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Bladestorm Is Broken


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There's no way of sugarcoating this. I'm just confounded as to how DE decided that a skill which reads "Become invulnerable and Kill all enemies within a ##m radius of this one." was balanced.


Like rhino's first skin, trinity's blessing and nyx hot potato absorbs, this skill grants invincibility and completely removes any need for skill. The game is reduced to "press # to win".


This ability does an easy 20k damage per hit that ignores shields and armour. It doesn't even matter if your team has the right auras or not - everything will die.


An unpotatoed Ash can slaughter level 70s with 0 risk due to being invulnerable. A potatoed one can kill higher level ones even faster. I played a 90 minute T4s with 3 other good mr15-16s and managed to get a whopping 54% damage dealt because this skill can hit for over a million damage without needing to aim or worry about positioning.


Highest damaging ability in the game.

0 skill required.


Edited by Tryysaeder
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Oh, I thought this is a bug report. Meh. Just stop complaining, it makes no sense. Every game will have something "unbalanced" there always will be something that someone will find overpowered. Welcome to video-game world! This happens here very often. And this isn't even a PvP-based one. That would be more bothering, wouldn't it?

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While this is true it only kills a limited amount of enemies in a small area AND it is meant to be a stealth frame. While stealth isn't much of an option in survival and such it actually is one of the few ultimate abilities that keeps you from being detected. The main problem with nerfing it will be hitting a high-level enemy without killing it and thus alerting you. Keep in mind that certain frames are based around certain playstyles. But to be honest think of some of the other things that have been around for ages (nova *cough cough*). Even though you say this ability is broken I find it pretty balanced if you consider it's purpose. And may I remind you that this is Ash's ONLY ability that can damage anything aside from shuriken. It just seems balanced to me as of right now. I do agree there should be more skill involved, don't get me wrong on that. A good example would be haveing to time a melee-press right when you attack in your ultimate, the better the timin the more damage.

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Honestly, I think the biggest problem with Bladestorm is when you use it you enter some weird slideshow where one second your snapping a neck and the next your just standing around doin nothing.


Of course it's pretty broken balance wise, but if it were to be less of an I-win button Ash would just be a sub-par Loki.


If anything I think they should just reduce the cast range dramatically so you either have to eat bullets to use it or use invis/teleport to get close.

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While stealth isn't much of an option in survival and such it actually is one of the few ultimate abilities that keeps you from being detected.

Actually, you can be spotted while using BS. If an ennemy steps inside AoE after casting and sees your clones, he will raise alarm even you are using Smoke Screen.


Otherwise, I don't feel BS being broken... Consider Ash role: he's got no team buff, no ennemy debilitating ability, no support powers... I have especially in mind things like Loki's disarm, Banshees Sonar (I watched a video on youtube of a guy landing crits above 8 MILLION dmg thanks to this ability), Rhino Roar, and many others. Ash is a lone wolf, and relies only on his ability to hide and do massive damage. I mean, damage is not everything, is it? What about supportive roles and crowd control? Wise use of Nyx Chaos/Mind control will grant you no damage, but your team will watch any patch of any level ennemies grind each other to death...


That's why I disagree about BS being OP: it helps Ash fulfill is role as damage dealer / stealth killer and make him ultra-specialized in this role, but doesn't make it the ultimate-that-will-solve-all-your-problems though. Basically, you will be the "tip of the spear", and if your team supports you, you will just do what you're supposed to... If you destroy everything around and land 20k+ hits, then congratulations, that means your teamwork is great! And about the lack of skill required... Is there an ultimate in game requiring skill moves or timed key strike to give results? Nyx Absorb just require to strike "4" twice to trigger a mini-nuke on the map (depending on what's around you, I must admint). I think the skill is more about WHEN and ON WHICH TARGET to launch your ultimate than to perform tekken-like combo (for that, you have stances).


Edit: Just read loln8tr post, and I agree: correctly used, everything can become damn effective...

Edited by BlitzkriegBob
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