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Atheist Or Agnostic?


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I just came out as a non-believer yesterday.

I don't believe there's a God. Not until proven.


Such drama unfolded.

Crying dad who wouldn't stop saying "My son is dead".

Keeps telling me I am incapable of love and respect because I don't believe in God.

Told me from now on, I can take care of myself, by myself (I'm 19 but still dependent).

Asked him what that meant, does that mean no more financial support? He did not elaborate.


My family is a very religious Catholic.


I've always questioned the idea of religion ever since I can remember.

We've had good years as a family without them knowing.

But all of a sudden, now that I'm out, I'm suddenly immoral in their eyes.

I'm still the same person as before I came out, but why do they make me feel like I was evil all along.


All morning I've been reading on Atheism, Bible Contradictions / Inconsistencies, Personal accounts of people coming out, etc...

But I can't seem to classify myself, Atheist or Agnostic?



I was hoping some people here could raise questions that might enlighten me..

I know Warframe is not the place for me to get answers, but honestly, I have nowhere else to go. Or talk to.


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I understand how you must feel. But remember this...


"It is better to believe and be wrong, then to not believe and be punished."


But your life is your own, and this is a gaming forum so...


"It`s better to be punished for being right, than be praised for being wrong."

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There's a bit of confusion. Gnosticism relates to knowledge, not to belief. So, you can be a gnostic theist (I know that God exists), an agnostic theist (I don't know if God exists but I believe he does), a gnostic atheist (I know that God doesn't exist) and an agnostic atheist (I don't know if God exist but I don't believe he does).


I understand how you must feel. But remember this...


"It is better to believe and be wrong, then to not believe and be punished."


But your life is your own, and this is a gaming forum so...

Pascal's Wager doesn't work; it's a false dichotomy, which is a logical fallacy.


But seriously, this isn't a place to have religious discussions. This is Warframe forums.

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before this topic gets out of hand


Congratulations on coming out of the religious closet!


The most important thing of belief is to choose what feels right to you, and you may very well not be able to find a specific name of a "religious group" (which is stated in such way to include athiesm, agnosticism and EVERYthing else).


What is most important is how you feel about yourself and to be honest with yourself.


The best way I can classify my beliefs is some form of paganism focusing more heavily on the connection with nature and the energies that exist within and represent life.

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The question I ask is what loving God would perform miracles in the form of his name in a fruit, but not save millions of people from suffering and painful death everyday? If God exists he needs to get his priorities straight :/

and I bet this is where the thread changed from helping one person to a debate, any takers on my bet? lol

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Sounds like you've had a rough experience.


My family used to be pretty Catholic, but through watching the church and a lot of messy business we've come to realise that religion isn't what makes you a good person. There are good people in the church but at the same time there are many, many people only in it for status and power and control, and right now it's those people who are running the show, focusing on things mostly irrelevant to the bible like gay marriage and such, and not on the teachings that Jesus said were most important -- charity, kindness to others, forgiveness, productivity, and so on.


You don't have to choose a label. Maybe a lot of people will advise you be Athiest but athiesm has it's problems too. All the athiests I know are goods people who care about injustices and suffering but there's a lot of people who identify as athiest for the same of status, and a sense of superiority over religious people.


The most important thing is that you figure out what you believe and what feels right to you. Questioning your beliefs is difficult especially when you've been in an environment like yours for so long.


Be honest with yourself, and act according to the kind of person you want to be. All the best.

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and I bet this is where the thread changed from helping one person to a debate, any takers on my bet? lol

Yeah, no kidding. People, there's a time and a place and this is neither, stay on topic. This isn't a place for people to squabble over specifics or semantics. This is one person asking for help and opinions. Even if this is a Warframe forum, we can do that much, can't we?

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You've spent 19 years in a Catholic family, no doubt a very happy 19 years. Why the sudden change of heart?

It's not sudden. I've always had my disbelief ever since I can remember, even during my Elementary days at a Catholic School.

I just decided to come out now, because I'm of legal age to decide.

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It's not sudden. I've always had my disbelief ever since I can remember, even during my Elementary days at a Catholic School.

I just decided to come out now, because I'm of legal age to decide.

Out of curiosity because of your choice of words.....does your country have an age requirement for religious decisions or did you mean more that you are of an age to be treated like an adult where your words and choices are not seen as that of a child and dismissed? It sounds odd to me but it could just be because of my culture and society....


edit: just realize i double posted again...meant to hit edit not quote....

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I just came out as a non-believer yesterday.
I don't believe there's a God. Not until proven.

All morning I've been reading on Atheism, Bible Contradictions / Inconsistencies, Personal accounts of people coming out, etc...
But I can't seem to classify myself, Atheist or Agnostic?

I was hoping some people here could raise questions that might enlighten me..
I know Warframe is not the place for me to get answers, but honestly, I have nowhere else to go. Or talk to.

First, you should be proud of yourself for standing up for your beliefs (or more accurately, your lack of belief). There are some parts of the world where atheism is a crime.

Atheism and agnosticism are not mutually exclusive. You are probably both.

Atheism simply means you do not believe in any Gods.

Agnosticism is a knowledge statement. An agnostic doesn't know if there are Gods or not.

So, you can be both. An agnostic atheist is someone who does not believe in any Gods, but doesn't know if there are Gods or not.

Edit: PhantomRUS9 beat me to the explanation.

Atheism and religion in general are volatile topics, so this thread might have to be locked. If it does, anyone who wants to discuss more philosophical/theological issues is more than welcome to PM me.
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Sounds like you'd classify yourself as a gnostic atheist. It's up to you what you classify yourself as, but all I say is that it's not very christian of your folks to disown you. I'm a christian, and I think that's wrong of them.

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I'll try to keep this short

Atheism believes there is no god, never, and is already proven, kind of absolutist but in theory that's atheism.

Agnosticism believes that humankind is not advanced enough to say if there is a god or not, you can believe in one, but there is no way you can prove if they exist or not. Strong Agnosticism believes humankind will never EVER prove if they exist or not, while Weak Agnosticism believes that maybe at one point in the far future we could prove it.

i tried to wrap it up for you, but in the end is just your decision. 

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Neither/Both. Don't pick an affiliation and don't let anyone tell you that you have to.


My parents didn't shove religion down my throat, hardly even talked about it. I took a class in freshman year of high school called "Intro to World Religions" or something like that. All the other kids kept talking about it like I had to pick one, but those stories in our textbook were no different to me than my Magic The Gathering cards. The agnostic v atheist debate for me has been about trying to find any reason to pick any particular religion in the first place.


The God or no god debate always goes to the extremes of science like asking why there's anything at all rather than nothing (and it's HILARIOUS to see how hard Lawrence Krauss tries to fight that question LOL...) but the key point isn't science vs religion, the key point is that even if religion was right about everything, at that level the religious side never actually connects their arguments to their own religion in particular, so again there's no reason to pick one over the other. Same thing on the low end, someone has a 'spiritual' experience and they only associate it with Jesus or Buddha or whatever else because of their previous affiliation. In the neutral mind nothing ties that to any religion more than medicine.


I am neither Agnostic or Aetheist. I'm still just waiting for a reason to pick an affiliation of any kind. 

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This is the reason i sit in the room all day and shoot foolish grineer. The moment people find out who you actually are and what you believe in, there's someone or another who's going to flatten you because you're suddenly not the same person.


Also, in my country, saying your an atheist gets you a free ticket to the gallows or jail if your lucky. Be thankful you have this freedom. Living in the shadows helps here, because saying such a thing has dire consequences


As a side note, as long as you're a good person inside and do your best to stay that way, nothing else really matters


Godspeed :D



Edit ; (Aww cr*p  I should really change this tagline :/)


Edit 2 holy flapjacks look at all them devs reading this, RNGesus for loreframe anyone?

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