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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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Why would DE merge with/sell out to ANY company? If they did that, they wouldn't have complete control over their game anymore, and they would lose players quickly as the game becomes so different that it's unfamiliar. They also risk selling out to a greedy/incompetent company. I have trouble (lots of trouble) believing DE of all people would do something like this.


I hope they aren't.

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Stalker Lockbox (now with more red and black), Grineer Queen Lockbox (chance of unlocking a Grineer Queen mount), Corpus Shekels Lockbox, etc.


each lockbox ofc drops a random amount of a special secondary currency, with immensley powerful market items only being purchaceable via the special currency.  (lobi crystal store/etc/etc)

Edited by Methanoid
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Now I will say, this. I "do not" regret paying any money for this game. All of it is or was worth it at the time.


However paying any money at this point, would leave a sour taste in my mouth. Remember to speak with your wallets when these new updates come out for both systems.

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As clanmate/alliance-mate of Lyvshalker, I agree to what he said. I will stop my platinum purchase until we are assured that PW's involvement won't adversely affect the game."

Assured like the time when drop rates "suddenly tanked hard" and the devs went like "whoopsie, surely never happens again"... then encrypts all droptables?

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Why would DE merge with/sell out to ANY company? If they did that, they wouldn't have complete control over their game anymore, and they would lose players quickly as the game becomes so different that it's unfamiliar. They also risk selling out to a greedy/incompetent company. I have trouble (lots of trouble) believing DE of all people would do something like this.


I hope they aren't.


Dunno, turn it pure pvp? At this point any guess will do.

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Which would indicate that they're not holding 49% of their shares.


I find it hard to believe that two companies as large as perfect world and sumpoo foods are merely investing in another company, especially in the case of PW where DE is a direct competitor.


Yeah, this is going to be a full on acquisition.


As I said, either Warframe is not profitable or the owner(s) want to retire and buy a yacht, the SS PRIME ACCESS

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No no no no no no no no no! I came here from Blacklight: Retribution. Punished by Perfect World Entertainment. That's F2P game in my Steam Library that NEVER freaking updates. There's supposedly content waiting to ship out, but content release is managed by... you guessed it, PWE. No new content. No tweaks. No balance changes. Nada.


I'm not gonna say that this is a death sentence for Warframe. Maybe it won't be. But I'm very, very, very worried that it will be. Good luck, and please do everything in your power to shut this down.


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Sumpo Food, Perfect World plan to buy Digital Extremes   30 Jun 2014  17:10    Market News

(Infocast News)      Sumpo Food Holdings Limited (01089) announced that Perfect World Co., Ltd. and it entered into a non-binding term sheet for the purchase of all the outstanding shares of Digital Extremes Ltd and are conducting due diligence investigations over the affairs of Digital Extremes.

Perfect World is a company listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market. Digital Extremes is a company incorporated under the laws of Ontario, Canada with limited liability, and is a next-generation studio developing ground-breaking Free-to-Play (F2P), AAA-quality multi-platform video games.

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Really? PWE? What the freaking F***? After all the money and time I spent on Warframe, it goes to those greedy bastards who'd sell their entire families for even the smallest of profits? I mean look at what they've done in the past! How could ANYONE ever even consider selling to these guys?!


If this goes down, I'm outta here. Not a threat or anything, a simple fact. Cold, hard, thoroughly pondered and weighted. Hell, I'd rather see Digital Extremes LtD burn to the ground rather than witness this... insult of a company get their grubby paws on it.

One thing's for sure, until I get ABSOLUTE, UNDENIABLE confirmation that the deciders at DE told PWE to go F*** themselves, I'm not spending one more cent/dime/whatever on Warframe.


To whoever calls the shot at DE, be smart about this. DO NOT let these mother effers in your house! Don't sell your soul!


P.S : I'm not sorry for the bad language. F*** YOU PWE!


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Now I will say, this. I "do not" regret paying any money for this game. All of it is or was worth it at the time.


However paying any money at this point, would leave a sour taste in my mouth. Remember to speak with your wallets when these new updates come out for both systems.

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Yeah. Definitely full acquisition. As far as I know, PW doesn't have a next-gen game, right? The acquisition of DE would give them Warframe, which would be their closest to a next-gen game. They probably want access to the next-gen console markets and see Warframe as their way to do so. That, or they'll end up scrapping the console versions.

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