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What Is The Stupidest/silliest Thing You've Done In Warframe?


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The purpose of this post is self-explanatory


What is the probably the single most stupidest/silliest thing you've done in Warframe, Forums, trading, gameplay, anything that happened in warframe in general.


For me, the stupidest thing I've done in Warframe was sell a Strun Wraith immediately after I got it due to thinking it was a glitch or something and had no idea about Event Rewards. Other than That it may be the fact that I've went through about 300 hours of the game with out any direct damage mods for guns like serration or hornet strike for about 300 hours. Imagine how funny it would look to see Banshee Solo Mobile Defense with a Burston against the Grinner in Sedna with the only Damage buff mod on being Vital Sense.


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splurging alot of platinum on orokin catalysts/reactors in the days of update 7. then theres me being impatient and spending plat on an orokin cell when at this day for me that im sitting on 539 orokin cells. I've also bought the dragon mod pack before the abilities got removed, I've also hastily bought the nikana and the dragon nikana upon update 13's introduction when dragon nikana was glitched.


good times, man......

Edited by TylerFreeman
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Than why are you here?


It seems that he only roams the forums to shun every bit of the game as much as possible. He's not even providing feedback. He literally just roams around the forums to find rant threads, so he can share his moaning with other annoyed players.

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When the void first came out with the various laser traps my friend and I A LOT of dumb things.


I got killed by one going up and down in the exit from a parkour course, and I rezzed with bad timing so I just stood up and died again. One time my friend died in the fishtank room and I thought I was so click shooting the laser on the opposite side and standing on that side... but then the one that goes back and forth perpendicular to those killed me... One time I tried to outrun the laser on a spinning one, but my distance vs speed was just right that all I did was match the speed of the turn almost exactly so the beam stayed right on me and killed me... 


If I have to pick one, it'd be the time my friend fell into the pit with like five shooting in both directions and died... myself, another friend and a random person we invited both jumped down to rez him and the group wiped. Mission failed.

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It seems that he only roams the forums to shun every bit of the game as much as possible. He's not even providing feedback. He literally just roams around the forums to find rant threads, so he can share his moaning with other annoyed players.


I am not annoyed at all and ffar from moaning. I don't give feedbacks because others doing and some of constructive threads gone because of players whom saying I hate it, dont like it etc. So I stopped to do anything just playing. Don't judge if you not know the background.

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I am not annoyed at all and ffar from moaning. I don't give feedbacks because others doing and some of constructive threads gone because of players whom saying I hate it, dont like it etc. So I stopped to do anything just playing. Don't judge if you not know the background.


Hey, guys. Hey. It's trying to communicate. 

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Dumbest thing I've done... Hmm... That's tied between missing the initial days of Phobos, fighting the Stalker with only Kunai, trying to find a group to kill Vay Hek (everyone seems to think I have the needed key.), and trying to science my way through a T3 Exterm with underleveled gear.


Missing the Phobos train: I can't get through some missions on the way to the dual boss fight. No one runs them anymore.


Fighting the Stalker with Kunai: On a leveling run with my Banshee. Stalker comes and I can't fire off my Paris fast enough. Switch to Kunai. End up not damaging his shields at all.


Recruiting Channel: Everyone was thinking I was hosting, when I said I was looking for a group already in existence.


Sciencing through T3 Exterm: Me and some clanmates decided to do a T3 Exterm to level some lvl 20 gear. We lose before we kill twenty of them. So many Ancients and Heavy Gunners... It haunts me sometimes.

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