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In 3 Years....


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A total and complete grindfest. 

Most of the playerbase has left. Only wallet warriors and elitists remain, cause they skip the grind by buying the content. 

This from someone who purchased the grandmaster founders pack; projecting much?

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I don't get why people constantly think that DE only knows grinding is the ONLY way for people to get stuff.

DE aren't idiots.


In my opinion, warframe will undergo a massive change and will then be out of "open beta".


i doubt warframe will ever be out of beta in one form or another.

this is the closest i've ever seen to a living codebase in the form of a videogame.


call it what you will, but overall that's actually a good thing.

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Mostly forgotten with a smaller dedicated player base.



We won't be out of beta... Thats for sure.



A total and complete grindfest. 

Most of the playerbase has left. Only wallet warriors and elitists remain, cause they skip the grind by buying the content. 



I regret that choice every @(*()$ day, let me tell you that. I was stupid enough to believe in them. 


All of this.

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They increased their player base from 300k in march 13 to 7 million+ in march 14.

From pc to ps4, and now xbox1.

I think they're only going to get bigger and I'm still enjoying the game

Got a few questions for you

1. Where are you getting your numbers from

2. Do those numbers represent current players or just accounts made

3. How long have you been playing

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After new years eve 2016, at 00.01 Steve, Scott and Rebecca will announce that WF has been just one big simulator. All that we have fought are real and now it's our time to join the real fight and become true Tenno.

That or Cat frame

Oh and edit: Letter 13 will be reveald as an intelligent dog in a space suit

Edited by Akateko
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There... just was a thread titled something like "Where do you see warframe in 5 years?" ....


As I said there.... 3 years are still a long period of time.


It'd already be difficult to estimate what happens in the next year.

Just look at all the changes, additions and improvements during the last year - that's a whole lot of stuff!


3 years might be enough to turn warframe into a korean mmorpg (jk)

Not entirely sure if I would mind ~~

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It will be the omnipresent king of all games. DE has risen up and absorbed all other game studios. Warframe itself is now an open Universe simulator with theoretically infinite procedurally generated worlds, weapons and Warframes. It makes anyone who plays it into a real Tenno but it enslaves them to it.


It will be perfect. Because the Lotus wills it to be so.


That would actually be pretty badass.  Maybe also instead of keyboards and controllers we'll have nervgear like in SAO only they will actually be tested to ensure that they won't fry anyone's brains should they die in the game.

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Heh I wasn't there a thread like this a couple of days ago? Seems like generally the same view, if they don't fix the core of the game rather then slapping on shiny stuff it will die off. If they do might revolutionize the gaming world.

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