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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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Jimmies haven't been this rustled since the great U13 delay of '14 whats worse is if this is real at all no staff member will respond in this thread to conirm one way or another. 20  comments WHILE I TYPED THIS. HYPETRAIN PRIME UNLOCKED.

Edited by Nkomo-Sama
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Digital Extremes after reading this my heart is breaking. I just hit rank 16 and will have 1 year in this game on the 4th of July. Please don't do anything that will ruin this game. It is my introduction to gaming and the game that I judge all other games against. It would so break my heart if the direction and format for this game were to be so changed as to ruin it. 


Please DE listen to your backers (ie. the players) and don't let this game get destroyed.

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OMG I don't know what to say.

I 'm Japanese, and as you know, there is a conflict in China and Japan.

I afraid of that will makes something disparity.

Of cource, I never mind player's nationality or race.

But my Personal Information will be passed to the Chinese companies make me anxiety.

Sorry for my poor English.


Theres nothing wrong with disliking  detesting how the chinese destroy other countries economies. How they spit on human rights and stuff.


There was a little IT company with it's home in the city I live in... producing good quality computers and other IT stuff for a low price. It was bought by some chinese company. I've never heard of them again.

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PWE is a greedy, money hungry corporation. They do not care one bit about their player base. Once Warframe falls into their hands this game is over. Warframe will no longer be the grind that we love, instead it will be replaced with pay to win content. Everyone who is willing should take a stand, we need to make DE realize this is a horrible horrible mistake. 

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Jimmies haven't been this rustled since the great U13 delay of '14 whats worse is if this is real at all no staff member will respond in this thread tk co.firm one way or another. 20  comments WHILE I TYPED THIS. HYPETRAIN PRIME UNLOCKED.

DE can only say what you know right now for legal reasons.

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DE can only say what you know right now for legal reasons.

Yeah, this is a problem, unfortunately. WE kinda want to know now, and need to know now to determine if we're going to continue supporting the game.

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As an NA person, I can't even try PSO2, what with it being postponed indefinitely.


I am from EU and even took part in open beta.

After the release, the screws of the game were tightened so hard, soloing for me was impossible,

lost all my carefully triple socketed gear (Poison 3 ♥ ) and all the update and english patch cycle was tiring me out,

so I quit.


I uninstalled that 4 GB mess and dealt with it. Now the game is 13+ GB thick. and most of the content is unneeded anyway.

And still doesn't update correctly on western Windows...


I played PSO for 4 years straight, loved PSU:AoI and given PSO2 a try.


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