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Disliked Frames?


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Excalibur is a very powerful frame, feel free to dislike but if you call it a noob






















then you're a noob.


Dis-liking nova is understandable but if you want to kill something at 50+ survival she's essential.

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I only dislike Excalibur because from my experience they are glass cannons. As a Mag player I don't think I need or should have to carry any frame in a survival /defense. 


That's from my experience, I haven't met a good Excal so I could be very wrong. 

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I only have two Warframes in my black list:


1 - Novas. At first i loved her and was playing with her the whole time. Her Molecular Prime was much much stronger then it currently is and i would blast the whole wave of T3 defense at once with her but that kinda took the fun of the game so i very rarely used her ult. Mag Prime came out later on and i stopped using Nova when she was still becoming popular. Today, i dont hate realy hate her but i hate players who cant play without using Molecular Prime, mostly those who dont stop spamming it during an Online mission.

2 - Trinity. Already played with her and the Invunerability from her Bless was never my focus, Link was only an emergency case. A few months from now i started to realy hate this Warframe, being my self the kind of girl that likes a challange and when things are balanced, Trinity got in my nervs when i was playing some Online missions or reading the forums on how swag/powerful players with here were. Topics after topics of players worshipping their invunerability and reaching very high leveled waves in defense or going in some missions, seeing players that stood in the cover the whole time with link, playing Voodoo dolls with their self as they almost literaly pushed their fangs into their kidneys and nearby enemies would fall dead.

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Rhino. I can't even bring myself to play with that guy. I actually got rid of him for Saryn and have no regrets.


I dislike Frost, but only because I know he could be so much better. All of Frost's skills should synergize similar or better then Ember. Not have a bunch of skills that don't really have anything to do with each other. 1 needs to be changed completely, 2 needs to be a cone instead of a straight line, 3 can stay, and 4 needs to be changed.

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Once a Snowglobe factory, still is a Snowglobe Factory after multiple threads of "Reworking Frost"

Ult is still considered terrible broken.


Frost is like that little rusty tool in the back of the shed not a lot like to use in favor of others but the inexperienced still relies on this rusty tool.

(One just needs to look at Recruiting)

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After playing with every single frame and so on, I ony came to dislike a few, that also i wanted to like a lot.


- I dislike Oberon first of all, cause he was rushed and the only unique ability he's got can be replaced with a good rejuvenation aura.


- I dislike Zephyr because she is an ugly mutalist chicken.


- I dislike Hydroid, cause he has an ugly name, and because he is too fragile 


- I dislike Nekros because he is too thin and his 1 is quite enervating to use.


-Finally I meh like hate idk Rhino cause he is boring as F*** and not as tanky as it is advertised.

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Warf2013 - Useless, weak, noob.


Have you ever even tried any of those frames yourself?

he didn't say he agreed with those statements only that he heard them (but maybe he agrees to all of them, but probably not)

and some claims could be outdated, aimed at something different, etcetera this is what he heard. And this this actually the first post which gives an answer to the OP, since he/ she stated: 'This should not be a thread to just list off all the warframes you hate. IMO all the frames are great and deserve their own spotlight but others would seem to disagree. But my true question is, from your own experience, what would you say other players consensus of frames they dislike.'


However if you meant that all those statements are true, and that he just hasn't tried the frames, so he dismisses the hearsay to quickly: the thing is every frame has it different uses, and is not easily mastered, or is misabused alot, and not every frame is meant for 100 minutes of t4 survival or defense, not every frame is will be great with every other frame. (oberon can heal, do damae over time, short cc (and has one of the best looking ultimates in the game IMO (simpe, sleek and a raw sense of complete controll and mastery), etcetera, volt, can be everything you can dream of, zephyr, see volt.


at op, other abilties to troll allies (if used so): volt's speed (and shield before the shield stacking was different), trinity's link if you're able to get a radiation proc, nova's wormhole, Frost's snowglobe, tornadoes (not because of the loot, but the enemies flying everywhere), vauban's bounce, vauban's vortex (if timed perfectly since the increased hieght of jumpkicking in it), mag's pull ragdolling your targets, or mag's bullet attractor (, whith high range on a very durable enemy, such as on lech krill in the dual boss battle on phobos, valkyr's ripline, emebr's WoF, with the righ collor sheme, (it looks like the stalker appears, together with the screen shake of casting the ability), hyrdoid's tentacle swarm (ragdoll enemies, making them hard to hit), hyrdoid's puddle (for hiding capture targets/ exterminate target). I guess that's about it.

Edited by Rainofgod
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The only frame I could possibly dislike is Oberon, because he is the only frame in the game that is actually useless, as every other frame (even Saryn, though she could use some love too) can at least function past level 30.
His damage and scaling is so mediocre, to the point where he can’t do squat past level 30 (and that’s giving him more credit than he’s due). He is not tanky whatsoever, like a Paladin should be, and he does absolutely nothing that any other frame can’t do better. Smite is a lamer version of the already lame Soul Punch. Renewal’s heal only heals 200 health over 10 seconds (20 health per second), which doesn’t mean jack, especially when Trinity exists (he does not provide an alternative, he’s just inferior). Hallowed Ground is a complete and utter joke and is the size of 1 Grineer. His ulti is the same generic ‘nuke the room’ ulti, except it sucks and can’t kill anything above level 30 and provides no utility whatsoever. Health orbs on low level enemy kills are not a merit whatsoever, and Nekros/Trinity/Team Health Restores still all do his job better. He does absolutely nothing for the team, or even yourself, aside from wasting a slot.
If you think Oberon is a good Warframe as he currently is then you seriously need to consider actually playing another frame. There is a REASON Scott is planning on reworking him entirely. There is a REASON he’s considered the laziest and most useless frame (there is no way that you can deny he was rushed, considering he was released not even a week after his concept art was shown, and again, his kit is generic and mediocre). That reason being; he sucks and is completely useless beyond belief. He is in desperate need of that rework and I do hope it brings him up to par with the other Warframes in the game, because frankly he has no place in the game whatsoever aside from taking up inventory space and giving 6k mastery.
Also for the love of god unless his new kit involves holy judgment then they better rename him to a druid. 



Wow so much hate channeled into one post. I love Oberon he is my favorite Warframe, but yes he REALLY needs a rework, like you said he is almost useless after enemies get past level 30.

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Once a Snowglobe factory, still is a Snowglobe Factory after multiple threads of "Reworking Frost"

Ult is still considered terrible broken.


Frost is like that little rusty tool in the back of the shed not a lot like to use in favor of others but the inexperienced still relies on this rusty tool.

(One just needs to look at Recruiting)


I'm still on the "change the globe" track:



Description: "Frost summons a brutal storm of snow and ice to hinder his enemies."

In an area of 8/12/16/20 (affected by power range mods) around Frost, a sphere of whirling ice and cold forms, providing 100 (not affected by anything)% damage reduction on every shot that touches it's area and 5/10/15/20% (affected by power strength mods). Explosive projectiles have 100% chance to explode on contact if they detonate on hit (and the usual damage reduction too, which also applies to timed or remotely detonated stuff). Duration is 8/10/12/14 (affected by power duration mods) seconds. The applied effects are losing strength as time passes, eventually reaching 0%. This is true for damage reduction applied to shots, enemy and projectile slow and chance to detonate rockets on contact.


along with making frost a frost based frame that actually freezes. I mean his only power that actually freezes enemies is hard to use, overall inefficient, which is bad even in situations where single target freeze would be otherwise nice. Mostly because a frozen enemy does not aquire debuffs (like being brittle thus having a % incoming damage bonus on it from every source, ice breaking on too much damage, shattering, aoe damage, knockdown...) it's more of a hindrance (though the bug element is also strong in this one, enemies becoming invulnerable thanks to it, etc.).

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It's depend on a perspective of each player.  Every frame got it own dislike.


This is from what I heard lately.


- Mag - useless, weak, noob. 

- Excal,  - useless, weak, noob.

- Oberon - useless, weak.

- Rhino - ignorant lonewolf, rusher.

- Frost - ... well, I'm seen many complain about him.

- Nekros - weak, useless, dessicate only.

- Loki - weak, rusher.

- Valkyr - useless.

- Volt - weak, useless.

- Ash - useless.

- Nova - kill stealer, rusher, annoying.

- Zephyr - annoying.

- Ember - useless, weak.


But, an expert player can dismiss this claim above. :)


Very true. Only NOOBS would call these frames weak. Their perception of "strong" is press 4 to win. Meh. It depends really on skill how you use them. This applies especially for Ash because he doesn't have a nuke ulti. His invisibility isn't as long as Loki's. But hell that makes him more of a challenging frame to use. And I usually out kill a Nova even if she spams MP with my trusty Ash.


Well for my most disliked frame...


Banshee. Those feet, dat head. I don't feel her skills are very useful at all. But that's just my opinion

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