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Would You Care About Pvp If It Was Balanced?


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if pvp damage scale plus disabling skills aswell and not as 1hitting each other

added a RANDOM MATCHMAKING function

or having to pick pvp-only weapons (like paintball and practice stick weapons)


i would.


or mellee only modes, no aoe weapons. 

now pvp doesnt want you to bring your modded weapons and warframe abilities just your  skills in agility blocking and aiming.

enhancing pvp will not affect the game, it would be an awesome "hey ive finished the game lets just pvp for fun" like an endgame




THEN HELL YEAHHHH! warframe would be a complete fun package!


its better to have an impression of "hey this game got pvp? and its good too!" rather than "this game has pvp but its terribadly made"

but time will tell, i do want them to focus on the priority list like newbie content and endgame first, balancing aswell


making pvp better will come, but theres other priorities

open ur minds.

Edited by Ritchel
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The Clan vs. Clan in the Solar Rails has already sucked all the fun out of this game. Not to mention turning friends into enemies and destroying our clan by segregating our members. I am ready to walk now. PvP other than the conclaves would be the end all for me.

Edited by (PS4)Fbeast2
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Tried pvp again(Tried it once or twice since it came out) I was surprised at how horrible it was..(no offence to DE or to the people who like it)Damage not scaled properly and so many other reasons. I know the game is balanced around pve. I know that pvp was not in DE plans, but would you care about pvp if it was actually balanced?




I for one really enjoy the pvp when certain things (that were clearly built for pve only) are not exploited.


I have realised that in pvp, blocking still uses up stamina even whilst not deflecting anything, which is a good start, but if DE were to try to make the pvp more fair, the first thing they have to do is abolish reflection and limit powers. The fact that you can literally take no damage and deal 96% back to your opponent is clearly unfair, and some powers are just ridiculously op in pvp (saryn's ult for example).


So yeah, if DE are gonna take a look at the conclaves, I'm definiely interested.

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I mainly avoids any PvP games since dealing with humans in directly competitive online games nowadays really often hurts my faith in humanity's manner and intelligence. Even after I knew that WF's community was great and caring (love you guys), I would still enjoy PvE more than PvP even if the balancing was done right and just.

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I mostly play things because they are fun. PVP can be fun if, like any game, the people you are playing with are cool to be around. Unfortunately online gamers have a bit of a reputation for displaying poor sportmanship in general, and I think a lot of people shy away from PVP as a result of that. 

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How can you prepare yourself against unbalanced things? The penta for example. When I tried pvp yesterday I was clear that no matter where you run somehow you get instakilled by it no matter what.


Keep at least one highly accurate weapon, if it means leaving out Heavy Cal or Magnum Force then so be it. Don't rush into the middle, play stealthy and attempt to take them out from range before they can find you, but even then it's hit or miss on all of the tiny conclave maps.


also, unequip your sentinel, the little floating/glowing buggers give away your position like no other.

Edited by RancidTurnip1603
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I am more of a pve person, which is the reason i am still playing this game after a year. PvP is to unbalanced even if it is "balanced". You will surely find something that is not balanced and this will ruin the gamemode again.


Even if -technically speaking- the game would be perfectly balanced i would still only rarely play it, since PvP is just to aggressive.


                                                                              -Says the spaceninja who all day, every day shredds tons of grineer,corpus and infected to nothingness.

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I "care" about PvP now. More "balance" wouldn't make a difference at all.


I "care" about it's existence in that I want _nothing_ to do with it. I don't want critical content locked behind it, I don't like the story implications in this game and I think it's the worst, laziest, most toxic form of "user generated content" there is. It _literally_ breeds conflict between players, something that every other game mechanic seeks to avoid and mitigate.


I have yet to see _any_ game improved by PvP or by the presence of those that crave such conflict.


The less time, development and people involved in PvP in this game the better it is for me.

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I dont care balanced or not, if properly played any frame will be good..Like I duel with friends in clan dojo and we never see anything being overpowered except Excalibur/Zephyr with ogris yet because of little space provided so we are happy anyways. It will depend on how DE will execute PvP so that it would make me want to play it and not get burn out fast

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I "care" about PvP now. More "balance" wouldn't make a difference at all.


I "care" about it's existence in that I want _nothing_ to do with it. I don't want critical content locked behind it, I don't like the story implications in this game and I think it's the worst, laziest, most toxic form of "user generated content" there is. It _literally_ breeds conflict between players, something that every other game mechanic seeks to avoid and mitigate.


I have yet to see _any_ game improved by PvP or by the presence of those that crave such conflict.


The less time, development and people involved in PvP in this game the better it is for me.




I signed up for the advertised 4-player squad co-op.  That's all I'm interested in, that's all I've ever been interested in, and that's all I'll ever be interested in.


Nuff said. (Though I have nothing against conclave or duels for people who really want it.)

Edited by Marthrym
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If it was balanced I would enjoy it as a clan vs clan game (dark sector conflicts) but as a one on one I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.


Most frames will fall quickly to an invisible black energy loki with a penta... Cant dodge what you cant see...

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If it's done right and gives me incentive other than stupid useless credits. (Seriously...veterans have bajillions of those)

And also..before everyone yells Frame X is OP.... PvP with multiple classes (frames in this case) always have stronger and weaker metas...just figure out the meta first.

Of course a real pvp-only balance needs to happen (one that doesn't affect pve)

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I "care" about PvP now. More "balance" wouldn't make a difference at all.


I "care" about it's existence in that I want _nothing_ to do with it. I don't want critical content locked behind it, I don't like the story implications in this game and I think it's the worst, laziest, most toxic form of "user generated content" there is. It _literally_ breeds conflict between players, something that every other game mechanic seeks to avoid and mitigate.


I have yet to see _any_ game improved by PvP or by the presence of those that crave such conflict.


The less time, development and people involved in PvP in this game the better it is for me.

Most active thread right now is a non-productive argument over the use of the models of prime weapons, another soon to be top thread is about what team-mates are the most annoying, I semi-regularly get stuck in games with afk experience exploiters and wannabe solo players that run off and start cursing at the team when they are downed 100 meters from the pod.


And you want to point your finger at pvpers claiming they're the poor community. Maybe people in general are just unpleasant and you only ever realized it in competitive environments because more often than not you can actually choose your allies.

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Doubtful... but then again, it wouldn't affect me since I don't play it anyway. So, for the better for the PvP players, just a shoulder shrug for me.


But it definitively needs a revision of how it plays out and what role the mods have in PvP. It doesn't take a genius to consider how mods currently changes stats to such extremes and that it's a battle of builds, not a battle of skill played out.

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when pvp comes out, no doubt there will be more players. both new and retired players returning. more players means more money for de. more money possibly leads to more content. to the hard core pvm people, it seems like a win-win situation to me.

old players that are into pvm can still pvm. i doubt you pvmers will leave simply because you dont like one of the additions to the game.

. if there are rewards from pvp that cant be obtained from pvm, then simply trade for it, like in any other mmo game ever made.

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