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Update 14 Hype Megathread... U14 Has Been Released!


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I'm pretty pumped, my favorite part of games like this is when a whole new iteration of certain things is done, and they change how I experiance the game.  I love the idea of the Kubrow breeding because it will be a system that can actually evolve with nuance and no direct intervention from the devs (besides maybe adding new traits as time goes on).  The idea of an interactive player ship will be really awesome for emmersion, which I value greatly in games where I can't have a character that looks exactly like me (no beef with warframe, the customization is good, just different from say an MMO or something like that).  I heard the devs mentioning new lore, and theres nothing better in scifi than more lore to make the universe seem more realized.  I am obviously taking this all with a grain of salt, and realizing that the USS Hype has totally set sail, and I will be expecting bugs and crashes and all that fun junk that comes with major alterations.  Right now the quality of this update is the major deciding factor in wheather or not I will be buying some form of Prime Acess or just sticking to relatively small purchases. 

Hope this turns out good, because it sure looks promising.

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lol damn, so many merging, those idiots starting new hypes.....BUT NOT AS GOOD AS MINE! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA  lol jk, im not that much of a d**k.


and yea, love how everyones still guessing when update 14's gonna come out

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