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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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You all are probably getting worked up over nothing. I'm done worrying about it. Try to relax.



you can't play warframe again without shelling your credit card. RNG has been made worse, Plat prices have gone up, and Warframe is now integrated through the new "Arc" platform by Perfect World

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If DE took this dilemma and gave us a choice via Warframe itself, I think I would enjoy something like that.

Say, make a mini-event, the boss of the event being some sort of Infested life-form named "Perfect World Entertainment".

If we defeat "Perfect World Entertainment" x number of times, this business fiasco would be reconsidered, leaving DE and the community as happy-go-lucky as it was before hearing this news.

Then again, this is just me throwing in an idea of mine.

EDIT: Slight grammar mistake.

Seems this idea has been gaining a bit of popularity since I've posted it. I'm really hoping DE gives this idea a chance, since involving such a caring community could never hurt.
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You all are probably getting worked up over nothing. I'm done worrying about it. Try to relax.

This is probably true... but what bothers me the most is that THE COMMUNITY MANAGER WASN'T EVEN GIVEN INFORMATION TO INFORM THE PLAYER BASE.  Why are we all left in the dark?  Or am I wrong?  I just learned about this 5 minutes ago... it seems like DE planned/plans on selling it's ship and all of its refugees to a greedy-&#! pirate.

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That FB posted was posted days before this June 30th merger / acquistion... http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapid=52344383


Granted, I don't know if Costa Mesa is even close to a PWE HQ, but it's worth looking into at this point.



i think perfect world entertainment HQ is in redwood city....which is not close to costa mesa

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This is probably true... but what bothers me the most is that THE COMMUNITY MANAGER WASN'T EVEN GIVEN INFORMATION TO INFORM THE PLAYER BASE.  Why are we all left in the dark?  Or am I wrong?  I just learned about this 5 minutes ago... it seems like DE planned/plans on selling it's ship and all of its refugees to a greedy-@$$ pirate.

Probably because it wasn't our business to begin with. We're not investors. Do you own shares in DE? Noooo? 8v

You're not an investor. They're a private company. They can't sell shares to the public. So you're just a customer and not an investor.

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This is probably true... but what bothers me the most is that THE COMMUNITY MANAGER WASN'T EVEN GIVEN INFORMATION TO INFORM THE PLAYER BASE.  Why are we all left in the dark?  Or am I wrong?  I just learned about this 5 minutes ago... it seems like DE planned/plans on selling it's ship and all of its refugees to a greedy-@$$ pirate.

My bet is they weren't given information because it wasn't relevant to them. Not yet anyway, it's only relevant to whoever DE has as Chinese translators, and the people on the Xbone team.


Edit; actually forget the translators part, they probably have software for that.

Edited by (PS4)StoneRevolver
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What I'm worried about is on top of this thread, the Dev's have gone on Stealth mode on Twitter, not even a off topic post or anything, I mean the DE teams a chatty bunch and not to talk today can't be good.

Edited by Wynn
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DE, you've undoubtedly seen this thread, even Rebecca has replied to it. You see the hundreds of pages of players showing concern over this? It's because we all love this game. I've devoted over 800 hours into this and to see it all ruined by Perfect World... it's not right. You have created such a beautiful universe, truly one of my favorites. And if you sell out to PW, well Warframe will just become an old dream. You've come from an 8-memeber dev team, into what this game is today. We've blossomed from a small game with a bit of a following to within the Top 20 in Steam. Honestly, i've seen numerous articles commending this game, some even mentioning the early development phases and how much this game has grown. I know the PC gaming market will hate to see this game go down. You've undoubtedly seen the effects of PW integrating themselves into other games, as mentioned above. I've spent somewhere around $120 on this game, and i sincerely wish i could spend more. This game has just been fantastic so far, dont let Perfect World ruin it. I may not be a founder, i joined as soon as open beta hit. But i love this game just as much as any founder out there. Surely you can tell im not the only one. All i ask is you look at the community here. All of the people who are proud to call themselves Tenno. All of the people who funded your dream game. Listen to their voices, if you are wht you say you are. I write this with the sincerest hope that you reconsider allowing Perfect World purchase this game. Thank you for reading, DE.

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People, I understand the concerns, but it'd behoove all of us to put on our thinking caps for a moment, enjoy a nice cup of tea, and calm the hell down for a few minutes. We won't know anything for sure until we have information in front of us, and rest assured: We will get it. I understand that you're frightened, and with good reason, but calm yourselves, and be patient.

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Probably because it wasn't our business to begin with. We're not investors. Do you own shares in DE? Noooo? 8v

You're not an investor. They're a private company. They can't sell shares to the public. So you're just a customer and not an investor.


i bought a founders pack to help fund this game.....i pay money to buy play to fund this game....

but i guess i am just another lowly useless customer to them that does not matter

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I have played star trek online. It is painful. To get anything worth playing with you need dilithium but you can only refine a certain amount a day. And that is just one of the grinds. Or you can buy it with real money. Honestly the thought of PerfectWorld being in control of WarFrame makes me feel sick to my stomach. But then I think, WarFrame is a video game. Should I really let myself be affected this much?

Still the sick feeling remains. :(

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What I'm worried about is on top of this thread, the Dev's have gone on Stealth mode on Twitter, not even a off topic post or anything, I mean the DE teams a chatty bunch and not to talk today can't be good.


letter13 said that DE is at home sleeping or whatever they do after they get off work

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*goes into a corner and dies laughing* AHAHAHA, I SAW THIS COMING MILES AWAY~!!! I find it funny that just a few days after my suggestion to fix the current Warframe market gets closed by a mod, this happens... I knew that the bad market scheme would cause them to seek money elsewhere, I just knew that a F2P game that discouraged spending would meet an early demise, Calling me a whiner for being realistic, Serves ya'll right! It was all too obvious that DE was lacking funds. But enough of the I told you so party, I still am hoping that Perfect World has little to no influence on Warframe if they do buy them stocks, else it will get boring like every other one of their F2P games and I may just need to find something else to do...


Edited by R3DBelmont456
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