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"i Want To Be Overpowered, Killing Endless Waves Of Plants Like A Badass..."


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Is this an actually supported thing now?





I"m dissapointed. Heavily.






Dunno, maybe I should mention that plants = brainless AI enemies? Meh.


Oh geeze, did I actually write brainless"ed" enemies? Don't remember.


You know, I'll wipe all that out above right now.... Okay there, maybe I'll explain the thing here:





I'm surprised the players are pushing for killing endless waves of enemies with things that can decimate a town with one click in a ninja game. I'm surprised that players want to be overpowered (but not just normal overpowered), but so overpowered that they would be working for otherways of killing due to sheer boredom. I'm surprised that players want to be Spartans in a ninja game.


I'm surprised that some people even played this ninja game to be a ninja. I don't know anymore....

Edited by Rorgal_Sina
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I believe you may be thinking of Plants vs. Zombies?

Maybe, but I don't think OP knows what he or she is talking about...


I watched my girlfriend playing that game a couple weeks back, and it seemed to be well-balanced to me. Besides, you're killing zombies with plants, lol.

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I haven't heard that term used to describe poor AI, so given that...  Aren't they working on more enemies that do more than just shoot at you?  The new ancient types, the community submitted enemies from the contests?  sure they're brainless, but that won't matter with a few bullets in their head the moment the Tenno see them.  See notionphil's thread; there's no reason to make the enemies smarter if they don't live long enough to utilize their new intelligence.

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I have the ogris and the penta and the paris prime....some of the most powerful guns in the game......I only use the ogris on ODD or T3 Defense, I use the penta on nightmare defense or T3 survivals.....and I use the paris prime when I run vault missions....because even with extunguieshed I can OHK any enemy......other than that....I don't use them.....because it gets boring after using them for too long.......I don't want to be overpowered....but I don't want every mission to be as if Im fighting against level 200 enemies every time

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We need OP gear to play through the broken content. We need 8-Forma Boltors Prime to even think about getting Lex Prime parts.


If DE would reduce the bulletspongeness of enemies and make them actually killable after they pass level 40, then we can speak about balancing weapons. As for now we need them.



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