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What Kind Of Pets Do You Wanna See Added?


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Space turtles. Four of them (already have names ideas). It's been proven that turtles make awesome ninjas.

Oh, let's add a shredder to get rid of unwanted breeds.

Edited by Zuc54
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Infested spider would be nice, it could crawl along the walls, instead of the kubrow magically portin' about ;p


Oh! Infact, take away the pull ability from ancients and make a new spider mob that does it ;p

Edited by kiteohatto
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But some kind of tamed/orokin Desert Skate, orokin dinosaur like creature or a giant lizard and a cat version of Kubrow would be nice in my opinion.


Because of variety. Not everyone likes dogs in the first place.

Edited by Ravensaurus
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