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Hotfix 13.8.5


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* Consumables can no longer be deployed while casting blocking abilities that toggle (SoundQuake, Absorb, etc).



At least I determined that Absorb can do a max top-off of 200,000 damage.

BRB, crying in a corner.

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Consumables can no longer be deployed while casting blocking abilities that toggle (SoundQuake, Absorb, etc).

Was expecting this for some time now. I'm expecting other stuff too on this end - hope it takes some time.


Stealth-finishers are no longer possible on crawlers being carried.

They are unaware of everything, you can get stealth kills by shooting them.


Changed event scoring to prevent join-in-progress players getting a score they didn't run.

I frequently end up in defense missions just to be shown the battle/claim screen. Not that it's problem to get something for free but I doubt that is how it should be. Again, until defense missions do not allow taking all the loot instead of just one, why stopping people from entering on waves above 5? It's not that it's all that advantageous. Ah well, not that it really matters.


Fixed a script error with Nyx's Chaos that would cause a power-in-use bug.

I frequently end up with this while using mind control. And that's a fun little baby :)

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Then they should make PTS for founders 


Said so many times it's no longer beating a dead horse, it's now stirring horse purée with the splinters of the old beating stick. I did hear at one point that it was batted around DE offices but it's been a long enough time now it may as well be dead.

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Clan tech weapons need buffed (mostly the older ones), because they do low damage compared most to non clantech. Some stances are almost imposible to get. Also, what happend to my disco party in a hammer? (poor old jet-kitty.....)

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* Changed event scoring to prevent join-in-progress players getting a score they didn't run.



I smell another Clan Leaderboard scoring fiasco brewing..


Is DE going to start revoking player's scores and adjust Clan scoring and remove prizes?

Edited by Mickey1779
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The game seems to be unplayable for me as a result of this hotfix. I have tried 2x T2 Survival, the Eris Interception, and the event mission each time the game client crashes within 5 minutes of entering the level.


Keep fixing stuff please and thank you.

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