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Should The Boltor Prime Be Nerfed?


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Not because it's overpower but because it's an overdue prime access item. Let's justify the nerf that we all knew it's coming for a simple reason...buy the next prime access and grab yourself the next top dps weapon at least for the next three months.


EDITED with SS of my boltor prime just to stop the speculation. THIS THREAD DID NOT ASK FOR NERF. 



Edited by Einde
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By your logic. X access ends nerf X access's weapons? So when Y's access ends nerf that too? And you make it seem as if you're calling the shots with little to no elaboration as to why you want to nerf it. I wanna nerf Excal because ya know. Nerfs

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By your logic. X access ends nerf X access's weapons? So when Y's access ends nerf that too? And you make it seem as if you're calling the shots with little to no elaboration as to why you want to nerf it. I wanna nerf Excal because ya know. Nerfs

One or two thread asking for nerf I could understand. But that many at once. Boltor prime is not a new weapon. Most people got it for months, I got it on the first week. I'd never see this many nerf thread dedicated to boltor prime. Come back when you see full front page asking for Excalibur nerf. Maybe then you'd a point

Edited by Neogeo
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Here we go again... I don't think this weapon should be touched at all as it is fine the way it is. However, I do think it should require mastery rank 8. People who are asking for a nerf are players who didn't buy the prime access and therefore don't care about those of us who actually bought the weapon through prime access. Also everyone knows at least on PS4 how hard it was to obtain the blueprint for this weapon so as it stands right now the only change that should be made to this weapon should be mastery rank 8 requirement.

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While the original poster doesn't back up his viewpoints very well (if at all), the Boltor Prime deals 120% better damage than the Boltor. It is a weapon, where out of the box it is better than most weapons if you just throw a catalyst on it. Its DPS cap hangs at around 3000 higher than the Soma, which was largely considered OP for quite some time, trivializing a majority of the game's content, barring that of the endless modes (which one should never balance around, since it's endless).


Travel time with the Boltor Prime isn't a downside. People can learn to compensate for its short travel time, too. It is more accurate than the Boltor, as well.


Other prime weapons don't have a 120% damage increase from their counterparts, more like a 35%-45% increase at most.


Locking it behind a mastery rank won't change how ludicrously powerful it is and only reinforces the notion that you jackwagons want power creep to stay.

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Not because it's overpower but because it's an overdue prime access item. Let's make 100 thread a day to justify the nerf that we all knew it's coming for a simple reason...buy the next prime access and grab yourself the next top dps weapon at least for the next three months.

It's time to get topics like this removed. I love how people say, "OH MA GAWD", "DIS B OP BRAH". When they haven't even tried using it in anything higher than a Tier 1/2 Mission.

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While the original poster doesn't back up his viewpoints very well (if at all), the Boltor Prime deals 120% better damage than the Boltor. It is a weapon, where out of the box it is better than most weapons if you just throw a catalyst on it. Its DPS cap hangs at around 3000 higher than the Soma, which was largely considered OP for quite some time, trivializing a majority of the game's content, barring that of the endless modes (which one should never balance around, since it's endless).


Travel time with the Boltor Prime isn't a downside. People can learn to compensate for its short travel time, too. It is more accurate than the Boltor, as well.


Other prime weapons don't have a 120% damage increase from their counterparts, more like a 35%-45% increase at most.


Locking it behind a mastery rank won't change how ludicrously powerful it is and only reinforces the notion that you jackwagons want power creep to stay.

How is 80,883 damage in 60 bullets, OP?

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The phage has far more DPS than boltor prime, and you want to nerf it?


You're comparing a weapon with limited range, odd mechanics, continuous fire (which is actually a bad thing based on how they work right now), and fixed time to focus its beams to the most well-rounded powerhouse in the game. Your comparison logic is flawed and not based on pros and cons, but rather straight numbers.


Don't draw illogical conclusions. It is the best in its category by a longshot. That's what makes it asinine.



How is 80,883 damage in 60 bullets, OP?


How is it not? A lot of weapons need to be dialed back substantially. DE has been making enemy tweaks, but not any weapon tweaks, and therefore the difficulty curve of the game has been thrown completely out of whack. You have to go to wave 30 on T3 defense to find any challenge with the 'optimal' Boltor Prime build. The Boltor Prime should deal 30-40% better damage than its original counterpart, not 120% greater, so that it's in-line with other prime weapons. It is 3 times more powerful than 'optimal' builds for other weapons in its category, which is a huge difference.


Weapons, ultimates, and such are too drastically different in terms of power levels for this game to have any semblance of a proper difficulty curve, numbers-wise for the new AI to make any damned difference.

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Stop this kind of topics, there are different tiers of weapons in this game like in every other one. It´s just that simple, soma is still a gret top tier weapon and it has some advantages over boltor prime and I can say the same about boltor prime. The we have weapons that shine specifically doing somethiing like the detron for killing high level grineer and that turn top tier depending of the user and the mission. 

You  complain about boltor prime but there are more great weapons than you can think and it depends so much in the user, in invasions against the grineer I am faster cleaning the room with my hek shotgun than the boltor prime users and this is a proof that a weapon being ''OP'' can be something so situational so sop complaining and learn how the game works and respect DE´s effort for bringing it to you and they os course looking or try to look on everything, imagine that it is your game.

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Have you ever heard the phrase IF IT'S NOT BROKEN DON'T FIX IT. to many times in this game and others things have been nerfed or changed to a condition that makes them less than what they once were and were intended to be. All I see and i'm guilty too. Are people saying what THEY and THEY alone see wrong with a weapon or frame or character depending on the game. But never do you see what's good about it. As well you never take the time to explain why you feel the way you do. just that you feel that way about what ever your complaining about. So my fellow player Please give a definitive reason for this unneeded and unwanted nerf before its nerf to the point that even you won't want to use it again but then only have yourself to blame. And then the rest of the warframe community can say well the Boltor Prime used to be a good gun but because of Neogeo its just something you have to lvl for mastery, because it sucks now.

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Alright, I am not here to argue with anyone, so I am not going there. In my opinion, weapons need to stop being nerfed. I do think that the Mastery Level on a lot of high powered weapons need to be raised. I would say, maybe make the highest damage weapons in each class Mastery Rank 8 (like they did with the Dragon Nikana), and raise some of the other high powered or unique weapons up into the 4-7 range. This way we don't keep getting nerfs on weapons, and players have more motivation to build and try out new frames and weapons to raise their Mastery. I know I had a lot of fun and drive working to get to Rank 8 so I could build my Dragon Nikana, much more so than if it had been more easily available.

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Alright, I am not here to argue with anyone, so I am not going there. In my opinion, weapons need to stop being nerfed. I do think that the Mastery Level on a lot of high powered weapons need to be raised. I would say, maybe make the highest damage weapons in each class Mastery Rank 8 (like they did with the Dragon Nikana), and raise some of the other high powered or unique weapons up into the 4-7 range. This way we don't keep getting nerfs on weapons, and players have more motivation to build and try out new frames and weapons to raise their Mastery. I know I had a lot of fun and drive working to get to Rank 8 so I could build my Dragon Nikana, much more so than if it had been more easily available.

I agree whole hardedly. I was rank 5 and was 30 mins away from the dojo research being done when the Dragon Nikana, I went to get a drink. Came back to find it had been XP locked for rank 8. I was so mad. But it motivated me to make rank 8 and Now that I'm rank 10 that motivation still stands.

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God, it pains to me to see people who don't realize the reason behind nerfing, but instead just back away in fear screaming at their lost power-fantasy.

Lower Numbers is not the same thing as bad gameplay, alright? There is reasoning behind it, but I imagine if anybody tried to explain it to you, a full dosage of "lalallalala I am plugging my ears can't hear bad nerfs omg cry moar" would be in order.


Correctly balancing a game does exactly the opposite, it lengthens the longevity of a game to a much higher degree then waiting for players to burnout on their power-fantasy, EX: Counter Strike Games.

To what end this balancing heading? You knew they were going to release next prime access weapon and it's probably going to be OP and hard to obtain at the same time to promote their sale.  So what's your suggestion? Nerf the prime access weapon every 3 months? You did not see the root cause and just went along with nerf because it's OP crew. DE need to stop release prime access weapon to trivial current weapon. Thats the only way to stop nerf calling once and for all. 

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Another thread...


The mere fact that some people bought prime access in order to get the boltor prime can justify that it does not need a nerf. People would be outraged at money wasted after the nerf. I didn't buy it myself but I farmed for it in the ever forgiving void and that took a lot of time. It's not often one goes out of their way to get a weapon other than just being mastery fodder. A nerf in conjunction to the next prime access would also probably deter future potential buyers of the prime access.


"Why should i spend the money if they are going to nerf the weapon I am buying?"


Bad for business. 

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You're confusing me OP. Time to nerf Boltor Prime. This thread didn't ask for a nerf? Wut

I was trying to be sarcastic. I suspect there's another hidden agenda that all of these nerf boltor prime thread popup all of a sudden. Its not a new weapon, people had it for months. The weapon itself is no more op that other top tier like Synapse. It's just too much of a coincidence that these thread popup as soon as the last prime access ended and the new one about to start.

Edited by Neogeo
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I was trying to be sarcastic. I suspect there's another hidden agenda that all of these nerf boltor prime thread popup all of a sudden. Its not a new weapon, people had it for months. The weapon itself is no more op that other top tier like Synapse. It's just too much of a coincidence that these thread popup as soon as the last prime access ended and the new one about to start.


Tinfoil hat.


But really, a lot of weapons that sit above the 12k DPS range need to be brought in line.

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Tinfoil hat.


But really, a lot of weapons that sit above the 12k DPS range need to be brought in line.

The damage is fine. It's completely normal for weapon to have tier. Our current top tier weapon exceed the level of T3 content. That's a problem that DE need to fix. But not by nerfing, because that would be going backward. DE should release the next tier content instead.

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the only nerf it needs is mastery level lock similar to soma with btw is doing pretty fine boltor prime is more common because everyone can get it. Besides adding weapons like that sooner or later will give us more powerfull enemies/nodes maybe new planet asteroids or giant ships similar to star destroyers form SW  :P 

Edited by Anubias
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