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Bg Best 45 Total 1169 No Prova



SO to get prova need 48 best. But why is it taking so long for me to hit 48? Whats the problem here? i tried solo but was too hard. Is there a warframe thats good for solo for the event? This event is screwed up. Too much grinding and luck. I dont have very active friends so i dont have anyone to team with. No clan as well.

Edited by kakii
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SO to get prova need 48 best. But why is it taking so long for me to hit 48? Whats the problem here? i tried solo but was too hard. Is there a warframe thats good for solo for the event? This event is screwed up. Too much grinding and luck. I dont have very active friends so i dont have anyone to team with. No clan as well.



Use recruiting and find a team on the forums here!

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lol 1169 total points and no prova. I give up. The team that created this event GJ to you. I am so angry that i think its time to quit this game. 48 best LOL? At least put a total that let players win the best rewards. Cheaters who exploited the bug when then event came out got the items EASY while legit players suffer so bad.


1) too luck based. So what if the top 3 gas frozen and pulse give spawn. u kill and get 43 only.


2) even if gas frozen and pulse spawn they dont guarantee u the prova lol? vague points system, what else influence the points? deaths? time completed? why RANDOM variables? this is just grind and luck, NO SKILL AT ALL.


3) I can have 1k total points and have security and stabilization spawn. WTF? its weighted RNG i understand but pls? after a cut off point, make every hive that spawn the top 3 tier.


4) I spent the past 24 hrs trying to get the prova but NO. EITHER FAIL SOLO or win SOLO 43 points LOL


Ridiculous event that was ideally supposed to be enjoyable. I will definiitely not recommend my friends to play this. D2 is the way to go.


Good bye 

Edited by kakii
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finish it solo, you should have been done at around 400-500 total, but because you have probably been teaming up with people of a much lower total than you, the mission difficulty drops to accomodate the lower scoring players.


the games difficulty is based on the teams total score average, so you have 1000+ but teaming up with players with no score or low scores drags the games difficulty down because the team average is nwo very small, the difficulty reflects your end of mission best score.


heres an example if your best score added to soem random low numbers others may have (the matchmaking tool doesnt match players of similar total scores)


Your best 1024 + 0 + 50 + 218 / 4 = 323 team average, this team average of 323 now sets the mission difficulty to 323 instead of the 1024 you should be running at, run a mission or 2 as solo and you should complete instantly.


that or check recruiting for ppl ranked around 400-500+ and run with them.

Edited by Methanoid
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After posting this, a nice guy message and carried me through. IDK HOW I GOT 61 BEST AFTER TEAMING WITH HIM LOL when my second best is 45. He told me he had 169 or seomthing like that best LOLwth. ANYWAY I GOT THE ITEM. TIME TO SLEEP. Thanks.


TIp to ppl who want it: you can advertise and say u will pay 5 plat to ppl who will taxi u to get prova. Im sure ppl will reply and taxi u. 

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SO to get prova need 48 best. But why is it taking so long for me to hit 48? Whats the problem here? i tried solo but was too hard. Is there a warframe thats good for solo for the event? This event is screwed up. Too much grinding and luck. I dont have very active friends so i dont have anyone to team with. No clan as well.


You need to ignore the spawns friend, I had a accumulated score of a little less than 500, random party runs gave me 20-38 score per run. So using Rhino and just solo rushing the mission I got 46, next run 53. 

Also if you have trouble locating the tumors you can use the codex scanner as it highlights objects through walls.


Dont give up mate.


edit: spelling

Edited by VikingoX
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lol 1169 total points and no prova. I give up. The team that created this event GJ to you. I am so angry that i think its time to quit this game. 48 best LOL? At least put a total that let players win the best rewards. Cheaters who exploited the bug when then event came out got the items EASY while legit players suffer so bad.


1) too luck based. So what if the top 3 gas frozen and pulse give spawn. u kill and get 43 only.


2) even if gas frozen and pulse spawn they dont guarantee u the prova lol? vague points system, what else influence the points? deaths? time completed? why RANDOM variables? this is just grind and luck, NO SKILL AT ALL.


3) I can have 1k total points and have security and stabilization spawn. WTF? its weighted RNG i understand but pls? after a cut off point, make every hive that spawn the top 3 tier.


4) I spent the past 24 hrs trying to get the prova but NO. EITHER FAIL SOLO or win SOLO 43 points LOL


Ridiculous event that was ideally supposed to be enjoyable. I will definiitely not recommend my friends to play this. D2 is the way to go.


Good bye 


See ya.

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I somehow got 48 Points in my first run, never reached that again. Just keep trying, despite the devs explanations the system doesn't seem to follow any kind of logic.


That's because there are three layers of math involved.


1. Stink level represented by your personal total score


2. Team mate average


3. RNG

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