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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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the logic in this thread, ''It sucks and i dont use it but you cant use it because i dont want you to have one''...wow ,


get off your pedestals you narcissists



Lets pretend that at the start of this game

there was 100 players, and 10% were founders....so 10 founders

over a year, 1000 new players join, but 200 leave because they cant get what they want (vs 10 founders who may or may not stop being loyal to the game after whats done is done)

the amount of profits lost for the sake of the tiny amount....when they can just refund and rerelease at the same price and not only  make more money,but keep a larger amount of there playerbase happy and supporting them , being more beneficial in almost every way..... unless your telling me that somehow, because you spent a large amount of money at a very very specified time that you are better than every other player that would spend a large amount of money at a different time? because they didnt know about it till recently? 


i have no idea how big the founder % base compared to the total population, and it be hard to prove WHY people left the game, but im pretty sure they would make significantly more money ,  and more player base happy, as opposed to just feeding there sheep....making 90% of the player base not even want to play the poster boy of the entire game


even just taking the mastery points away from exclusives, just that alone, would cut the negativity and constant threads by a large sum


basing it solely on how theres like..5-10 of these threads a day, all i see is it would be an improvement



Wow, they reopened a topic, that's deep.

 Won't make a difference though.  DE didn't really think it through when they decided to go the route of putting in on Consoles etc anyway, only to cancel out the goods so soon to the PS4 release months ago.

 Frankly anything they said, should of automatically became void once it came out on consoles, as now your dealing with a whole new Audience, and Community of players, Corporation, etc, and I don't really care for the copy & paste lines people post about " NO, DE said, Founder, Exclusive, blah, blah, blah, blah, and I'm I'm not really interested in how a person was or was not there from the beginning etc.

 I use to beta test lots of games, even founded a few, got access to some goodies, and maybe years later they might release it to others.  Was my pride so big that I got mad, nope, as far as I was concerned, I paved the way for a game and newer players, and my money paid for the things people have now, and I was glad they got to enjoy it as much as I did, back when I was granted early access to such things, then I moved on.


  Frankly some people are so tensed up about digital items, and things that will have no impact on their real lives, and its sad really.  Its even more sad when people threaten to take a company to Court etc, like really!?  Go out, and get a life, its a game, and games are meant to be enjoyed.

 I don't even care about rules, contracts etc.  It basically just comes down to the two basic things "How much money you spent, and Greed"


  The person who woke up one day, and thought of exclusives ought to be beat....


  Oh yeah, and if anyone argues their not greedy, look at the billions of post from them that state they'll take this, and that, or would want this, if it was re-released, thank you.


  I know not all of them are rude, but some on here are pretty nasty over things.  I pray the PC to PS4 Migration never happens!!




When Riot went back on their word about keeping things exclusive (certain holiday skins), they still gave full refunds for the people who originally bought them AND made the splash art unique for original buyers. Sure, some people wanted their content to be exclusive, but there was still a measure of exclusivity and we got a full refund so it's not like we could even say we got cheated out of our money. That is the kind of thing that is being discussed in this thread - either DE stays their ground on exclusivity or they go FULL non-exclusive with a refund.




I don't care about the items, founders are founders. What annoys me is that my dedication to the game wont be be rewarded cos im a late comer, cos I didn't know about it. Now that im dedicated to it, I have no option of having input. You got people being recognised for being there at the start, but what about the people that came later and dedicate time and adoration to the game, convincing friends to play, spending a lot of money. Should we not be noticed too? Are we not also crucial? To a game where players come and go. Shouldn't the players who are just as dedicated as founders get something to say, hey, thanks for liking our game enough to play every day and buy stuff. Isn't that really what these exclusive items are about. A thank you. And I think founders stuff should stay exclusive to the founders. Just not sure excal prime was the best choice for such a done dusted deal.


But a system for design council to be possible for dedicated late comers seems logical to me.

You guys are clearly forgetting that the amount of people that would rebuy the founders exclusives could heavily outfavor the cost of refunding



Solution 1 : refund founders, re-release- get tons of profit 



Solution 2 : take exclusive everything off mastery charts and codex   , Give an item that maxes mastery rank of 1 weapon for every exclusive item taken off the menu (the legendary core of weapon ranking)   


solution 3 : Allow for founder exlusives to become tradeable, Giving founders the choice of what they wish to do with there OWN items that THEY paid for and shouldnt give a crap about what the other founders say about it(if you dont want to trade,dont trade,it doesnt get downgraded in rarity if the EXACT same amount of people have it, it might even become more rare because some people might go hunt them to npc them...... if they want to get rid of there items which they deem virtually useless for insane plat profit, let them? also fixing peoples chances of getting mastery rank done and keeping profile icons exclusive to represent founders still  (also dont give me this bull@#%$ about founders spirit, last time i checked founders were threatening to sue DE for not shooting themselves in the foot...founders spirit is a joke..)


solution 4: release dual versions of founders exclusives.... i dont really see how this will fix anything tbh, i also dont understand how owning a specific item automatically gives you the right to other versions of the item, if thats the case, the guy who said lato skana and excalibur should be founders only as well,pretty accurate...seeing as founders CLEARLY just ''own the rights'' to all of those things because they paid money at a specified time, they are more clearly more special than people who pay big money for prime access or buy tons of plat and should be treated as such, because if you dont feed your sheep they will stab you in the back and try to ruin your game , in fact, they should have the rights to ALL THE PRIMES because they paid that 1 time, they automatically own all the rights to all the bling in the game, and should just own everything themselves and bathe in there prime everything because they ''earned it'' , the game was made for them,they should own the entire game,everyone elses money is just to keep the founders game running for the founders everyone /sarcasm



solution 5: DE does nothing, DE gets 5-10 of these posts a day, DE loses potential customers consistently for the rest of there game making career, DE Shoots themself in the foot to please there minority in there game, because ''founders spirit'' 





This Screwdriver is useless, But i paid for it when it came out so you arent allowed to use power drills


This shoe doesnt fit, but you cant have a pair...founders spiiiiriiiit *rings a jingle bell*


this chopstick is useless...




edit: just read an interesting idea on a different founders blah blah blah thread



solution 6 - make it possible to obtain 24 hour expiration  excalibur prime, skana prime and lato prime to rank for mastery


I feel like more people need to read these...



since rationality has gone out the window , lets just release dual versions of Lato and skana prime, but the requirements are you need 2 of them to make 1



edit: heh...that would make tradable founder items a heck of alot more interesting....

Edited by MerelyARumor
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How exactly did I change my argument? There is no single stiletto. That's why you can acquire the dual version but not the single. But in this case a single version does exist, but is unobtainable.


Except your analogy was terrible. A cheeseburger and a double cheeseburger aren't just similar, the former is available if the latter is available. By your argument, a better analogy would be a cheeseburger to a chicken sandwich. The cheeseburger to double cheeseburger analogy was self-destructive because you cannot buy a double if they don't sell a single.


Please answer me this, will DE releasing aklato prime or dual skana prime fix anything? If you think so, please explain to me how, because I'm apparently not intelligent enough to understand.

Because you tried to claim that there was no dual variant that could be bought that didn't have a single variant.  But when that was pointed out to be not true, all of the sudden it matters whether there was a single variant or not.


Attacking the construction of an argument rather than trying to refute the argument itself is a great way of showing that you know you can't refute it.  And yes, if they're selling double cheesburgers you can buy a double cheesburger if they don't sell a single.  Not selling singles doesn't mean they don't have the requisite materials, it just means they've only decided to sell double cheesburgers.


Why does it need to fix anything?  New content doesn't have to fix things, new content is new content.




I feel like more people need to read these...



since rationality has gone out the window , lets just release dual versions of Lato and skana prime, but the requirements are you need 2 of them to make 1

Not really.  Most of those posts assume that founders have some kind of entitlement regarding a product that they did not pay for.

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Guys, I got a solution. Remember the website kit they put on their media page? Here's the image below, top right you can see the design for the lato. However, it doesn't have that bling that the primed version has. Maybe release that design as an alternate skin for the regular Lato.



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lets bring this back on track, too much hate and nay-saying. keep this civil. its still only a discussion. and there is still way too much narcissism going on, cool off or leave.



Guys, I got a solution. Remember the website kit they put on their media page? Here's the image below, top right you can see the design for the lato. However, it doesn't have that bling that the primed version has. Maybe release that design as an alternate skin for the regular Lato.




 as for this, I like it. that should be the normal model of the lato. 

edit: what is that first pistol? I want it.


and on another note, adding these weapons would help suppress the whiners asking for the direct lato/skana prime, this would be a win/win for everyone if people would just open their eyes and stop being so foolish. people want the crappy guns, give them a different yet equally crappy version of it, they shut up for a long while. *works*

Edited by VYR3
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Right, so it's only hate if we disagree with you...


@Mikovsky - I'd be fine with that I guess. I wouldn't call it Lato Prime/Aklato Prime, but a dual version of that non-gold Lato Prime there would be ok with me, and the same of something like that for the Skana Prime. It'd need some fancy name to distinguish it from the Prime weapons though.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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lets bring this back on track, too much hate and nay-saying. keep this civil. its still only a discussion. and there is still way too much narcissism going on, cool off or leave.



 as for this, I like it. that should be the normal model of the lato. 

edit: what is that first pistol? I want it.


and on another note, adding these weapons would help suppress the whiners asking for the direct lato/skana prime, this would be a win/win for everyone if people would just open their eyes and stop being so foolish. people want the crappy guns, give them a different yet equally crappy version of it, they shut up for a long while. *works*

That first gun was... never implemented, as far as I remember a year ago.

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Right, so it's only hate if we disagree with you...


@Mikovsky - I'd be fine with that I guess. I wouldn't call it Lato Prime/Aklato Prime, but a dual version of that non-gold Lato Prime there would be ok with me, and the same of something like that for the Skana Prime. It'd need some fancy name to distinguish it from the Prime weapons though.

Thats literally no different


What is it youre after personally with this?

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It hasnt spiraled into anything after all of these pages and wont likely get worse than where its at


Most if not all of the derailment is coming from people who think this will hurt founders in some way and hteyre purposely attempting to get the thread locked


They dont care for civil argument in this case since a lock favors them greatly


Right. So the "derailment" is people not agreeing with you... Just stop.

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Its derailment when instead of talking about the topic they say something about funders only when this isnt about the founders items


No, it's not, because the whole point of this suggestion is to find a way to get around the whole "Lato Prime and Skana Prime are never being released again" stance by DE. That's what this whole thread is really about. A way to get the Lato Prime and the Skana Prime without it being those items themselves (essentially "let's have the same weapons in dual form and pretend it's nothing like the single variants"). It's not the first time this has been suggested, and when it was suggested before, it was the same outcome.

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The problem you run into is this has gone on for a very long time, some have made decent points, some have made bad ones, at the moment though it is mostly just circling around a guy trying to explain something to a guy assuming one thing, and another guy trying to defend assuming a whole other thing.


I can't tell whether or not either is right/wrong because no one from the start really clarified anything, is the idea just the founders exclusive model being made akimbo? is it just an akimbo prime that has its own design? 


Personally as I stated a bit ago, if it is it's own unique design prime akimbo, I have think that is fine, though people will still complain forever, that is human nature.


If the idea is to literally take the UNIQUE DESIGN from the EXCLUSIVE and copy/paste it into the other hand, that may be a "loophole" but it is one scummy one at that, and flat out devalues the existence of the exclusive.


"Yeah so the founders spent a ton of money for a singular version of a gun that they just made akimbo and gave out for free, what a bunch of chumps."


Also it does set a potentially dangerous precedent that if the community complains long enough, DE might be willing to renege on a promise in a roundabout way just to shut people up, so if you hate anything just keep screaming.


Sorry to sound negative but most of these things tend to just go around in circles until someone gets tired of it and veers off angrily in a random direction getting everything locked down.


to reiterate, Unique akimbo prime with its own design, maybe even a singular with its own unique design, I wouldn't hate on that, maybe better in a different way compared to the founders exclusive primes, but just copy/pasting the unique look and giving it to everyone in a "roundabout way" just seems so morally grey.


People have for the most part made all the relevant points they will at this point, in my opinion, could be wrong.

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No, it's not, because the whole point of this suggestion is to find a way to get around the whole "Lato Prime and Skana Prime are never being released again" stance by DE. That's what this whole thread is really about. A way to get the Lato Prime and the Skana Prime without it being those items themselves (essentially "let's have the same weapons in dual form and pretend it's nothing like the single variants"). It's not the first time this has been suggested, and when it was suggested before, it was the same outcome.

The point is to appease and calm the many players who missed out on it and come here to make threads not much unlike these


Noone loses anything in this scenario and alot of people are bluntly stubborn about it still

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Right, so it's only hate if we disagree with you...


@Mikovsky - I'd be fine with that I guess. I wouldn't call it Lato Prime/Aklato Prime, but a dual version of that non-gold Lato Prime there would be ok with me, and the same of something like that for the Skana Prime. It'd need some fancy name to distinguish it from the Prime weapons though.

I'd be fine with that sort of rustic skin for dual skana, aklato and single variants. If it was a permanent mesh in the market it wouldn't need a new name because they would not be primed or separate from the original versions.


Gentle men I do believe we have reached a compromise.

Edited by Postal_pat
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The problem you run into is this has gone on for a very long time, some have made decent points, some have made bad ones, at the moment though it is mostly just circling around a guy trying to explain something to a guy assuming one thing, and another guy trying to defend assuming a whole other thing.


I can't tell whether or not either is right/wrong because no one from the start really clarified anything, is the idea just the founders exclusive model being made akimbo? is it just an akimbo prime that has its own design? 


Personally as I stated a bit ago, if it is it's own unique design prime akimbo, I have think that is fine, though people will still complain forever, that is human nature.


If the idea is to literally take the UNIQUE DESIGN from the EXCLUSIVE and copy/paste it into the other hand, that may be a "loophole" but it is one scummy one at that, and flat out devalues the existence of the exclusive.


"Yeah so the founders spent a ton of money for a singular version of a gun that they just made akimbo and gave out for free, what a bunch of chumps."


Also it does set a potentially dangerous precedent that if the community complains long enough, DE might be willing to renege on a promise in a roundabout way just to shut people up, so if you hate anything just keep screaming.


Sorry to sound negative but most of these things tend to just go around in circles until someone gets tired of it and veers off angrily in a random direction getting everything locked down.


to reiterate, Unique akimbo prime with its own design, maybe even a singular with its own unique design, I wouldn't hate on that, maybe better in a different way compared to the founders exclusive primes, but just copy/pasting the unique look and giving it to everyone in a "roundabout way" just seems so morally grey.


People have for the most part made all the relevant points they will at this point, in my opinion, could be wrong.

Founders didn't pay for a design, they paid for a weapon.



No, it's not, because the whole point of this suggestion is to find a way to get around the whole "Lato Prime and Skana Prime are never being released again" stance by DE. That's what this whole thread is really about. A way to get the Lato Prime and the Skana Prime without it being those items themselves (essentially "let's have the same weapons in dual form and pretend it's nothing like the single variants"). It's not the first time this has been suggested, and when it was suggested before, it was the same outcome.


It doesn't matter if that's the point or not, as long as it's a legitimate suggestion that DE is under no obligation to not do, there's no reason that it shouldn't be considered. 


Oh, so do you have direct access to DE's internal disucssions and schedule?  If they hadn't considred it, I sincerely doubt drew would have allowed the discussion to be started again.




I'd be fine with that sort of rustic skin for both dual skana and aklato. If it was a permanent mesh in the market it wouldn't need a new name because they would not be primed or separate from the original versions.


Gentle men I do believe we have reached a compromise.

The problem is assuming we should have to compromise on this.  Having to come to a compromise infers that they have an entitlement regarding these weapons.  DE needs to put their foot down for once otherwise there will continue to be squabbles over exclusive content.  What if they decided to make Aklato vandal?  It's the same pinciple, Lato Vandal was promised to be exclusive and never to be released again.  But Aklato vandal would be a separate weapon so they are under obligations regarding its hypothetical release.

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Founders didn't pay for a design, they paid for a weapon.




It doesn't matter if that's the point or not, as long as it's a legitimate suggestion that DE is under no obligation to not do, there's no reason that it shouldn't be considered. 


Oh, so do you have direct access to DE's internal disucssions and schedule?  If they hadn't considred it, I sincerely doubt drew would have allowed the discussion to be started again.

This was never discussed in the design council, but maybe he pm'd Drew.

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The point is to appease and calm the many players who missed out on it and come here to make threads not much unlike these


Noone loses anything in this scenario and alot of people are bluntly stubborn about it still

The key line is "missed out on it"

Using different wording and scenarios doesn't hide the fact that its asking to get something that you missed. The reason for missing it doesn't matter.

I've personally stated multiple times that as a Founder I am not opposed to the dual weapons being released. Our package was for single items so anything else that is released will NEVER carry the worth or prestige of the original issue. Welfare versions at best. What I AM opposed to is that you guys won't be satisfied with that. You will always covet what we have and you don't. If DE gave everyone a set of Founder frame and weapons tomorrow for free, 5 min later the posts will start asking about the badges, the Solar Landmarks, the Custom Lotus Messages we get, access to our chat etc. Like the Oracle said about Smith... you won't stop until there's nothing left at all.

If you miss history, that's too bad. You can read about it and watch the documentary and talk to survivors, but you can never relive it or do it yourself. It is a ONE TIME EVENT.

You guys missed out on something. That's all. Let it go already and move on. For the last time

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I'll say it again. The design is as much the weapon as the coded item itself. And the goal of this suggestion isn't about mastery points. It's about getting the exact design of these weapons. That's what you're after. This is specifically a suggestion by people who like how the weapon looks and want to have weapons of their own that look like these weapons. Yes, a non-gold version of this weapon has a different look. By it's lack of gold, it's not prime already. That I'm fine with. But I don't want to see this










as a dual weapon, because that is the Lato Prime and Skana Prime. You come up with a non-gold variant of those and they're no longer Prime. I'd even be ok with non-gold variants of those replacing the existing Lato and Skana models/textures. But I doubt that'd be ok with you because then it wouldn't be the Lato Prime or Skana Prime that you're after. You probably wouldn't be ok with a dual version of these suggested non-Prime-texture versions since you obviously wouldn't accept an aklato prime or dual skanas prime that had a different model. So why don't you just call it what it is:


you want weapons that look just like the Lato Prime and Skana Prime, but you want dual variants just so that you can call them different weapons. And yes, that's called trying to get around the exclusive, never-coming-back nature of the Founders items.

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The problem you run into is this has gone on for a very long time, some have made decent points, some have made bad ones, at the moment though it is mostly just circling around a guy trying to explain something to a guy assuming one thing, and another guy trying to defend assuming a whole other thing.


I can't tell whether or not either is right/wrong because no one from the start really clarified anything, is the idea just the founders exclusive model being made akimbo? is it just an akimbo prime that has its own design? 


Personally as I stated a bit ago, if it is it's own unique design prime akimbo, I have think that is fine, though people will still complain forever, that is human nature.


If the idea is to literally take the UNIQUE DESIGN from the EXCLUSIVE and copy/paste it into the other hand, that may be a "loophole" but it is one scummy one at that, and flat out devalues the existence of the exclusive.


"Yeah so the founders spent a ton of money for a singular version of a gun that they just made akimbo and gave out for free, what a bunch of chumps."


Also it does set a potentially dangerous precedent that if the community complains long enough, DE might be willing to renege on a promise in a roundabout way just to shut people up, so if you hate anything just keep screaming.


Sorry to sound negative but most of these things tend to just go around in circles until someone gets tired of it and veers off angrily in a random direction getting everything locked down.


to reiterate, Unique akimbo prime with its own design, maybe even a singular with its own unique design, I wouldn't hate on that, maybe better in a different way compared to the founders exclusive primes, but just copy/pasting the unique look and giving it to everyone in a "roundabout way" just seems so morally grey.


People have for the most part made all the relevant points they will at this point, in my opinion, could be wrong.

good post, and I should request people go read the first post I made, where in that did I give the specific request to make these akimbo/dual weapons with the same model as the founders gear? no where. while it would make sense, that's completely unnecessary , and that is most likely the basis of 90% of the counter argument, the founders believe they have the right to the model, and all things associated with said model, while this is somewhat true, you must remember that not a single one of you own a portion of the game, nor have any dominance over DE, there fore they could do literally what ever they want, if they wanna make the lato P's model into the lower half of captain vor's model that craps out Excalibur heads, they can. they only thing I ever would have wanted from the founders pack is the Excalibur prime, but even if I had him, I would have the proto skin on and wouldn't even see it, so I use my NORMAL Excalibur to run around with, why? cause I got over it. the entire point of this thread was to appease the collectors and the mastery junkies by giving a bonus chunk and the pretty little lato and skana p models. the reaction of most of the people on this thread, while mildly civil, is still much out of hand, there is too many side discussions, I myself am guilty of this, but none the less, for a large portion of people who have spent the money on the founders package, you would think they would be more mature than "no shut up and go cry in the corner" and when I say this I do not mean all the founders as there are quite a few exceptional members of the community with the founders status, you know who you are.


but to finish off this, because it is late and I must be heading to bed soon, lets leave all of our "I'm a founder what I say goes" and "I want this waaaaaaaaaa" at the door, and lets have a civil debate, with constructive comments on how such items could be implemented.


and an edit: please leave [DE]Drew out of this, I'm not sure if he wanted any association with this thread or not, so again, leave him out of it, thanks.

Edited by VYR3
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It hasnt spiraled into anything after all of these pages and wont likely get worse than where its at


Most if not all of the derailment is coming from people who think this will hurt founders in some way and hteyre purposely attempting to get the thread locked


They dont care for civil argument in this case since a lock favors them greatly


I can already see it spiraling. You may not see it. But it's very slowly heading down that path. Too many complaints and whining on both sides. I'm just going to sit back and watch how this goes (Actually going to ignore this thread now, because I can't see it heading ANYWHERE at all).

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The key line is "missed out on it"

Using different wording and scenarios doesn't hide the fact that its asking to get something that you missed. The reason for missing it doesn't matter.

I've personally stated multiple times that as a Founder I am not opposed to the dual weapons being released. Our package was for single items so anything else that is released will NEVER carry the worth or prestige of the original issue. Welfare versions at best. What I AM opposed to is that you guys won't be satisfied with that. You will always covet what we have and you don't. If DE gave everyone a set of Founder frame and weapons tomorrow for free, 5 min later the posts will start asking about the badges, the Solar Landmarks, the Custom Lotus Messages we get, access to our chat etc. Like the Oracle said about Smith... you won't stop until there's nothing left at all.

If you miss history, that's too bad. You can read about it and watch the documentary and talk to survivors, but you can never relive it or do it yourself. It is a ONE TIME EVENT.

You guys missed out on something. That's all. Let it go already and move on. For the last time

I didn't miss out,  I didn't want it :|


The problem here is more an issue of principle.  People shouldn't be getting all hissy over a weapon that they didn't pay for.  It's crying wolf.  The next time there is an issue that people should genuinely be upset over DE is going to look back at this and not help but wonder if it's not just as frivolous and unfounded as the founders whining in here.

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I'll say it again. The design is as much the weapon as the coded item itself. And the goal of this suggestion isn't about mastery points. It's about getting the exact design of these weapons. That's what you're after. This is specifically a suggestion by people who like how the weapon looks and want to have weapons of their own that look like these weapons. Yes, a non-gold version of this weapon has a different look. By it's lack of gold, it's not prime already. That I'm fine with. But I don't want to see this










as a dual weapon, because that is the Lato Prime and Skana Prime. You come up with a non-gold variant of those and they're no longer Prime. I'd even be ok with non-gold variants of those replacing the existing Lato and Skana models/textures. But I doubt that'd be ok with you because then it wouldn't be the Lato Prime or Skana Prime that you're after. You probably wouldn't be ok with a dual version of these suggested non-Prime-texture versions since you obviously wouldn't accept an aklato prime or dual skanas prime that had a different model. So why don't you just call it what it is:


you want weapons that look just like the Lato Prime and Skana Prime, but you want dual variants just so that you can call them different weapons. And yes, that's called trying to get around the exclusive, never-coming-back nature of the Founders items.

No it's not.  You never pay for the design.  TOS in games are very careful to specficlly state that the company/publisher owns the rights to the designs/assets etc. etc.  You technically don't even own anything on your account, DE is just letting you use them in exchange for payment.  You are paying for the use of product, which is the weapon and not the specific design of the weapon.  That might be why you decided to purchase it, but that's not what you're buying.

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