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Now How Would You All Feel If This Game Was Acquired By Nexon Or Ea Or Kog Or Even Gameforge Or Mayhaps Gamersfirst?


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EA is probably worse than all of them tbh.


Not so much in terms of the effect it would have on warframe, but in terms of the the life expectancy for DE istelf, EA is by far the worst candidate.

LOL, no


EA is actually the least bad between them Nexon and PW

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I hate to say it because they ruined BioWare, but I can live with EA a lot more than those others. EA screws up because they're stupid and not because they're trying to kill Western competition for their Asian titles.

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EA is probably worse than all of them tbh.


Not so much in terms of the effect it would have on warframe, but in terms of the the life expectancy for DE istelf, EA is by far the worst candidate.


Warframe would likely make it out of Beta under EA management and maybe make it another solid year. Then EA would get schizo on us and gut THE EVERYTHING because.


You can see it with prior companies like Bioware. The game(s) in development during acquisition are released in okay states. Its the stuff that is developed AFTER that suffers.

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To the person that said something about Valve and specifically TF2 about hats and being better. Don't we already have that in Warframe, you know those Arcane Helmets? Just saying...

Which those of us who have been in TF2 for a while were telling DE: "Do not put stats on cosmetics!"


They didn't listen, they did it, and now we have Arcane Helmets.


.... Kind of like how we are telling them to "not engage in business with the Purchasers, for any reason!" If precedence holds we'll have Lock Boxes for the holidays.


If it was Valve we'd be waiting years for updates.



Hey now. TF2 updates regularly. Lets not get stuck on Half-Life 3.

Edited by Brasten
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But they have separated the two, Arcane having stats, but they are balanced, like Corrupted mods. Having a positive and negative stat change. Then, there is the cosmetic helmets. Plus, you can convert the Arcane to just cosmetics. At least the armor sets don't increase armor/health/shields and decrease speed.

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I'd be against Nexon but I'd probably still play.   Probably.


Haven't played anything by EA so I can't say anything about them.


If you mean the original KOG that created Elsword from scratch and are currently working on Closers, then I'd be fine with them. 


Wall of text below:


TL;DR: Current KOG is S#&$.


If you mean the current KOG who took over KillerCombo and renamed them to KOG Games, no.  God damn it, NO.  I'd jump ship the moment they acquire Warframe.  Their current shenanigans in KR Elsword is just amazing.  Their current bi-weekly character revamps of buffs and nerfs might force a player to purchase a class change ticket which is about $20 USD.  For players that only focus on one character, change that "might" to "will."  These guys have no idea what they're doing despite the given feedback from seasoned players telling them how these changes are affecting gameplay. This is like the third or fourth iteration of balance revamps on a game that isn't even in beta that happened within a little more than a year.


Warframe's UI will have locked elements and in-game mechanics that will require players to spend real money to unlock just to enjoy the game.  Want to slide in Warframe? That'll be $10 pls.  Aesthetics will have stats on them for an obscene amount of money, female frames will have bigger boobs and/or butts with child-bearing hips (I'm 'kay wit dis), and events would be extremely dull which forces players to grind the same missions an endless amount of times for a lackluster reward with usefulness similar to a single unmodded and unpotato'd rank 0 Lato.  If you think Warframe has too much grind under DE's hands, you haven't played many Asian games.


When bugs and glitches come up, their response to it is extremely slow.  The most recent bug in NA screwed over the economy because of a glitch in their auction house that duplicated in-game currency.  It took about a week or two for it to get patched and nothing was done to the abusers and a rollback wasn't carried out to fix it.  There's also that annoying as hell bug that doesn't save your keyboard layout. Every. Single. Time. You switch characters.  Last I checked, this hasn't been fixed.


New players have to grind for countless hours for money and pray to RNGesus that something valuable drops to sell or use and anything worth anything are being sold at prices that exceeds the character currency cap.  Meaning, if you do a trade for one of these valuable items, there's a high chance of being screwed over.


Did I mention how xenophobic the main branch is?  KOG blatantly favors their home server compared to foreign servers by giving them watered down content where what is available through grind or NPC exchanges on the home server is only available behind a pay wall, extreme RNG, or not at all.  Foreign servers are just cash cows and it's extremely obvious.  At least Nexon hides it somewhat.


At least they listen to the KR community and not the foreign fanbase's input and implement the most stupid suggestions proposed by butthurt twelve year olds from the PVP community!

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Which those of us who have been in TF2 for a while were telling DE: "Do not put stats on cosmetics!"


They didn't listen, they did it, and now we have Arcane Helmets.

Son, arcane helmets are the result of stats being REMOVED from normal cosmetics. Which is a good move.

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EA mostly fine cause this game is already out.

Nexon is a death sentence worse then PW.

Nexon isn't worse then PW. Nexon actually updates there games, And they aren't That P2W. Everything can be getting for free but yeah, a lot of grinds.

PW Is atleast 5 times worse.


And i play Nexon games, So i should know.

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rather and better choice ea or nexon..at least its positive ..pw pwe is a joke and comunist owned ..and will only to nickle dime the players till game dies then the snake sheds the game off ..rinse repeat..plus how many jobs will be tossed now.bigger picture.

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What if it was Blizzard or Bungie? Would it be so bad?

 If it was Blizzard, my account would be banned and that would be another game I couldn't play because of their BS. (I got hacked, account got banned and customer support gave me the middle finger because I was irritated at the fact.) :(

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Nexon - game becomes entirely pay-2-win. Even getting pieces for new frames is now behind a paywall. certain maps and mission types now only allowed for players who've achieved a certain 'rank' which is determined by how much real life money they've spent on their account.


Electronic Arts - game stays the same for a year. then everyone on the staff is quietly let go, while EA keeps the license. time passes then warframe is reintroduced as a pay-to-win mobile app game or as a futuristic shooter with many sequels. after being received poorly EA kills warframe for good and never use the franchise for anything ever again, citing that gamers are entitled spoiled brats and/or are homophobic when people complain about their actions. years later ignorant kids will defend the company because they don't know any better. (oddly, thats happening in this very thread).


Valve - game updates slow down considerably. after a year warframe gets a massive facelift, now cleaned of its console brethren's tethers. afterwards warframe only receives one update a year. its a massive update, and mostly cosmetics, and often several gigs in size. eventually the Valve team grow bored of warframe (like many of their games) and move onto something else. Warframe is then handed off to a team of inept interns who proceed to spend the next few years ruining it and the game becomes full of children, bronies, and other scum who drive away whatever veterans are left.


Three Rings - constant free updates, unfortunately ALL cosmetics and holiday events. no gameplay content is ever added again. weapons and warframe balance is never touched upon ever again. after a year or so the main 'creative head' of the staff mysteriously quits to pursue more indie prospects. warframe dies a slow agonizing f2p death.


HI-REZ Studios - Warframe gets all the frames and weapons rebalanced. every update brimming with fun new content. game is at its absolute peak for several months. Hi-Rez then get worried the game isnt easy enough for new players, casuals, and babies and introduce a patch to let people get early advantages. the patch immediately ruins all the hard work their previous patches did and the game is forever ruined. everyone leaves in droves.


Riot Games - every moderately tricky or difficult enemy, map, or obstacle in warframe is quickly removed for being too hard, too 'toxic', and making newbies cry. warframe quickly evolves into "baby's first 3rd person action game" and becomes the most popular game on the internet. sadly everyone playing it are now idiots and everyone who was good at the game jump ship immediately.


Gamers First - warframe now has an official cash shop full of nothing but cosmetics. this is the last update warframe ever gets that isnt just bugfixes. years pass, people grow old and die, mankind colonizes the stars, and our race become enlightened machine people, travelling the cosmos and becoming the new gods. and even then, way in the future, warframe will still be there, getting no updates with tons of empty servers.


Activision - corporate bigwigs mistakenly think warframe is not popular enough because people cannot emphasize with the tenno. new patch gives every warframe voices and "witty" one-liners. constant poor attempts to use modern hip lingo to attract bro-gamers. rhino now sounds like a stereotypical imposing black man. mag now sounds like raven from teen titans. excalibur now sounds like steve blum. game becomes popular and everyone plays it but are too ashamed to admit it because of how embarassing it is.


Nintendo/Namco/Capcom/Koei - game receives several beautiful updates. game becomes better than ever. however the new owners forget that, outside of japan, games need to be advertised if people are meant to buy them. poor marketing decisions are made. warframe never gets more popular, and quietly dies. warframe devs commit sudoku with their space katanas made of space metal folded over 1000 times in a cave below Mount Fuji. years later, the Tenno show up as cameos in fighting gams and nothing more.

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I did a thing:


This made me laugh, a lot.

Nexon America used to be good... Like 3 years ago. Then they just turned their games into "Pay for the chance to make you better" thing. On top of the bad management of there games. This goes for both lack of content releases (or reoccurring cash cow events) and bad customer support. The company and the developers never actually connect with the players. Warframe does, and it is what keeps me playing.

Bad Nexon is bad. (Same with Pw)

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EA would be an ongoing coin flip. It could go from fine to horrendous to fine year over year. EA is schizophrenicly bad. Which makes them unpredictable, which makes them bad.

Nexon, like Perfect World, is just turbo murder-death. Say bye bye to all the nice things.


sums it up pretty well. of the 3 EA would be the worst for the reasons stated above, and one more, they cannot help but to meddle. EA became a top heavy corporation with too many suits who think they have great ideas. worse, they get them implemented.


don't see kog even entering into the fray, they don't have the capital like the rest.


PW, Nexon,  NCSoft, all might as well be the same company. they have what to them are 'proven' business plans, and force mmo's they develop/publish in to those plans. cash shops are all carbon copies for what you can buy.


DE should resist any buy outs from the less savory bottom dwellers mentioned above. none move with the times, outdated business models, annoying 'features' added in. completely out of touch with the player base of their games...which isn't surprising considering all they see players as is e-wallets.


but, they all do have one thing in common with some elements of DE...'we know what's best and we will shove it down your throats'


devs/publishers who think they're gods >.>. how long did it take to get the broken lights removed? plenty of feedback for that, yet whomever was pushing those kept tweaking them even though they were a bad idea in the first place...and there's still ongoing annoyances. just like nexon, ncsoft, pw, ea. so they're heading down that road already.


DE doesn't really need someone else involved who will screw up things in addition to the things that certain person(s) does.

Edited by DeadX65
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