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If You Could Completely Remake The Game How Would You Do It?


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I'd probably chain the missions together per planet like left 4 dead while increasing rarity and magnitude of rewards a bit the more missions you consecutively finish in the chain.  And add in friendly fire for nightmare :3

Edited by KnotOfMetal
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Completely remaking the game means you're... making an entirely new game.

So really, this question has nothing to do with Warframe.

You could ask it about any game and get any answer in response.

he's asking "how would a space-ninja simulator made by you be"

i'd say it's relevant enough.


plus it's interesting to see people's responses

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Something like what Knot said, same game just more of an open-world format. More varied interaction between higher numbers of players outside the context of missions/dojo/etc. but these are both things that can happen in the future of this game. Maybe not the open-world format so much, and it's just a little preference anyways.

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I'd outsource the game.


Lore/Story - Hironobu Sakaguchi & Tom Clancy

TPS - Platinum Games team behind Vanquish.

Melee -  Tomonobu Itagaki and whatever team he has now.

Stealth - Kojima Productions

RPG Elements - 2K

Level Generation - Hello Games

Balance & PVP - Bungie

Art - DE & Crytech

Space Combat - Born Ready Games

Animations -  Team Ninja & David Rosen


Also, it would have a main campaign that is not F2P.


^This game would be awesome, but sadly it would never exist, because it would be too good.

Edited by dragonboss
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First I would change the grineer robotic feet design they bother me beyond belief...

Then I would add a metric ton of lore

Which would also lead us to the stalker then it would explain EVERYTHING as in the past the present and future of all that's going on

Then I would redesign older the clan tech corpus weapons and make them look cooler

I would reintroduce charge on melee

I would add actual stealth and sneaking to the game

I would make the warframe world more open and not just maps we run around on

And more

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I can't comment too heavily on design aspects, I'm no designer, I'm a developer; But from a coding aspect I'd be re-writing most of the base in C++ for better control for the purposes of optimization and hardware compatibility, with 3 people in my home using 3 different systems we see this game crash or bug out far too often.


Asset expansion would be another thing to add, while the game is slowly adding more and more assets it's becoming all to clear that it's initial development had the modern outlook of "we'll finish it later", which is damaging the entire industry as a whole (but that's a whole other conversation).


Visiting other areas of planets would be something I'd look into, expanding the 'replayability' of one planet by giving just that little more freedom to the player would be an idea for the best I think.


RNG: I won't get too much into this, but I would be working with it night and day until I found a amicable balance or RNG and static drops.

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remove cheap shots, instant to zero energy drain (becomes gradual or by pulses 15% of max value per second), unlimited no CD dispels > stalker, (dispel would have a 4 sec cd) environmental effects that block player vision but not enemy vision. (either effects removed entirely OR LOS AI detection counts smoke/haze/etc as a blocker or reduced accuracy by 90% shooting blind)


mines that can no longer attack stealthed players, seriously, if they can make a device as small as the mines that do damage AND can detect stealthed players...then logically all grineer troops should be able to have a small handheld or armor mounted device to detect stealth. guess this would fall under closing logic holes.


survivals would vary, open worlds (planets, not installations or ships) instead of oxygen (which makes absolutely no sense on some tilesets and for infested in general since they aren't running around with oxy packs/masks strapped to them) a radiation field corpus and grineer. infested a toxic gas release, medic packs and nodes instead of oxy packs.


the hearing of enemies would be tweaked a lot, distance falloff would be counted, duration of being considered detected would be reduced to 2 seconds. no auto defense against an invisible enemy which is essentially what the bump is. really, even if you know there's someone invisible near you how do you even defend? think about it. protect your chest, smash your head, etc, you can't see where the attack is coming from but the inviz enemy can see everything.


broken windows that blow out atmosphere would have the air rushing out animation for 2 to 6 seconds depending on the size of the sealed room. once the duration of escaping air ends, any fires burning go out <that has annoyed me since i started, air doesn't take all that long once YOU SEAL THE AREA which is supposedly what the lockdown does yet there seems to be an endless supply in just one tiny section, and fires continue to happily burn with no oxy.

additionally, outer hull plates, grineer portholes, etc, can potentially be damaged enough to cause a blow out, they would take a lot more damage than the glass around 20k hp, no indicators of where these areas would be and no damage bar.


prosecutors would be vulnerable to the 3 basic damage types though resistant, this would close the hole of a few prosecutors backed up by standard grineer troops could roflstomp every other faction except tenno. do corpus have specific elemental damage types?  2 i think heat and electric? infested? just toxic and electric. this is a really bad logic hole. when you have a game with npc factions, and you create a unit that requires specific damage types that the other factions don't have, you just broke npc faction balance.


targeting reticule can be modified (png+transparency) color altered on the basic one, or just more choices


toggled first person view,


dedicated servers which would solve outright a lot of the host glitches.


annnd probably the toughest to code (depending) rng infested (abominations), skeleton/bones resolved first, then various parts added to match bones, head(s), arms, legs, tail(s) etc, to keep cost low, only a few skeleton types but a multitude of body part types, some perhaps with effects or weapons unique to the abominations. making it all work together without noticeable clipping would take quite a bit of precise modeling. so instead of always seeing the same old same old, something new and unique since the combo pool would be as large as you make skeletal rigs, animations, and body parts for.


mutalists removed, once again, faction balance, you want a flyer? make an infested flyer.

Edited by DeadX65
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...And as you can. This is why a majority of people who plays this game aren't actually game developers.

I kid I kid.


but as for me...

I wouldn't remake the game but I would add levels that make you feel like a total bad @$$...

Levels where you have to run out of the mouth of a giant infested or where you have to jump across a ship whilst a black hole is sucking it up.

Edited by Sutherland
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