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So Do I Get My Weekend/48Ish Hours Back? >405 Runs


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And yet a certain clan who utilized these same methods that many people in this thread don't like retains most of the points it got using this method.


It was like this for the past couple of events, too.

All DE did was reduce all points down to 405 that went past 405.

For everyone.

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Whether or not something is considered an exploit entirely hinges on whether or not the developers intended for it to function that way.  There's no fault or blame.  An exploit is an exploit.




Was overheat an exploit ? no . People used a perfectly valid  strategy  , then DE changed the rules mid game ! J'accuse

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Like Capitulate already says: "It´s a known factor to this game" 

DE knows already how heavy grind a lot of Players here they should be know from the beginning that the players reach the cap but do nothing against it... and now ppl waste there weekend for nothing...

Not for the case of the event itself.  They clearly didn't intend for the event to work that way.  Thus playing the event after you hit the bug can be considered an exploit.




Was overheat an exploit ? no . People used a perfectly valid  strategy  , then DE changed the rules mid game ! J'accuse

They're the developers.  They get to do that.  Whether something is considered an exploit is entirely their decision.  Hell, according to the TOS they could terminate your account for any or no reason at all if they wanted to.


Next time use some common sense.  There was no way they were going to let people keep massive amounts of easy point from abusing a design flaw.

Edited by Aggh
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You gamed the system, knowing full well it was too good to be true, so you used the very *bug* that you are squarely placing blame on DE that since it was there, and they apparently knew about it (as did those who were doing it), that you should not be punished for using the very thing you knew was broken. I won't even bother with an analogy about it, as its so blindingly stupid to see the whole blame game for something that was clearly known to be busted, that it wouldn't get fixed. Along with the score. Just like the previous events.


You got caught, deal with it. If you want your "hard work and time" back, stop playing video games. Seriously.

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i say if people but in the work to grind why not let them have the points , after all there giving up whole weekend of the lifes  for a dumb little statue  , So what if there using an unforeseen strategy 


If you exceed the level cap no enemies spawn. Continuing to run after that to carry your clanmates to massive point values seems pretty fishy to me. A clan who chose not to exploit this system bug would be at a far inferior level to the one that doesn't, even though in terms of effort put in they deserve to be on the top far more.


Honestly, if Warbros deserves gold, they should do it without cheating like this. Just like Cicero and Tethra. Warbros cheated and got their points bumped down, then they came back and won legitimately, earning their trophies.

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they even knew about the "exploit" for half a f ucking year but decided now when the clan they dont like wins an event to "fix" it. what are the players supposed to do? stop playing the event? dont make any points for their clan anymore? DO YOU EVEN HAVE BRAINS DE?!

also wp only fixing the points of one clan LOL

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Not for the case of the event itself.  They clearly didn't intend for the event to work that way.  Thus playing the event after you hit the bug can be considered an exploit.

They knew about the bug, and still used the system they had for scoring in the event. Seems more DE's fault than anyone elses. 

Rather than address the issue in a reasonable matter they just decided to hit the wasps nests and hoped people would lose motivation to argue against it.


But its likely a small portion of the team itself who decided this. I'm sure it will be addressed shortly and then swept under the rug as per usual on these events. That or warbros just wins it anyway by sheer numbers. 

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I'd argue you wasted your weekend trying to have the top score at all (that's all this is...not like you didn't get your items). Yeah, DE should have realized this issue beforehand, but if I was running around still getting points with no mobs around to fight, I would have something in the back of my head saying "yeah, this will likely get nerfed". Like in any game. It sucks in general, but I'm surprised anyone is surprised at a nerf. I'm glad I don't care about high scores at all, but I feel a bit bad for those that got nerfed. I hate exploiters, but as was said - DE has been aware of this issue, so I can't really agree with either side on this.

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Oh quit your whining.

So what if you lost your points?



No one cares.

No one.


In short: Because people were idiots and decided they'll use an exploit so much that DE will notice and fix it in order to make things fair.



You don't know that word?


People grind the Event and they should stop if no enemys respawn? Then tell me pls how is that fair? Peopel who run that Mission in 3min against lvl 9999 dont care if there are mobs or not. And if they stop running, Clans with less member than others of the some tier cant Win the Event. Is that Fair? They spend nearly the same time with or without Mobs. When you are able to finished the Mission against lvl 100 mobs u are able to finished it always. Events are just an act of Condition not more...

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People grind the Event and they should stop if no enemys respawn? Then tell me pls how is that fair? Peopel who run that Mission in 3min against lvl 9999 dont care if there are mobs or not. And if they stop running, Clans with less member than others of the some tier cant Win the Event. Is that Fair? They spend nearly the same time with or without Mobs. When you are able to finished the Mission against lvl 100 mobs u are able to finished it always. Events are just an act of Condition not more...

Yeah it's fair. Because the score is based on aggregate points derived from every person on a team. That's why it's a clan leader board. The team with the most maxed out participating members will win.
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You gamed the system, knowing full well it was too good to be true, so you used the very *bug* that you are squarely placing blame on DE that since it was there, and they apparently knew about it (as did those who were doing it), that you should not be punished for using the very thing you knew was broken. I won't even bother with an analogy about it, as its so blindingly stupid to see the whole blame game for something that was clearly known to be busted, that it wouldn't get fixed. Along with the score. Just like the previous events.


You got caught, deal with it. If you want your "hard work and time" back, stop playing video games. Seriously.

So without knowing that they would do this. I'm supposed to just stop and say, "I'm going to stop trying to win this event because it's wrong to keep running like this!" Then what? Go make forum posts crying about people who continued to grind and beat me? No. Anyone who grinded as long as the top players would have had the same exact thing happen. It was inevitable. We didn't purposely try to exploit. There is literally no advantage to this over other players, because everyone had the same thing happen. The only people this benefited are the ones who didn't grind all event and are now tied with all the top hard working players.

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Not for the case of the event itself.  They clearly didn't intend for the event to work that way.  Thus playing the event after you hit the bug can be considered an exploit.


Nope DE knows from the Beginning how the point system work, means they know from start that enemys reach lvl 9999 at a best score of ~400.

How cant they dont know it they make the System... its just a lil bit math for them.

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Yeah because the scores are what matters the most in this game.

Screw the mods, and prova vandal, I want to be first!

Am I right?

If you are in "certain" clans, that's their whole mentality. Earn this high score or get kicked from clan, we want to be #1 no matter what. I can see liking to beat high scores in games, but I'm glad I don't get caught up in it. I play for gear and fun. Now if I lost my Prova Vandal due to this, I'd feel more reason to be upset, lol.

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People grind the Event and they should stop if no enemys respawn? Then tell me pls how is that fair? Peopel who run that Mission in 3min against lvl 9999 dont care if there are mobs or not. And if they stop running, Clans with less member than others of the some tier cant Win the Event. Is that Fair? They spend nearly the same time with or without Mobs. When you are able to finished the Mission against lvl 100 mobs u are able to finished it always. Events are just an act of Condition not more…

1. They have different leader boards for different clans.

2. Is it fair for 1 moon clan to have an insane amount of points that were gained through a cheat/exploit while another moon clan has been working hard and playing a lot to get a lot of points?

3. I know many people who would stop. Is it that fun for you to stay in an area with no enemies whatsoever?

No, it's not.

You have no idea how fairness is in gaming.

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So without knowing that they would do this. I'm supposed to just stop and say, "I'm going to stop trying to win this event because it's wrong to keep running like this!" Then what? Go make forum posts crying about people who continued to grind and beat me? No. Anyone who grinded as long as the top players would have had the same exact thing happen. It was inevitable. We didn't purposely try to exploit. There is literally no advantage to this over other players, because everyone had the same thing happen. The only people this benefited are the ones who didn't grind all event and are now tied with all the top hard working players.

So your mad you utilized an exploit and other teams realized it was exploitable and reported it like you should have. Still sounds like a lack of discretion on your part.
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Nope DE knows from the Beginning how the point system work, means they know from start that enemys reach lvl 9999 at a best score of ~400.

How cant they dont know it they make the System... its just a lil bit math for them.

Doesn't stop it from being a design oversight for the event and thus an unintended design flaw with the event.  Ie an exploit.


People never learn.  It's not like this is the first time points have been taken due to exploits.

Edited by Aggh
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Yeah because the scores are what matters the most in this game.

Screw the mods, and prova vandal, I want to be first!

Am I right?


Everyones gotta be maxing out those e-peens man. It's all about the e-peens now-a-days. If you don't have a big one you're just a filthy casual.

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Whether or not something is considered an exploit entirely hinges on whether or not the developers intended for it to function that way.  There's no fault or blame.  An exploit is an exploit.


Did people really think that DE would let people keep points they go just from running around missions killing hives and avoiding traps?




It was an oversight for design of the event it self.  They didn't take that into account for the event and thus the event did not work as intended.  Thus it's an exploit.


Did you really think that you'd get to keep points for grinding missions with no enemies lol?

note that i'm a ps4 player, i haven't gotten a single point and probably won't for at least another month but it was a game mechanic that worked as intended, the capping of enemy levels, the problem comes from DE throwing an event where you can easily go over the cap, and not making an exception.


there's a HUGE difference between an exploit and a design oversight, in fact most of the things people scream are "exploits" fall on the other category, going by oxford's dictionary:



"Make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand: the company was exploiting a legal loophole"



how is it unfair? everyone had to get their points to reach the no-enemy points, and then onwards everyone could also do it. how is it underhanded or unfair? answering that question would make this an exploit

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Lmao.. trying to justify anything earned when you had no enemies in your level as not being an exploit is funny.. keep it up, someone somewhere might believe you.


Analogy time: In a case like this, its like walking into a bank who's vault door is open, and walking in and complaining that you were arrested for trying to steal stuff when all you wanted to do, was check it out. Nothing more, just see what it looks like. How dare they! See what I did there?


I'll keep this short and sweet, but if you spent your *entire* weekend 'grinding' a busted event with no enemies (that seems vaguely important here) and claiming that since DE knew about it for so long but never fixed it, that you should not be "punished" for it.


Y'all are mad that you got caught. Want to talk about wastes of time? You are playing a video game. That is the very definition of a waste of time.

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An exploit is an exploit, nothing to it.  Those who exploited were perfectly aware of what they were doing.  If those grinders don't care about their ego, it shouldn't matter how their score was affected; they're grinding for the sake of grinding, are they not?


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