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Loki Invis: A Different Way To Mod For It



Ok, spit out a "Loki Master Race" or a "Loki sucks" comment to yourself before you post :P.


We all know that Invisibility is an extremely popular/infamous ability for obvious reasons. This is not a post on if Radial Disarm is better or not, or if Invis and Loki in general is just an easy button, and I would prefer it not go that route.


This post is about a different way to approach building for Invisibility. Normally, you would want to put on all the duration mods (Narrow Minded, Continuity, and Constitution), working towards a max duration build. This runs you to about 30 seconds of invis, which is pretty nice/crazy. However, my main issue with that is, depending on when and where you use it, you might end up wasting a good amount of that duration on running around places with no enemies, which is a waste of whatever energy you put into it, whether it be Streamlined or not. Also, if at any chance you lost energy from leaders or disruptors, your squishy self is left out in the open until you get enough energy to resume invisibility. Not fun.


With that in mind, I decided to go for a max efficiency build instead, including Fleeting Expertise. "Why would you kill your duration?" some may ask. Well, for one thing, if you get sapped (my word for disrupted) you'll not want to wait to build up a lot of energy to get a squishy you out of a heated situation, especially if other means of self protection (cover, teammates, etc.) are not available. Secondly, and this is most important, if you build for max duration while building for efficiency and have an Energy Siphon aura, by the time your invisibility is done, you would have regenerated the energy you had used to cast it. You essentially have infinite uses for invisibility, as long as you dont get sapped or drained of energy for too long.


With Continuity and Constitution maxed and Narrow Minded at 7/10, with 75% max efficiency from Fleeting and Streamline, after the 20 sec invisibility is done, you would have regenerated via Energy Siphon the exact 12.5 energy it had cost to cast the power. With other players with energy siphon, it is a quicker regen, obviously.


So yes, "if Loki wasn't a Master Race already", but that can be discussed in a separate thread. I'm just showing what I believe is an optimal way to build for invisibility.


EDIT: You can most certainly use the Essence Helmet to open another mod slot, but I personally hate the way it looks and, these days, the helmet is not as available as it used to be.

Edited by R34LM
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Since when "Max Duration + Max Efficiency" build is something new for loki?


Also, why would u waste a mod-spot for streamline when there is an essense helmet? either way u get no more than 75% efficiency.

Edited by Sormaran
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I still will go for duration. I just bring in my gear health and energy pack, they're dirt cheap. Low on health or energy, pop up those pack. Energy got zapped dry? Pop up two energy pack. All this whilst still maintaining invisibility.


Alt for health = Life Strike


Added: While your reason for this build is on energy efficiency, mine is on risk and survival. Let's say 30++ minutes play. Your risk in dying is greater because you're out in the open more than me. I use Natural Talent on my build.

Edited by Dalawantahr
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Er... Infinite invisibility has been a build widely used for quite some time. It is achieved by balancing the duration with the efficiency so that (as you pointed out) you regen as much (or more) energy as you put into it when you cast it in the first place.

Well I wasn't going to go forum diving to find out, honestly.

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Since when Max duration + Max Efficiency is something new for loki?


Also, why would u waste a mod-spot for streamline when there is essense helmet? either way u get only 75% efficiency.

Honestly, because I got sick of the essence helmet blocking my crouched aiming view. Not to mention, it'd clash with Loki Prime if I choose to move to that.


Tis all about looking good :P.

Edited by R34LM
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EH? You mean that isn't a standard build for Master Race Invisibility Loki-sama? My build is usually Rank 4 Fleeting Expertise(50%) + Rank 4 Streamline (25%) then Max Constitution and Continuity and Rank 8 Narrow Minded (cause I'm poor). It brings my power cost to 12.50 energy and duration to 22.7 seconds. I mean... this is not a standard build? O_O Even when disrupted I just run for cover while regaining 12.50 energy or just risk it and keep killing until I get an energy orb. Other than that, in any mission (without any units that can disrupt), I never have that moment when I don't have energy to go Master Race Invisibility Loki-sama Mode

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EH? You mean that isn't a standard build for Master Race Invisibility Loki-sama? My build is usually Rank 4 Fleeting Expertise(50%) + Rank 4 Streamline (25%) then Max Constitution and Continuity and Rank 8 Narrow Minded (cause I'm poor). It brings my power cost to 12.50 energy and duration to 22.7 seconds. I mean... this is not a standard build? O_O Even when disrupted I just run for cover while regaining 12.50 energy or just risk it and keep killing until I get an energy orb. Other than that, in any mission (without any units that can disrupt), I never have that moment when I don't have energy to go Master Race Invisibility Loki-sama Mode

I assumed it was not standard, as I would find more posts about it. But I figured there would still be people who knew about this. If it is already widely known and standard, then slap me for being redundant, haha.

Edited by R34LM
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Your theory is interesting, but why don tu just use ur essence helmet and streamline plus flow?

I could, but again, I prefer not to. Plus, the essence helmet isn't really accessable to newer players, or people who sold it off. So I decided to not take it into account.

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I go full duration, then optimize my build to hit the efficiency cap. I tend to use 50% fleeting over max, so that the disadvantage is smaller and Streamline will take up the rest of the efficiency. Max narrow, max constitution, max continuity, 4/5 fleeting, 4/5 streamline, or replace streamline with arcane essence and fill the mod slot with a health or shield mod. Minmaxing isn't fun, and it gets less overall gains than optimizing, so I +1 your build, you're doing it right.

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Honestly I find that maxing for invisibility will net you less than trying for an all around build. I have used this for a minute http://goo.gl/9LuHVs and this even longer http://goo.gl/bFKQo9. I have found that narrow minded simply isn't worth the lost utility to disarm. In most cases unless your solo and even then going max invisibility is not nearly as good and specing to use all 4 skills. 

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My radial disarm poki build runs max redirection, range, and efficiency with -30% duration. Gotta group up those moving glowsticks.


Edit: I always thought having max efficiency was the 'way' to mod for invis loki.

Edited by MrJxt
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Honestly, because I got sick of the essence helmet blocking my crouched aiming view. Not to mention, it'd clash with Loki Prime if I choose to move to that.


Tis all about looking good :P.


I use Essence because I like how it looks... The extra efficiency is just an added perk.



My radial disarm poki build runs max redirection, range, and efficiency with -30% duration. Gotta group up those moving glowsticks.


Edit: I always thought having max efficiency was the 'way' to mod for invis loki.


Wait... Why would you use a redirection on your Loki? Neither of my lokis use health or shield mods.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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Wait... Why would you use a redirection on your Loki? Neither of my lokis use health or shield mods.

1 of 2 radial disarm builds I use has negative duration so I only use invis when I'm in tight situations. My other disarm build doesn't use shield/hp mods.

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1 of 2 radial disarm builds I use has negative duration so I only use invis when I'm in tight situations. My other disarm build doesn't use shield/hp mods.


Same here, minus the redirection, lol. I don't know, I just feel like I'm wasting slots when I mod loki for health and shields.


Anyone else think that the current trends point towards invisibility eventually being made into a toggled ability?


I sure hope not.

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with max narrowminded, max continuity, max constitution, max streamline and %40 Fleeting expertise (i use swindle helmet), i get around 25 seconds of infinite invisibility which is good when i do solo but while playing with other players i use decoy, radial disarm and invis together. (5 forma build)

Edited by (PS4)jenax002
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Same here, minus the redirection, lol. I don't know, I just feel like I'm wasting slots when I mod loki for health and shields.

Not until you got downed by stray bullet from Heavy Gunner or step into Napalm rocket AoE meant for another player.

Besides, downed invisible Loki = source of puns for whole team.

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Not until you got downed by stray bullet from Heavy Gunner or step into Napalm rocket AoE meant for another player.

Besides, downed invisible Loki = source of puns for whole team.


By the time I'm getting downed by a single attack, health and shield mods are even more of a waste of a slot. Modding for radial disarm would be much more helpful as less ranged weapons=less chance of being hit by a stray.

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