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No One Uses Voicechat


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Trust me, you're probably better off not talking to them.


Most of the time it's a baby crying, terrible rap music, dogs barking, or people yelling at other people.


Or they have the most God awful microphone ever and you hear a buzz the entire time.


.......Or they sing, and oh God do they sing.

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I met some people who use voice chat on PC. It wasn't used much besides a person asking if a weapon was good or not, and him saying that a rare mod drop was over at his waypoint.

There are not many things to talk about in game.

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I find it more annoying than useful to listen to other people on a mic.


The only time I can say I enjoyed hearing a mic was when somebody played classic rock on their mic when I played Battlefield.

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I hate voice chat, I simply prefer written text. Most of the time it's even hard to understand what others are saying. In important events, or fight bosses I'm kinda fine with it, (I'm mostly quiet anyway) but on normal missions, no thanks...

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Trust me, you're probably better off not talking to them.

Most of the time it's a baby crying, terrible rap music, dogs barking, or people yelling at other people.

Or they have the most God awful microphone ever and you hear a buzz the entire time.

.......Or they sing, and oh God do they sing.

You sir, took the proverbial words right out of my mouth.

I began playing Warframe wanting to converse with random players.


1) Ear-splitting background noise

2) Grand Canyon echo mics

3) GUI (gaming under the influence) induced babble

4) people using it as secondary trade medium

5) Mean People


Edited by Letter13
Please avoid using profanity.
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I cant focus on peoples voices when everything is blowing up and im being shot at >.> Its bad enough hearing the lotus telling me stuff I already know. "This area is frozen so watch out for ice" Im halfway through the lvl you really need to tell me that now?

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So I ask you gentleman. What does this say about the majority of our community? Or does it?


People using, or not using voice chat says absolutely nothing about a game's community.


Even though..... I tend to think that less people using voice chat is a good sign.

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The voice quality through WF is questionable, not to mention that players who use voice often try to play the team leader by barking orders that no one follows.  If I wanted to use a voice chat with clan members persay, I'd use a dedicated VoIP program like skype or raidcall.

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Mostly don't use it because it doesn't work worth a damn.


The game is simple enough that it's not strictly necessary for most things you do.


If a high degree of organization is needed for something clan oriented or with friends, then Skype, TS3, and/or Vent suffice.

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Only played with one guy ever that used his mic in game.


Was clear, sounded decent, only used it to call out decent mods, when heavier units entered the area. Which I have to add, really changed how the team played as a whole. When in survival and a bombard/Napalm entered the area? Hearing, "Two Bombards, top of the stretch" let us all know what was coming and where. It was like we all knew it was the immediate threat and for those 3 seconds, we all focused fire on the enemy called out.


Higher levels this saved us quite a few times, lol

Granted this same behaviour can be done via waypoints, even on enemies, hearing it via voice chat is more detailed. More informative.

You can decide if you want to make your way down there to grab the mod or not. Plus simply talking while fighting is better than stopping to type and interrupting the flow of combat. That being said, I do a bit of both.



Type at lower levels, and when I can/have time

Use my mic when things get hectic and I simply can't spare the few seconds

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