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Weird Warframe Themes?


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DE has started down a weird road for these frames, at least that's how it feels. They started with Oberon and his weird goat/deer theme, but we have animal themed frames from go (Rhino) so not really that big of a deal, then a bird... okay still kind of holding on to the threads of the ninja theme? Then a Pirate... what? Now a harlequin themed frame. Does anyone else feel like the ninja left the building?


It is becoming Halloween themed, we even have a ghost type frame with Nekros, just need a witch tossed in and we can call it quits.

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If it looks anything like the Eldar Harlequins (Warhammer 40k), you got my vote.


Edit: OH so it's already been decided then! Mirage eh, haven't been checking the latest devstreams or anything, my bad :P

Edited by CapricaSix
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Well, Harlequin is not it's name actually. It's name is Mirage as seen in the update 14 teaser site.



Edit: Oops, I'm a moron. Didn't read all the way through with care before commenting.

Edited by Heyrey
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The only theme I don't like so far is Pirate. I am not a fan of Hydroid's design at all, personally. As far as the others go, they all have my stamp of approval. I kinda hope they keep it up honestly.

As far as the "ninja theme," that left a long time ago lol



If it looks anything like the Eldar Harlequins (Warhammer 40k), you got my vote.

This. All of this.

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Well, Harlequin is not it's name actually. It's name is Mirage as seen in the update 14 teaser site.



Edit: Oops, I'm a moron. Didn't read all the way through with care before commenting.

No worries, no one ever really reads the whole way through before they comment, I understand :)

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wel i agree with animal themes and yhea its true where does that leave ninja. wel u know watch some more anime about ninjas and they ad up. btw its space ninja. if u know kung fu a litle it uses al animals there are in there zodiac. so dragon frame we welcome u ;)



no i do not see ember as a dragon frame

Edited by wirdax
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As far as I'm concerned, all the original frames had an insect-like design, or inspiration. Doing elemental power sets is a given, and short of becoming a waterbender there's not a whole lot left for a hydromancer than a pirate.

Oberon's deer theme is okay with me, since what else could they have done? A 'paladin', which thanks to MMOs, means that his only design requirement is that he has giant shoulder pads? Deer goes with forest, which goes with healing, so it works in my mind.


Frankly, the 'ninja' theme stopped being a thing back in U2-5. What about Frost makes him a ninja? What about Vauban? What about Saryn?
If ninja-ness is your issue, take a look at some of the much older frames than the themed ones you currently have issue with, and you'll find there's not much ninja to be had.

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The term "ninja" is purely a marketing mechanic to attract the 12 year olds to be super uber kewl "its just like my japanese animes" "look a katana XD im like seppyroth guize" that have mommys credit card at the ready for the cosmetics and gigantic wastes of platinum for the super cool weapons they don't have the patience to wait for.


If you expect ninja in warframe, you're silly.

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wel i agree with animal themes and yhea its true where does that leave ninja. wel u know watch some more anime about ninjas and they ad up. btw its space ninja. if u know kung fu a litle it uses al animals there are in there zodiac. so dragon frame we welcome u ;)

Your of course right, but that is why I have never worried too much about the animal themes, but the ghost, pirate, and now harlequin are moving a bit south of anything remotely "ninja" Not that this is the worst thing to ever happen, I'm just feeling the halloween more than the ninja atm, just sayin'

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Well it would be boring if all of them were the run if the mill ninja theme. It's nice to think outside the box a little.

Though I will agree as I always have that we don't really feel like ninjas. Maybe the bare bones definition as we just barely scratch the surface of a mercenary

Maybe mercenaries should play free

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If it looks anything like the Eldar Harlequins (Warhammer 40k), you got my vote.


Edit: OH so it's already been decided then! Mirage eh, haven't been checking the latest devstreams, my bad :P anyone got screenshots of it or something (hasn't been any threads on it in Design Council)?

 Yea they looked awesome but I swear to god if this warframe is going to be similar to harlequins game play wise (talking about the dawn of war videogames) I will scream. Those things pissed me off... jumping around knocking over your whole infantry army so them warp spiders can massacre you... sigh the good ole days.

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wel im going to drag naruto in here there is genjutsu wel alteration of visual aspects there are also the forbiden reanimation justus so if they dont aply then i stil state it as a point. space ninja

 ghost why not, pirate wel rouge ninja could be an emphasis

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Well it would be boring if all of them were the run if the mill ninja theme. It's nice to think outside the box a little.

Though I will agree as I always have that we don't really feel like ninjas. Maybe the bare bones definition as we just barely scratch the surface of a mercenary

Maybe mercenaries should play free

LOVE THIS!!! Only problem is that mercenaries don't do anything for free, maybe we cracked it and now know why they went with ninja! Nice work!

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It looks a smidgen like the Eldar, but Mirage is likely to be a Warframe of illusions.

Oooh just checked the news page, you're right, it does have an Eldar feel to it! But yeah probably they'll focus on illusion thing completely and we won't be wreacking havoc in the battlefield with an ultimate called "Dance of Death" or "Harlequin's Kiss" :<


Back on topic, me likey, got no problems with it. There are far worse looking warframes, this one seems pretty neat in comparison. Although I'll be looking forward to alternate helmets lol...




 Yea they looked awesome but I swear to god if this warframe is going to be similar to harlequins game play wise (talking about the dawn of war videogames) I will scream. Those things &!$$ed me off... jumping around knocking over your whole infantry army so them warp spiders can massacre you... sigh the good ole days.

I loved them a bit too much for that reason :P annoying enemies indeed but imagine playing one.

Edited by CapricaSix
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 Yea they looked awesome but I swear to god if this warframe is going to be similar to harlequins game play wise (talking about the dawn of war videogames) I will scream. Those things &!$$ed me off... jumping around knocking over your whole infantry army so them warp spiders can massacre you... sigh the good ole days.

I wish such frame existed... Warhammer-inspired.

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