of them not being Founder's gear. They use the same model at least once, if not twice, so releasing them will remove the uniqueness of having a Lato Prime or Skana Prime.

I don't have either of the Founder's weapons, and while I would like them, I opted not to pay for them and that was my choice. Those that paid for them earned them and I DON'T DESERVE to hold a Lato Prime in EITHER hand EVER.

They didn't pay for THIS content.  It doesn't matter how mad you are, the fact stands that founders paid for specific content and that is the only thing that they can make any claim of exclusivity on.  There is no different "enough."  It's either different or it's not.  That's why DE is able to sell dual weapons and single weapons as separate products.

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