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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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Make unique weapons (Wraith, Vandal and Founder) give no Mastery, problem solved. That is why people most people want it.

You overestimate the importance of the mastery system. Perhaps mastery reform should come before a decision about these weapons? When that's done, what would you do about the backlash from players who already have mastery from these weapons?

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i always see everyone wanting the items, but personally if there was anything from the founders program i would seriously want back, it would be access to the design council. i didn't have he money at the time and after they announced the ps4 version of warframe and those old glorious possibilities of cross-platform play, i just decided to wait and see if the pack held up till then or if a new pack would be put up. but either way what happened, happened so i can't change that. and honestly while i know that the founders program weapons aren't the best anymore, they are still a symbol in the community and just giving people the improved version of it is only going to &!$$ the founders off. although most of the founders pack attention is really for mastery points and Excalibur prime.

Edited by Ether_SolRac
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You overestimate the importance of the mastery system. Perhaps mastery reform should come before a decision about these weapons? When that's done, what would you do about the backlash from players who already have mastery from these weapons?

tell them that they are greedy mo sokras :)  and/or basically give them the equivalent of a legendary core, but for giving weapon/warframe exp

Edited by MerelyARumor
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Why is this sort of thread even around?


Discussing it will accomplish nothing, no-one wants the weapons other than for mastery ranking.


Let the "special" founders keep their "special" weapons and frame


Not sure what kind of dicussion you are trying to spark, please enlighten me.

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You know, I've seen thread after thread about Excalibur Prime, but I don't recall seeing even *one* in recent memory for Lato or Skana Prime. Very few people care about these weapons, and I doubt Founders would care about dual versions being released. I think this idea is fine.


For those of you that have Skana Prime, my condolences about melee 2.0 stealing the unique charge animation from it. That was the one thing that made an otherwise lackluster weapon unique. Now it's just like all the the other longswords that there are way too many of.


EDIT: btw was it ever confirmed that Volt had Dual Skana Prime in the Alad V trailer? I know several people said that, but even trying to pause it, I could never make it out.

Edited by AM-Bunny
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Ok, so before, you got a resounding no, so why are you trying again? And what makes you think you're in a position to speak on behalf of Founders in saying what they think is an acceptable "solution"? One, there is no problem. People who don't have the founders stuff are simply jealous. Period. It's something they don't have that someone else has. They don't want founders weapons because they're better than other weapons. They want them merely because they don't have it. If all the founders stuff was freely available, then these people would turn their attention to the anniversary skin, or the wraith weapons, and many already do. Seriously, let this go. It'll end the same way all Founders exclusives threads end. With a no.


I don't mean to be offensive, or to come across as rude, but that's just the way it always ends up.


IMO, the only solution, and I mean the only solution that actually respects the legal ramifications of re releasing founders gear, is to give a full monetary (no, not platinum. Real currency) refund (reverse the purchase but keep all the items, including plat and founders gear) to Founders. That is the only acceptable "solution" to me.


And, to be clear, the problem isn't that Founders have stuff that non-Founders don't. The problem is the people who can't accept that the Founders program is over and who keep complaining about not having the exclusive items. So the solution fixes that problem.


Again, to reiterate the solution to people constantly complaining about Founders stuff: Give a full monetary refund to all Founders (yes, it's costly for DE), allow Founders to keep all their stuff, re-release all the Founders items (Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, Skana Prime, but no Grandmaster emblem, solar mark, or Design Council entry) as-is, but in a new Prime Access pack (that, again, is time limited). Add Excalibur Prime blueprints, as well as those for the Skana Prime and Lato Prime, to the void drop table. Yes, DE loses out because they'd have to pay out (but they should if they're going to go against their "not-coming-back" stance), but this is the only thing that is acceptable to me.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Grand Master (Master etc) – You will forever be Exclusive not just in the game but to the People that work in this company and this game. Don’t you want new Blood to rise as a Grand Masters and in the process allow MORE support and investment given to this product we love so much?


Tenno – We need to support and respect our fellow Grand Masters and how they feel as they are our veterans that started fighting this war not only in game but in real life…Also we need to admire DE integrity to maintain this *Pact* with the founders… That should still continue as such… even if they give the opportunity for others to become founders or/and give the chance to trade or sell such relics…of the grand past…for you to keep. But what if that never happens? Well just look for the bright future because frankly, there is more in the future that in the past…


Lotus (DE) – You represents a symbol of fortune. You have grown in muddy waters (of this completive gaming world), and it is this environment that has given forth the flower’s first and most literal meaning:


Rising and blooming above the murk to achieve enlightenment (Digital Extremes and Warframe among other titles, which we all agree that you have indeed achieve greatness!)


The second meaning, which is related to the first, is purification. You resembles the purifying of the spirit which is born into murkiness. (You have achieve these through hardship of every kind yet you have always listened to us, you yourselves being and knowing what it means to be like us, coming from the muddy waters of the gaming world, keeping your purity)


The third meaning refers to faithfulness. You who are working to rise above the muddy waters are indeed faithful. (We have no question that you have been faithful and that’s why you have such loyal followers in game and real life)


In the end it’s your choice that matters, we respect and what will mean for the future, we are in the murky waters with these disputes, help us help you grow even more by solving these eternal rivalry within the Tenno and their Prime Grand Masters Emperors…and bring balance ones more, before retribution comes for us again. (Cough*, Stalker Cough*, or his Clan Cough*, Cough* XD)



Ghost Clan

Yami no Matsuei


PS: Sorry could not resist this is such a good Lore related thing of the Past and the Present Dark Sector Conflicts... but I meant every word to all specially DE. ^_^

Edited by 0zryel
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I'm all for putting in duel wielded weapon variants of the founder weapons, but as Cruispleuro said previously, most are likely complaining for pointless Mastery points, or to fill up the hole in their collection.


If DE would simply add a default option to "Hide Unobtainable Items" to the codex, they would likely get far less questions about these, since the founder weapons are not really encountered all that much because they aren't very good in comparison to what else is in the game.

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What is with all of the bashing? He brought up a valid solution (which has been suggested before). I will say that I would love founders stuff. Not because of mastery, but because Excalabro is one of my primary frames.

I agree that founders stuff should not be released again, but why are so many people whining? They are different weapons, drop your ego and think of other people's interests.

Smile, it is a good day.

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What is with all of the bashing? He brought up a valid solution (which has been suggested before). I will say that I would love founders stuff. Not because of mastery, but because Excalabro is one of my primary frames. I agree that founders stuff should not be released again, but why are so many people whining? They are different weapons, drop your ego and think of other people's interests. Smile, it is a good day.


Of course it's valid to you. You're not a founder. You don't have these items. So of course you'd think it's valid. But it's not a valid "solution". The items are a status symbol, and most are jealous because they don't have that status symbol. 

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Again, to reiterate the solution to people constantly complaining about Founders stuff: Give a full monetary refund to all Founders (yes, it's costly for DE), allow Founders to keep all their stuff, re-release all the Founders items (Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, Skana Prime, but no Grandmaster emblem, solar mark, or Design Council entry) as-is, but in a new Prime Access pack (that, again, is time limited). Add Excalibur Prime blueprints, as well as those for the Skana Prime and Lato Prime, to the void drop table. Yes, DE loses out because they'd have to pay out (but they should if they're going to go against their "not-coming-back" stance), but this is the only thing that is acceptable to me.

I feel like the amount of new players that would buy it would easily pay them back

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Have DE give all the founder's  each a 100k plat then 

Note>>> I am not a founder 


Sorry, but I want some money back if they release the Founders stuff. And, like MerelyARumor said, they'd make that money back, probably even more.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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All I care for on this topic is equalisation of maximum potential Mastery between all players, because of the potential impact of the Focus system on future PvP content--such as the Solar Rail MOBA-style fighting. If Focus is a game-changer, then I want to know the playing field is level at all times and not that there will be months where sections of the community will have access to power levels other players simply can't access.


I don't care for the items themselves. I myself have the Gorgon Wraith and Dex Furis; I would like for all removed, retired and exclusive items to have their Mastery stripped from them--or if it'd be too much hassle to take it from each account, I'd like for all players to have means of acquiring the Mastery credit for said items (such as clantech research or a Market blueprint to simulate levelling those items from 1 to 30 without needing the items themselves).

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The legendary core idea may work.



No Warframe or Weapon takes the equivalent amount of XP to how many Cores Mods like Serration and Redirection require to be maxed. And that alone is enough reason for a "Legendary XP" to not have nearly the same value.

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