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I Hate Platform Exclusive Content


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@ Devs:

I just hate it. Please stop.


I don't care about the past. I don't care about this one going on now. I'm asking you to draw a line now and just stop. No more.


I think it divides the player base and it definitely divides dev time. Event exclusives, support exclusives, and achievement exclusives are the way to go. They are fair and make people happy. Platform exclusives are arbitrary, outside the player's control and I would wager heavily that they do more harm than good because the grass is always greener.


I'm on PC and I don't want PC exclusives.

Please give PS4 everything that I can get as soon as Sony will allow.







@ Forumites:

I know, I know, I'm a Grand Master Founder. Blah blah blah, "PC Exclusive". I don't consider myself a PC and I don't consider you a PC or a Console. We are people not actors in a funny commercial. I got my exclusives for founding the game not for owning a gaming system or not owning a gaming system.


But that point is 100% moot, because if you think the founders program was "PC Exclusive" content and you don't like that, then you're on my side anyway and you shouldn't want more exclusives added to only one platform unless you're on PS4 and just being spiteful. How many color pickers and syandanas do you think it's going to take to mete out justice for Excalibur Prime? Yeah, right... let it go or ask them to do Excalibling on PS4. Don't perpetuate the problem by defending segregated content. Make the game better and move it forward with your feedback, don't drag it backward and make it worse because of Founders.

Edited by VKhaun
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Well, if they release Founders pack on PS store I'll be ok with all PS4 exclusives making it's way to PC.

Why? Why do you only want to make the game better IF IT GETS YOU STUFF? This happens to be a PS4 exclusive coming soon that makes me post, but I would have posted the exact same thing if it were PC exclusive.


The whole Excalibur Prime issue comes from DE not wanting to break their word on it being exclusive. Why create that problem again, and again, and again and again? STOP with the platform exclusives. Just STOP. Make this syandana the very last one. The end. Done. No more.

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See OP? Here's a vote against your proposal.

As for how many exclusives it will take to make up for excalibur prime and co. - I'll go ahead and say "lots".


No he didn't. He voted against your ultimatum. The two are not linked. If you hate that we got founders and consider it PC exclusive (which I disagree with but if you think that...) then you should want the devs to improve the game and NEVER DO THAT AGAIN in either direction.

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They will NEVER stop going about Excaliprime. "Wah wah wah, if I can't have the thing people got for bringing this game to us in the first place well they can't have stuff that should be available to everyone."

DE needs to stand firm and avoid platform exclusives, it is horrible. Like OP said, founders is not platform exclusive it is TIME exclusive, without founders this game would not be where it is, think of it like that not that all PC players are founders because they are not.


-sigh- Wait until XBone gets here...

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This discussion has been had so many times, there's not a single suggestion or proposal that hasn't been made. 

Here's the proposal (I hope, because I really hate misinterpreting threads):

Please give PS4 everything that I can get as soon as Sony will allow.

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This discussion has been had so many times, there's not a single suggestion or proposal that hasn't been made.  The purest example of the phrase "beating a dead horse."


Excal is a dead horse, but because I'm a Grand Master it was unavoidable as I had to ride in on it and PS4 players have to beat on it. That's just the way it goes. Even if I'd said nothing that would have dominated the thread and I'm sure the thread will eventually be locked as person after person chooses to look my dead gift horse in the mouth.



Future platform exclusives are NOT a dead horse.


The feedback is not that we should or shouldn't deal with previous exclusives in any particular way.


The feedback is that we should STOP DOING PLATFORM EXCLUSIVES in future tense.


The feedback is that we should NOT KILL MORE HORSES for people to beat on in the future.

Edited by VKhaun
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Why? Why do you only want to make the game better IF IT GETS YOU STUFF? This happens to be a PS4 exclusive coming soon that makes me post, but I would have posted the exact same thing if it were PC exclusive.


The whole Excalibur Prime issue comes from DE not wanting to break their word on it being exclusive. Why create that problem again, and again, and again and again? STOP with the platform exclusives. Just STOP. Make this syandana the very last one. The end. Done. No more.

See mate, parity needs to happen.


I've been running a small clan for a long time and I'm in an alliance that holds a couple of rails. The game is bleeding players, and it's not just free players that leave because new player experience is terrible even when I or another warlord babysit them through the harshest parts, paying players also leave in droves and Excalibur Prime is one of the reasons. See, either founders primes or something equivalent to compensate is making it's way to PS4 or game will die. I've been playing for many months and you can feel that game is shrinking.

And drop the breaking word BS.

Also, are you referring to a PS4 exclusive sydanna as equivalent to excalibur prime? Are you mad? Sydannas are irrelevant. PC have exclusive steam ones I don't give a damn and other PS4 players don't care about em too.

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See mate, parity needs to happen.


I've been running a small clan for a long time and I'm in an alliance that holds a couple of rails. The game is bleeding players, and it's not just free players that leave because new player experience is terrible even when I or another warlord babysit them through the harshest parts, paying players also leave in droves and Excalibur Prime is one of the reasons. See, either founders primes or something equivalent to compensate is making it's way to PS4 or game will die. I've been playing for many months and you can feel that game is shrinking.

And drop the breaking word BS.

Also, are you referring to a PS4 exclusive sydanna as equivalent to excalibur prime? Are you mad? Sydannas are irrelevant. PC have exclusive steam ones I don't give a damn and other PS4 players don't care about em too.


Calling bullS#&$.


The game is not bleeding players because of Excalibur Prime's gold trim and negligable bonuses and no, parity does not need to happen. If you think Excal Prime was a mistake, then we don't need the devs to repeat the mistake any number of more times before they stop repeating it.


And I'm done going back and forth with someone who thinks 'u mad?' and repeating unsubstantiated statements constitute arguments.

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The deal was: we give you money, you give use Founders Stuff. EXCLUSIVE for us and NOT AVAILABLE anymore.


Making Cal, Lato and Skana Prime available for PS4, or Xbone would be violating the terms of this contract by DE. I don't know where you live, but in most countries it is violation of the consumer's law. And DE probably don't want to go to the court for something like that.


As for future exclusives - I see no harm in it. As long as they'll stick to palettes, syandanas and Braton skins.

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Calling bullS#&$.


The game is not bleeding players because of Excalibur Prime's gold trim and negligable bonuses and no, parity does not need to happen. If you think Excal Prime was a mistake, then we don't need to repeat the mistake for the devs to stop repeating their mistakes.

To clarify not releasing founders primes on all platforms while not offering similar exclusives outside of PC was a mistake.

I'm ok with PC having 3 exclusive Founders primes, PS4 3 exclusives founders primes and xbone 3 exclusive founders primes. This is fine. Sure, 6 primes are unavailable on any account at any given time, but we have parity. There is no "best" version content-wise, there are options. Right now PC players got blatantly superior treatment.


And please do clarify yourself. 10 dollar reskinned sydanna is making you so agitated?

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To clarify not releasing founders primes on all platforms while not offering similar exclusives outside of PC was a mistake.

I'm ok with PC having 3 exclusive Founders primes, PS4 3 exclusives founders primes and xbone 3 exclusive founders primes. This is fine. Sure, 6 primes are unavailable on any account at any given time, but we have parity. 

That would just exacerbate the problem even more, and I can actually see the forums going down in flames for two reasons:

1) Each platform is going to have their own sh!tstorm against the other two (so, 3 Communities * 2 Communities to hate = 6 giant hissyfits)

2) Each player who didn't get the primes in time is going to cause a civil war in their own community (pro-prime and not-prime each with their own specific sh!tstorm, which, again, results in 6 more hissyfits)


About 12 more tantrums to deal with (maybe more). Let's not do that to the com-mods. 

Right now PC players got blatantly superior treatment.


And please do clarify yourself. 10 dollar reskinned sydanna is making you so agitated?

It's what the syandana represents, that it is a perpetuation of something that has clearly &!$$ed off the majority of both communities in some way - They got that and we didn't.


It needs to stop.


Edit: Realized some sarcasm had crept in. I apologize.

Edited by OptimumBow0
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