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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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DE, you've undoubtedly seen this thread, even Rebecca has replied to it. You see the hundreds of pages of players showing concern over this? It's because we all love this game. I've devoted over 800 hours into this and to see it all ruined by Perfect World... it's not right. You have created such a beautiful universe, truly one of my favorites. And if you sell out to PW, well Warframe will just become an old dream. You've come from an 8-memeber dev team, into what this game is today. We've blossomed from a small game with a bit of a following to within the Top 20 in Steam. Honestly, i've seen numerous articles commending this game, some even mentioning the early development phases and how much this game has grown. I know the PC gaming market will hate to see this game go down. You've undoubtedly seen the effects of PW integrating themselves into other games, as mentioned above. I've spent somewhere around $120 on this game, and i sincerely wish i could spend more. This game has just been fantastic so far, dont let Perfect World ruin it. I may not be a founder, i joined as soon as open beta hit. But i love this game just as much as any founder out there. Surely you can tell im not the only one. All i ask is you look at the community here. All of the people who are proud to call themselves Tenno. All of the people who funded your dream game. Listen to their voices, if you are wht you say you are. I write this with the sincerest hope that you reconsider allowing Perfect World purchase this game. Thank you for reading, DE.

DE, you've undoubtedly seen this thread, even Rebecca has replied to it. You see the hundreds of pages of players showing concern over this? It's because we all love this game. I've devoted over 800 hours into this and to see it all ruined by Perfect World... it's not right. You have created such a beautiful universe, truly one of my favorites. And if you sell out to PW, well Warframe will just become an old dream. You've come from an 8-memeber dev team, into what this game is today. We've blossomed from a small game with a bit of a following to within the Top 20 in Steam. Honestly, i've seen numerous articles commending this game, some even mentioning the early development phases and how much this game has grown. I know the PC gaming market will hate to see this game go down. You've undoubtedly seen the effects of PW integrating themselves into other games, as mentioned above. I've spent somewhere around $120 on this game, and i sincerely wish i could spend more. This game has just been fantastic so far, dont let Perfect World ruin it. I may not be a founder, i joined as soon as open beta hit. But i love this game just as much as any founder out there. Surely you can tell im not the only one. All i ask is you look at the community here. All of the people who are proud to call themselves Tenno. All of the people who funded your dream game. Listen to their voices, if you are wht you say you are. I write this with the sincerest hope that you reconsider allowing Perfect World purchase this game. Thank you for reading, DE.

Just remember this my brother....

Our devs which art in ontario

Hallowed be thy names

Thy deep space come

Thy missions be done

On Earth as it is in Sedna

Give us this day our daily log in rewards

And forgive us of our spamming in global chat

As we forgive those who speedrun ahead of us

And we protect the noobs we assisted

But deliver us from boredom

For yours is the galaxy, the orokin void, and the devstream couch

Forever and ever...


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i bought a founders pack to help fund this game.....i pay money to buy play to fund this game....

but i guess i am just another customer to them that does not matter

If you were useless, they wouldn't have sold you founder stuff to help them out. :P While you're still a customer, we're important in a way.

We're just not allowed past the area where all the products are sold.

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I have played star trek online. It is painful. To get anything worth playing with you need dilithium but you can only refine a certain amount a day. And that is just one of the grinds. Or you can buy it with real money. Honestly the thought of PerfectWorld being in control of WarFrame makes me feel sick to my stomach. But then I think, WarFrame is a video game. Should I really let myself be affected this much?

Still the sick feeling remains. :(



youre a grandmaster and a fellow founder....it makes sense that it affects you this much

we both invested in this game

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Keep waiting for DE saying something officially....


Warframe is the first F2P game that I felt guilty to play it for free, I think this is the key point that make Warframe go so incredible far -  we players will be touched when a dev team devote themselves into it.


Stupid gambling box will ruin all of this. 

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DE, You have to consider your entire fan base and everyone who loves this game, you will be letting us all down, Nobody can stand the kind of crap PWE will bring to the game, just the fact that they'll even own a little bit of stocks makes me uncomfortable! They shouldn't get any control over this game, or they'll F*** it up one way or another.


Please don't let the good name of DE be crushed and buried by this company, infamous for its Pay2Win, they don't give a crap about their consumers like you guys do

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After seeing what happened to Blacklight, i wish a fiery death upon PW. I played it as much, no, MORE than Warframe and i saw what happened! 

They doubled the number of chance-packs (all of which had a 50% chance of giving you a useless "node"), increased the price of all gun parts (bullsh*t, even though they decreased the prices of all receivers and made them available, still bullsh*t) and got rid of ALL 1-day rentals. Not only that but Zombie have abandoned the game, not a single update in 8 FRIGGIN' MONTHS (unacceptable for a F2P game). I fear that this might be the same for Warframe 5-6 years down the line.

My vision of the future just went from 50's "hopeful tech-dream" to 2010's "bleak, nuclear wasteland"

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Someone asked me for a link of the Taiwanese forum, but hey, you can't read Traditional Chinese right?

(For the record I'm from Hong Kong so I do read Traditional Chinese)

It's just someone saying something, but I think it's possible, so I put it here.


I don't really think DE needs to sell the company as Warframe's player base got a huge increase over the pass one year.


Therefore I'd rather believe what they say, PWE is just investing, with no influence over DE's decision.


Btw I saw someone talked about different kinds of shares here, I think that's what the Taiwanese was talking about, PWE bought the latter kind of shares, ie. the one with no voting power given, I don't really remember the name. Lol I thought I was a good business student.


Edit: I can't give the link because the computer I use currently blocked the forum, ie. I am at work, strangely it did not block warframe forums but warframe.com lol.


Edit: Yes I used my phone to get to that forum

Edited by PachTrick
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Probably because it wasn't our business to begin with. We're not investors. Do you own shares in DE? Noooo? 8v

You're not an investor. They're a private company. They can't sell shares to the public. So you're just a customer and not an investor.

actually it does concern us.


we are the ones that they ultimately rely on for stable income, not some investor. Investors will pull out at the slightest sign things are going down hill while a dedicated fan base will stick with it as it crashes and shatters on the rocks, and getting into bed with a notoriously horrid company like PW is the kind of thing that can/will drastically alter every aspect of the games experience.


They risk a LOT with this move, and the potential harm to the game and DE as a whole could end up being irreparable due to PW's policy's.


So yes. This very much concerns us.

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I need you all to stop complaining about the entire PWE ordeal, as much as I'd like to say that this "thing" is a bad idea, I would be adding fuel to the fire, and no info has been released other than the agreement proposed by Sumpo, and there is no evidence of a total buy-out, this could be simply a purchase of the outstanding stocks. No-one has any idea what this is supposed to be, except for the managers of DE, Sumpo Food Ltd. and PWE. And people are grasping at straws, and are starting to boycott the game, even though an agreement has been reached. Please, disperse this unguided anger by realising what's actually going on.

     And if you care this much still after my silly and useless rant go here ----------> https://www.change.org/petitions/save-warframe to prevent a "total" buy-out of the company. This will probably not happen, but if it does, we can probably WILL overcome this "threat". Go ahead, sign it, I did. I can't stand the sight of a great game go down the drain, not like this. 

    But please, don't just simply give up by boycotting, we haven't lost this war yet. And useless complaining won't help.


Edit: Take a look at the proposed investment here ---> http://iis.quamnet.com/media/IRAnnouncement/1089/EN_US/001947020-0.PDF 

Edited by sgtslayer2011
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Someone asked me for a link of the Taiwanese forum, but hey, you can't read Traditional Chinese right?

(For the record I'm from Hong Kong so I do read Traditional Chinese)

It's just someone saying something, but I think it's possible, so I put it here.


I don't really think DE needs to sell the company as Warframe's player base got a huge increase over the pass one year.


Therefore I'd rather believe what they say, PWE is just investing, with no influence over DE's decision.


Btw I saw someone talked about different kinds of shares here, I think that's what the Taiwanese was talking about, PWE bought the latter kind of shares, ie. the one with no voting power given, I don't really remember the name. Lol I thought I was a good business student.


I'll say this again.


PWE does not invest just for the sake of investing.

They invest for the sake of control and influence.

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Well, this is something going in a very backwards direction.


With my experience with games of Perfect World origin, namely Blacklight Retribution, it was fun while it lasted. And about the cash shops, chance packs, and miscellaneous items... the people are right. Perfect World Entertainment put out gambling immensely. While we the people complain about the randomness of Prime components or basic Warframe parts, it pales in comparison to that. At least you're not spending money to go into the Void, let alone letting a box determining whether you get said key or not.


As far as I know, Blacklight is either dying or dead. Nothing has really changed it, no updates or anything after the new Horde mode. Nothing new. I haven't seen Perfect World change anything really. The game only went after a few big updates, and it stopped. Dead as a doornail.


Right now, no word of anything hasn't been signed, but that doesn't mean the community is out of the woods just yet. We've got a little over a month for this to cease. We still have the spark of hope, we just need enough to kindle it. I'm going to remain a little on the fence with this one. But if anything, look at this thread, Digital Extremes. Look at your fanbase. Look at everything you've achieved, through twenty years, through your latest success, Warframe. Take a deep long look, before jumping on any decision, especially this one.


While the community might have gone a bit overboard with disappointment, slight berating comments, or just silly things, we are here to look at this game to flourish, to develop, to help fund your brainchild known as this game. Just give a moment to think. Research everything, before laying your hand down.

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This entire thing was blown out of proportion by those who didn't understand what was going on. I just tagged along for the ride and had a lot of fun!

This guy knows what's up. I was a bit nervous about what was going to happen, but after looking at what we do know, it doesn't look remotely close to  DE "selling out" all we know is all their outstanding shares are being bought(Which could be 5% of the shares, could be 40%+ we don't know s@#! yet) by PW not to be confused with PWE for any number of reasons from DE's bigshots getting greedy to PW just wanting to be the ones to introduce Warframe into the Xbone's Chinese market.

So can we all calm down and let this panic die out, or is that still out of the question?

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