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Thinking About The Beta Testers


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Hello iv'e created this forum because i really think that there should be another reimbursement in warframe for the beta testers  like a nice gun primary weapon or maybe some platinum or a rear or useful mod or two soo thankyou   and i pray that i'm heard

Edited by romeoswagg
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Closed Beta Testers were gifted the Braton Vandal/Lato Vandal. If Open Beta ever ends, I figure we will in some way be given a status symbol equal to that, or possibly just an emblem. 


Don't count on it ending anytime soon, though.


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Maybe when the game releases into full release (no more beta tag) anyone who played during open beta will get a skana vandel? So that theres a complete set of starting vandel weapons.


probably wont happen though.

Edited by Dtexas
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hes talking about the fact that this game is still in beta, so ones this game goes out of beta all the beta players should get something.


We get loads of stuff. Color palettes; Mods; Weapon variants; Skins; etc. May not be Beta exclusive, but for now, it's what we're getting, and I expect nothing more.

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Hello iv'e created this forum because i really think that there should be another reimbursement in warframe for the beta testers  like a nice gun primary weapon or maybe some platinum or a rear or useful mod or two soo thankyou   and i pray that i'm heard

Aren't we all beta testers?, you know, because the game is still a beta, that wonderful stage where you are unable to complain about anything being broken, not working or just plain wrong without risking a ban or the outrage of blind loyalists?

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A reward for open beta? hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..

Remember the days when beta testers were being paid to test the game? now they are called founders and they PAY to test the game before everyone else tests the game too with the "option" to pay to skip "content".

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Remember the days when beta testers were being paid to test the game? now they are called founders and they PAY to test the game before everyone else tests the game too with the "option" to pay to skip "content".

The internet changed that paradigm years ago. Consoles still have beta testers but an open beta like this there is no need to pay anyone. No founder paid to test this game. We tested it for free and we decided to support it because we enjoyed the hell out of it and wanted it to live. You NEVER have to spend a single dime in this game. With the ability to trade now anyone with a little ambition can do very well for themselves. Of course if they had a little ambition they wouldn't be worrying about it.        

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Remember the days when beta testers were being paid to test the game? now they are called founders and they PAY to test the game before everyone else tests the game too with the "option" to pay to skip "content".

no a founder is someone who bought himself into founder it was a pack like I did noble we have access to the design council and we can vote for future maps/bosses/weapons to come out like move us the design council created her
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no a founder is someone who bought himself into founder it was a pack like I did noble we have access to the design council and we can vote for future maps/bosses/weapons to come out like move us the design council created her

And as a founder, you'll hook us up with all the new design council project goodies? Right, right? :P

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point to note there have been several instances where weapons have been given out for free already. Sure you have the closed beta weapons but there have been a couple in open beta, I believe the latest given was the Dex Furis for the anniversary of the game. 


Since you only joined the game in January of this year you obviously have missed a good number of items given out. However you have been here long enough to have received a couple items as well if you were actually active. 


I really do not understand the give me, give me, I deserve more cause I logged into play your game attitude that many people have.

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Remember the days when beta testers were being paid to test the game? now they are called founders and they PAY to test the game before everyone else tests the game too with the "option" to pay to skip "content".

Firstly, I played this game in closed beta by invite and did not put any money into it just to get that access. I have been testing various games for several years and have yet to pay for access to get in and test a game.


However a founder is someone who is willing to show their early support to help the development of the game if they so believe in the concept of that game & its development staff. There is no option to pay and skip content.


I have several founder packs from various games which I have chosen to support and no where in those founders pack is there any type of option to pay and skip content. There are however rewards given for choosing to back the early development of a game. It is no different than backing a kickstarter project and being offered a reward for doing so. As a Grandmaster I received 3 items, of which, not one gives me any gameplay advantage or content skipping over someone who did not pay for it.

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