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Strun Vs. Hek



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Hek is OP right now ( too accurate for a shotgun) and Strun has a polarity slot so in the long way Strun deals more damage (Super-charged lvl 30)

Ah other thing, if you pick a shotgun ( Pretty much heck) the game will be Ez-mode, i say this becouse im sick of the " GAME TO EZ I KILL EVERYTHING IN 1 SHOT WITH MAH HEK !"

Edited by Dasmir
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Just backing up what Dasmir said. Strun technically has more damage potential I believe, but has a much wider spread.

Hek has theoretically less damage and only 4 shots per magazine versus Strun's 6, but is super accurate in comparison.

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Alright, thank you Tennos!

If the spread is one of the biggest negative points, I can live with that, as I stand close to the enemies most of the time.

I have on OT question: Does my decoy have as much life as my warframe?

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Alright, thank you Tennos!

If the spread is one of the biggest negative points, I can live with that, as I stand close to the enemies most of the time.

I have on OT question: Does my decoy have as much life as my warframe?

Dont take the shotgun, it really breaks the game. I have got the strun, I nearly oneshot everything. The ones I dont oneshot, I just explode with my Shotgun Spazz module. It makes everthing boring, but I cannot take another gun, because in every situation I think that it would be so easy with my Strun.

I could live with the dmg... but you can snipe even with the Strun on ridiculous distances. I was really surprised as how far I can really shoot. I cannot even imagine a HEK.

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yeah, i'd also go with HEK. Kinda weird it doesn't have a polarity slot though >_> given that it's a rank weapon.

No. It has a fixed HP/Shields. YOu're better off going with continuity and streamline, maybe even Flow for decoy spammage :D

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Thank you for your answers.

First question: How does Flow help me with decoy spamming? I hardly find enough Energy to stay above 100? :>

Second question: What mods do you use on your Strun? Because it feels pretty weak to me.. Most of the time a use my Gram instead of the Strun..

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Hek hands down, smaller spread means longer range and damage since all pellets would have a higher chance to hit than strun.

this also means hek has less collateral damage and has a lot of wasted damage vs a strun when facing mobs~

I picked strun and maxed puncture for the polarity slot. It's pretty fun.

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puncture is pretty useless now. it's 0,1 meters, that's practically nothing.

i leveled my strun up to 15 and i'm starting to like it. currently modded with +ammo capacity, +75 ap, +30 dmg. ah, if only i kept my shotgun multishot from before the patch :D

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I recently made myself a Hek, all i can say is that I sort of regret it. Why? Because it feels too easy, when things get too easy I'm more likely to quit. After I get it to 30 I'll probably shelve it for a while and challenge myself with a Snipetron/Burston Sicarus/Kraken or something. I can say that I have thoroughly enjoyed the Paris, hitting long range shots with it are extremely satisfying to me and with fast hands/speed trigger charging it up is no problem. It was the very first thing I crafted.

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I find a level 30 non potatoed Strun less awseome than my potated vandal handgun, so i wouldn't say Strun is that game breaking. I tend to use my handgun in most situations, easier and i don't have that long holy hell out of bullets swarming problem. I do dig the whole shooting people directly in the facewith my Strun though, so The spreads not an issue for me.

Edited by Timdog
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Shot per shot HEK puts out more damage. IF you have huge amounts of ammo the other guns may rival it because of the larger clip or fire rate.. but then why dont you Afuris and have 8 pistol ammo boxes? hehe.. but seriously. HEK is pretty damn bad &#! with enough dam mods.

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I dunno, I haven't tried the Hek yet either, I just leveled/modded/supercharged the poo outta my Strun (seriously, it no longer has ANY poo in it) and I love it. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I can 'snipe' with it, but it does have a very tiny spread even at distance, so generally if I can see it, I can kill it with 2 Strun shots or (usually) less.

But that said.....isn't one of the benefits of a shotgun normally that it's a 'point-n-press' crowd control device, no aiming required? One of the (few) things I don't like about the Strun is that I have to aim it, even close up. If I just spin around point it in the general direction of a bad guy, like as not I'll miss him. You really do have to aim it (unfortunately).

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this also means hek has less collateral damage and has a lot of wasted damage vs a strun when facing mobs~

I picked strun and maxed puncture for the polarity slot. It's pretty fun.

You don't need collateral damage against ancients and heavies which I think are the only mobs you need to worry about, strun just made it harder and riskier to take these guys down due to its spread.

Edited by haseo669
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Everyone comments on Heks smaller clip size, but forgets about the faster reload. Unmodded the shots/time potential is extremely similar.

Hek has more dmg/target and midrange feasibility, while Strun has higher damage potential at extremely close range, is easier to point+shoot, and can kill multiple enemies in some positioning arrangements (shooting between two weaks standing beside each other).

Personally I find Strun more fun to play, as you gotta really get in close to make the most use of it. High risk / High reward playstyle. Hek, on the other hand, is still high reward but with less risk, and feels pretty unbalanced at mid-close range, where you can still step back into cover between shots/for reloads.

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Get really close?

I snipe with the Strun just fine. The most it takes is 3 shots if they're really, really far away. Medium range is an one shot kill.


I find the Strun to be much better than the Hek...why? Because while the Hek may have marginally better damage against single targets (bosses) and a tiny advantage (being better for sniping targets in a extremely long range), the Strun has a noticeable advantage: Bigger clip size. This is awesome for fighting large groups of enemies, which basically happens a lot in every mission. It's just worth more than the marginally better damage and the tighter spread, especially considering that the Strun's spread is very good when you're aiming (using Mouse 2)

Also, the slight damage advantage of the Hek is lost in normal circumstances, since both Strun and Hek one shot most enemies, and their damage is so high that it makes no difference...

An hypothetical example with made up numbers to show what i mean:

Heavy enemy unit has 2000 HP. Strun does 1000 per shot, you kill him in two shots.

Heavy enemy unit has 1000 HP. Hek does 1250 per shot, you kill him in two shots as well.

So you only really take advantage of it against bosses, and even then, it's not a decrease in ttk that you will instantly recognize.

Edited by CaligoIllioneus
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Still so much love for the clip size on Strun.

Assuming for simplicity all mods are +dmg (no reload/firespeed/clipsize) *note that with +1 shot per clip *rank 0* the Hek gets proportionately better.

Assuming Fire Rate is shots/second / Assuming Fire rate is 1.5/second if you need to aim

Killing a group of 4 with shotguns:

Hek: 1.8 / 2.7 <-

Strun: 2.4 / 2.7

Group of 6

Hek: 4.9 / 6.2

Strun: 3.5 / 4 <-

Group of 8

Hek: 5.8 / 8.15 <-

Strun: 7.7 / 8.3

Group of 10

Hek: 8.8 / 11.6

Strun: 8.9 / 9.7

Group of 12

Hek: 11.9 / 14.5

Strun: 10 / 11 <-

Group of 24

Hek: 26 / 31.2

Strun: 23 / 25 <-

They really are quite similar, the increased clip size isnt that big of an advantage. With +1 bullet per mag (best value/points for more killing speed imo) they equal out much better.

Group of 35:

Hek: 28.8 / 36.2

Strun: 32.5 / 35.3

As for the damage potential, Strun does 5% less damage than Hek, but has 5 extra mod points to play with due to polarity. Damage/shot goes to Strun. However Hek has approx 30% fire rate increase on Strun, and shoots 60.5/min as opposed to Strun's 55/min, or 67.8/min / 59/min with +1 ammo/clip. Think the Strun's gonna have the better dps (worth of mod points is hard to calculate).

Anyone know whether the pellet count/shot is the same for all shotguns? And what that count is? And whether Crowd Control is calculated per shot or pellet?

Edited by Darzk
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