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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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If all this turns out to be true, and PWE is going to assume control of Warframe, I'd like to propose an organized exodus to some other game.


It wouldn't be easy, but banding together to preserve our community in some other game would be nice. Bonus points for thumbing our collective noses as hard as possible at PWE.

Might I suggest PSO2? Ship 10, away from the toxic pso-world community on Ship 2 ;D

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Oh sh***

As the rest of the tennos here, I will surely definitely quit Warframe if this OPA/Merger/whatever should happen.


What a shame, I was just thinking about buying the Loki Prime Set, but won't happen now...


Between Facebook Buying Occulus Rift and this, two dreams broken that way :cry:

Edited by Marnus
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I have already advised my clanmates and alliance members(around 3000 players) to stop buying platinum until DE's official response about this.

We are very familiar with PW's capability of turning awesome games into mindless money sinks. So it is better to stop paying for a would be money-sink game sooner than later. We will resume our normal platinum purchase when DE denies PW's investment or when we are made sure PW's involvement will not affect the future development of Warframe(might take a few month).

We all know what PW will do so DE DO NOT ACCEPT THIS PLEASE.

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spamme -di spam...


I'd really like to get a official statement. Telling us that this is all bullsh.

The only way I would accept this is if PWE has a hand in Warframe like Activision does in Destiny. Almost 0 to none. If DE keeps all creative rights, and free will to make the game as they want and PWE is just becoming a sponsor ONLY I am okay with that.......sorta.

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If all this turns out to be true, and PWE is going to assume control of Warframe, I'd like to propose an organized exodus to some other game.


It wouldn't be easy, but banding together to preserve our community in some other game would be nice. Bonus points for thumbing our collective noses as hard as possible at PWE.

Good idea in concept, but it's going to be hard to find an F2P game that is as good as WF. Then again, sitting around and doing nothing doesn't sound great either.


I'd really like to get a official statement. Telling us that this is all bullsh.

I think this is all what we're hoping for, if the 40 pages of posts over 4-5 hours is any indication.

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Please DE, don't sacrifice this game for money, please.

At least, if you accept, tell us nothing is going to change !!!

Perfect world entertainment doesn't follow ANY of your morals.

You tend to be transparent, while PWE does not.

You tend to limit in-game paid exclusives to cosmetics, while PWE prefers locking good weapons like the soma to cash only.

Are you really gonna sell your dream finally possible for money, and for it to decay ?

I'm sorry but if anything changes on a philosophy level which distances the studios with the player base, i'll be quitting, and I won't be the only one...

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Why this isn't legit, there are a total of 2 major reason this is not legit and there so obvious that i am laughing at everyones stupidity.



OK first, they said there investing, but that would mean the DE needs money, not that they are just buying them out. 


IT DIDN"T SAY BUYING Digitel extreme it said, INVESTING.


now for the reasons.




if the DE needed money they would not put Warframe on Xbox one, since that takes alllloooottt of money to do, so they must have allot of money to throw around if they really are doing this.





if you payed attention during the streams you would have noticed that they, have said, that they are making allloot of money off trading.

Now i don't know about you, but if your losing money why would you say, that your making allot of money off trading.



Now ofcourse i could be dead wrong, but just to make it clear.



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spamme -di spam...


I'd really like to get a official statement. Telling us that this is all bullsh.

The fact that it didn't get locked hard is an answer. What is going on we don't know for sure, but it is more than a rumor. If it were just a rumor statement followed by lock.

You also have to consider that this maybe an opportunity for them to build evidence that the community would bail if the deal goes through.

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