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The Galaxy = Solar System?


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Why do people keep insiting we're protecting the galaxy when we only stay in the solar system/can only access things in the solar system? Nothing says we leave it.


The Void is just another dimension, too, so that doesn't count.

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this solar system is the prime location in the galaxy


thus we are protecting the galaxy


OUR prime location but not THE prime location.


Who says that?


Many people on the forums. I supposed it'd be considered canon since many of the devs say it in streams, too.

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Because there are probably other Tenno in other systems fighting similar threats to the balance. Maybe. Well Hayden Tenno was from Earth, but since Tenno are from void they could have spread over all the galaxy through Novas worm holes or something, right?

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  It is interesting in alluding to the possibility that the Orikin Empire might have stretched beyond the solar system. But, there is no indication, yet, that the Lotus or the Tenno is active outside the our solar system. I imagine you need one serious solar rail, or series of solar rails, or some totally different method to travels installer distances. Perhaps the Orikin can teleport using the void, sort of a basement/subspace level of reality.


  That leaves possibilities for expanding the game in the future, but for now it seems that the Grineer and Corpus are concerned with dominating the solar system, and the Tenno with preventing total domination. Who knows?


  Should also not that just our solar system is a crazy, crazy, big place with enough floating around in it to keep us busy for a long time. DE has expressed how they regret how small the interface has made the solar system feel. From the outset of the original Dark Sector concept they wanted to have players bounty hunt across the vast stretches of space in our solar system. The player ship and hubs are meant to return to that feeling of vastness.

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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  It is interesting in alluding to the possibility that the Orikin Empire might have stretched beyond the solar system. But, there is no indication, yet, that the Lotus or the Tenno is active outside the our solar system. I imagine you need one serious solar rail, or series of solar rails, or some totally different method to travels installer distances. Perhaps the Orikin can teleport using the void, sort of a basement/subspace level of reality.


  That leaves possibilities for expanding the game in the future, but for now it seems that the Grineer and Corpus are concerned with dominating the solar system, and the Tenno with preventing total domination. Who knows?

except that DE already said they would release other solar systems. which goes back to what i said about the other ones not being made yet

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except that DE already said they would release other solar systems. which goes back to what i said about the other ones not being made yet



  That is fine, like I said the Orikin Empire could have stretched beyond our solar system. Or, the Corpus or Grineer could discover away to pioneer into interstellar space. That would effectively expand the current conflict and complicate things. It could be related to introducing new factions. My point is that the current conflict is centered around our solar system. References to defending the galaxy is hyperbole, forgivable space opera sci fi tropes habits. In my opinion.

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this solar system is the prime location in the galaxy

Sol is a 'prime' location according to who?


the Sol System is located on a trailing branch of the Galaxy, not a central location whatsoever. frankly, far from being prime. a prime defensive location being able to reach as many locations at once, would theoretically be inside the super massive Blackhole at the center of the Milky Way. or on the outer edges of it, as close to a 'central' location as possible. 


even then, is that a 'prime' location? what is our primary goal for protection? what's our most important 'stronghold' for whatever we're protecting? we don't really know.



and frankly, the fact that we're viscerally fighting over just the Sol System implies that we can't just split up and go our ways in this vast galaxy and universe that we have. 

meaning that FTL speed or even relatavistic speed probably isn't a thing in this universe yet. or is extremely expensive.



as always, what we have as a background in Warframe doesn't support all of what we have, there's holes abound due to the lack of storytelling going on :(

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Well the solar system kinda IS a galaxy. The human race hasn't really traveled far out without the use of probes. Our galaxy could very well be bigger than we thought. And a Universe is made up of thousands if not millions of galaxies. That's just my opinion. Some one else might have a different one.

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So my guess is that the Orokin used the Void as a way to shortcut through space-time and reach other solar systems. On their crusade to expand their dominance to other systems they eventually encountered the Sentients and received a major beating so they had to create the Technocyte Virus and also the Tenno to stand a chance.

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Sol is a 'prime' location according to who?


the Sol System is located on a trailing branch of the Galaxy, not a central location whatsoever. frankly, far from being prime. a prime defensive location being able to reach as many locations at once, would theoretically be inside the super massive Blackhole at the center of the Milky Way. or on the outer edges of it, as close to a 'central' location as possible. 


even then, is that a 'prime' location? what is our primary goal for protection? what's our most important 'stronghold' for whatever we're protecting? we don't really know.



and frankly, the fact that we're viscerally fighting over just the Sol System implies that we can't just split up and go our ways in this vast galaxy and universe that we have. 

meaning that FTL speed or even relatavistic speed probably isn't a thing in this universe yet. or is extremely expensive.



as always, what we have as a background in Warframe doesn't support all of what we have, there's holes abound due to the lack of storytelling going on :(



  I agree, I think the technology for practical interstellar travel is either too expensive or is lost. Solar Rails just make solar travel more convenient as even the best concepts we have on the drawing board right now would take months just to travel to jupiter. We don't have a sense of how fast the solar rails speed up travel time but I suspect it is exceptional. It is the range that they can transport that is the limitation. That is why it is impractical to make a series of solar rails for interstellar travel, at least rails of the solar scale.

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Language barrier.



Well the solar system kinda IS a galaxy. The human race hasn't really traveled far out without the use of probes. Our galaxy could very well be bigger than we thought. And a Universe is made up of thousands if not millions of galaxies. That's just my opinion. Some one else might have a different one.

The entire scientific community has a different opinion :P

Solar systems are Solar systems.

A galaxy is a galaxy

Edited by Tenn00b
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So my guess is that the Orokin used the Void as a way to shortcut through space-time and reach other solar systems. On their crusade to expand their dominance to other systems they eventually encountered the Sentients and received a major beating so they had to create the Technocyte Virus and also the Tenno to stand a chance.



  I agree that the Orikin may have used the Void as a shortcut through interstellar space, but it is not clear if the Sentients are alien in origin. Though, it is possible that they are alien, they have been assumed to be AI from Earth, or just what Orikin describe other beings of higher cognitive function, like other humans. We don't know.

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Well the solar system kinda IS a galaxy. The human race hasn't really traveled far out without the use of probes. Our galaxy could very well be bigger than we thought. And a Universe is made up of thousands if not millions of galaxies. That's just my opinion. Some one else might have a different one.

The Milkey Way (our galaxy) is made up of around 100 to 400 billion stars. It's an average size galaxy.

There's estimated to be around 100 to 500 billion galaxies.

Our star is an average size star with (assumed) average number of planets.

That's at least 10 million billion billion stars and 80 million billion billion planets. Or 80 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 planets.


At least.

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The Milkey Way (our galaxy) is made up of around 100 to 400 billion stars. It's an average size galaxy.

There's estimated to be around 100 to 500 billion galaxies.

Our star is an average size star with (assumed) average number of planets.

That's at least 10 million billion billion stars and 80 million billion billion planets. Or 80 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 planets.


At least.

So basically, HL3 is confirmed.

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