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We're Missing Something... A Spear.


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Something like this:



So that I can do this:



Oh yeah, and this:


And This:


I just noticed, in the gif above, a random sword is flies across the screen from a rift in time and space... Maybe.  

Edited by TwiceDead
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Well, we've kind of got Impact weapons covered with Staff weapons, then we've got Slash covered with Polearms... 

All that's missing is Spears to cover the Puncture part, using long sticks with pokey things at the end. 


a Spear would be interesting - but your GIF makes little sense, and not much of what was done there relates to being a spear, it's all just magic.


That was kind of the joke. 

Edited by TwiceDead
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i would love if warframe got more inspiration from the dynasty warriors series for their melee weapons. looking at you Cao Pi's dualblade :P and you know what else? claws. i know they are making valkyr anims... but they could make a different mod card for brand new and gorgeous claw weapons. it would be so cool. as for the spear.. meh never was much of a fan of it, though it would be nice to try it.

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Puncture melee weapons are needed in general. Spears are the most obvious option, which would probably need its own animations, however. Swords focused on thrusting like rapiers would be the next choice, they can just use sword animations, I guess. Maybe a hammer covered in spikes, so instead of harshly smacking things, it pincushions the target. Hate looks like it could be puncture, Kama too. We just need Puncture melee weapons, please.

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Puncture melee weapons are needed in general. Spears are the most obvious option, which would probably need its own animations, however. Swords focused on thrusting like rapiers would be the next choice, they can just use sword animations, I guess. Maybe a hammer covered in spikes, so instead of harshly smacking things, it pincushions the target. Hate looks like it could be puncture, Kama too. We just need Puncture melee weapons, please.

...we have puncture weps. The Single daggers and fang variants.

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This would be worth 500k credits and 20 orokin cells

I can't stop laughing at the idea of chainsawing salad v

Stats of chainsaw:

No attack animation except for normal chainsaw movement.

30.0 Fire rate

30 base slash damage.

25% status chance.



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i would love if warframe got more inspiration from the dynasty warriors series for their melee weapons. looking at you Cao Pi's dualblade :P and you know what else? claws. i know they are making valkyr anims... but they could make a different mod card for brand new and gorgeous claw weapons. it would be so cool. as for the spear.. meh never was much of a fan of it, though it would be nice to try it.


Claws were leaked in the codex in a previous update.


But I do agree, we need a spear so I can Dragoon around with my Zephyr.

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