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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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Here it is again


Stop Panicking. 




You know, if the player base makes themselves heard, then maybe we can have influence.


Sitting on the sides helplessly will do nothing and only just hurt our chances of Warframe not getting molested. 


So please S T F U

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Here it is again


Stop Panicking. Read the following.

What We Currently Know About the PWE Deal (Reddit)


The reasons you shouldn't be panicking:

1. All that's happened is PW's declaration of intent to purchase shares (they might not even purchase the shares after they review DE)

2. DE has only acknowledge the declaration of intent (they have not said that they will actually sell)

3. DE won't have to sell off 100% of their shares (see difference between "outstanding" and "authorized" shares), they can still hold majority stake in their company


So yeah. Calm the hek down, read the above link, and stop running around like chickens with your heads cut off.

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ahahaha..yeah right..Zombie faught the hardest against PWE's monitzation strategy, and it was still a gigantic money sink, it took almost a year to be able to buy things not rent with in game currency. And even then the prices..holy @(*()$ S#&$, you think farming for a loki prime is bad. HAHA, try earning enough GP for a good bolt action build.


aggh where are you when I need you?

Where am I? Generally depressed about life in general, but that's something else. :l What kind of shares was Zombie giving to PWE?

What's the difference between Outstanding Shares and Authorized Shares?

How many shares is PWE purchasing?

Do you know all the shareholders that your job has? If so, how many shares they hold as well?

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Here it is again


Stop Panicking. Read the following.

What We Currently Know About the PWE Deal (Reddit)


The reasons you shouldn't be panicking:

1. All that's happened is PW's declaration of intent to purchase shares (they might not even purchase the shares after they review DE)

2. DE has only acknowledge the declaration of intent (they have not said that they will actually sell)

3. DE won't have to sell off 100% of their shares (see difference between "outstanding" and "authorized" shares), they can still hold majority stake in their company


So yeah. Calm the hek down, read the above link, and stop running around like chickens with your heads cut off.


Yeah, except when a company owns almost half of your business they're still entitled to withdraw their shares if they don't do what they ask. Thats why its a non-binding agreement. If DE wants their money they will actually listen and make the adjustments necessary to keep the money coming in. That being said, kiss warframe as you know it goodbye. It shouldn't come to be much of a surprise that something like this is happening. Warframe is coming to tons of consoles and they probably want the extra money to keep the money coming in. This is a very profitable business decision for them to be making and you can damn well bet your sweet supple Tenno butts that it will happen. Do you honestly think DE has anything that they -couldn't- want? I highly doubt it, a gaming company  sponge such as this WILL take them over its not a matter of pride or preserving their image either. 

Edited by grillv20
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Here it is again


Stop Panicking. Read the following.

What We Currently Know About the PWE Deal (Reddit)


The reasons you shouldn't be panicking:

1. All that's happened is PW's declaration of intent to purchase shares (they might not even purchase the shares after they review DE)

2. DE has only acknowledge the declaration of intent (they have not said that they will actually sell)

3. DE won't have to sell off 100% of their shares (see difference between "outstanding" and "authorized" shares), they can still hold majority stake in their company


So yeah. Calm the hek down, read the above link, and stop running around like chickens with your heads cut off.


Guys, I know you all hate PW, but seriously, calm down.

It's like you guys just want to assume the worst and nothing else. I know that PW does S#&$ to games, but we don't even know the details of what the hell is going on. All I've seen is like...a ring of pessimism.

And viral/corrosive damage. Forum has some powerful mods.

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Haven't heard? I actually rechecked the mega thread, now it's "possibly" buying DE out. There's a chance for the sellers to back out though still, and it is unknown how much of DE is on the market (percent wise of the shares)


Assuming they buy enough shares it's more or less the same thing, they get control of the company if they have more than 50%. But yeah, it would be stupid if DE put more than 50% of themselves up for sale.


But hey, DE has done some pretty dumb things before.



^that is exactly why im afraid....

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As a friend of Lyvshalker, I agree to what he said. I will stop my platinum purchase until we are assured that PW's involvement won't adversely affect the game.

We are so familiar with those Chinese companies, they will turn every games they have into money-making machine. I will stop putting any money into this game until DE has some positive response, and I will ask my friends to do so, too.


I'm simply not even playing the game until they officially refuse this deal, and I'm not the only one. I've already convinced quite a few others to do the same. In the meantime we're all doing huge EUIV multiplayer matches.

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What PWE does to games, just entertaing the thought makes me panic.


And I'll even wager a guess that they're struggling, or just fed up.

^ All of this. It doesnt matter if its in review right now, the mere fact PWE is mentioned is cause enough to panic. Ive seen the horrors of PWE first hand, I sat though it all. PWE will find a way to ruin DE even as a minority holder. It doesnt matter if PWE is a 0.1% owner or a 50% owner, having PWE involved with ANY game or game company is just bad news.

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Here it is again


Stop Panicking. Read the following.

What We Currently Know About the PWE Deal (Reddit)


The reasons you shouldn't be panicking:

1. All that's happened is PW's declaration of intent to purchase shares (they might not even purchase the shares after they review DE)

2. DE has only acknowledge the declaration of intent (they have not said that they will actually sell)

3. DE won't have to sell off 100% of their shares (see difference between "outstanding" and "authorized" shares), they can still hold majority stake in their company


So yeah. Calm the hek down, read the above link, and stop running around like chickens with your heads cut off.

Thank you Letter13!!

Please, everyone, if people begin to panic again, repost this. There is no need to panic until we receive more information. I'm not saying to stop posting your disapproval, we need as much of that as we can get, but please, stop abandoning ship. There is simply no reason to.

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Yeah, except when a company owns almost half of your business they're still entitled to withdraw their shares if they don't do what they ask. Thats why its a non-binding agreement. If DE wants their money they will actually listen and make the adjustments necessary to keep the money coming in. That being said, kiss warframe as you know it goodbye. 


We have no goddamn idea how many shares DE's even selling.

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Where am I? Generally depressed about life in general, but that's something else. :l What kind of shares was Zombie giving to PWE?

What's the difference between Outstanding Shares and Authorized Shares?

How many shares is PWE purchasing?

Do you know all the shareholders that your job has? If so, how many shares they hold as well?


I'll ask my broker if they're publically traded. I doubt they are, so why are we talking about shares? PWE aquires they don't just invest in things. Espeically small studios like DE.


If they are publically traded, I'll move some S#&$ around in my portfolio enough to be a minor/major shareholder, then I'll call Steve everytime an update doesn't tickle my fancy.

Edited by DirkDeadeye
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Been 8 hours and one of the biggest threads in the history of the game,I still stand by if it wasn't happening they would told us by now.


I love this game and DE but PWE  will kill the game, they not the type of publisher that let Devs have full control.


But then again I'm still waiting for PC to PS4 copy you know the one that was "weeks", months, "just around the corner", "soon", "coming U14" still.

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I'd point out that Perfect World has no interest at all in having a minority stake in a company. They don't buy "some" shares. They either buy a controlling stake or they don't waste their time/money. If they are interested in buying the outstanding shares of DE, it's because there's more than 50% outstanding.

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We might support a kickstarter or something like that. But it's not our duty to save DE from dooming itself. We can always find another game if Warframe turns into a money sink in the future.



being a fellow founder....i would think that you would care more about the direction the game is taking rather than being indifferent about saving DE

i put money into this game because i wanted it to survive and wanted to see it further its potential....i actually believed in the things that DE said when the game was still new and fresh....I still believe that they will create a F2P game that is not pay to win

but if they have choose to sell themselves out then i would definitely regret my founder pack purchase.....i did not decide to fund a game that would backstab its player base

Edited by sekushiiandee
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oh Come on... I dont want this... 
Warframe is one of the best games for me, but Perfect World Entreteiment Will destroid that!
i see the future... you will pay, pay and pay.. No more trade Player-Player 
The game will lose a lot of players if this is True.


i know how job Perfect World... and i dont want this for Warframe!

(Sorry for my bad english)

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