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Humanity Versus The Warframes, Who Would Win


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Actually we are missing some basic information here:


- as said before: How many Tenno?

- Are their abilities as restricted as in game? (energy, range, duration)

- Do humans drop mana or life orbs when killed ? (lol, no srsly)

- Do they use teamwork? (based on what we get to see ingame, I'd say no, lolz)

- Do we use teamwork? (based on how we're at constant war with ourselfes over bullsh like religious believes, I'd say no)

- Are they able to hack our systems? (k, real hacking doesn't work the way it does in warframe. But maybe it's just that easy for a Tenno)

- Only Tennos and their abilities or do they also bring their Sci-fi weapons?

- Can they use alternate strategies? (release the infested on us etc.)




Are they guided by the Lotus / Someone who provides them with strategically valueable information? (So they always know if there is a trap ahead, or as the Lotus would say, " a heavy unit approaching")

Edited by WEREsandrock
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Considering human history, and the sheer amount of time we've  spent to this day perfecting the art of killing one another. any outside force coming in to take out this humanity  would be in for a loosing fight. We may fight amongst ourselves, but given an enemy that unifies the entirety of humanity against it. 

they'd lose, harshly.

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Loki radial disarm.. that would do nothing. X-x Just pick your weapons back up! Or use a secondary!!!!


Where talking IRL not INgame mechanics



The equavilent of a human is a Void Heavy at level 30, that is the equevilent of a regular solder.


With innate punchthrough.

You do understand that radial disarm isn't the only ability he has. 


And, no, you don't seem to understand that their current time era is is in the future. Or do you think that everything that happens there is as simple as: One bullet goes pew = One shield going down. 


A regular Soldier would be comparable to fighting a duck in this situation. Sure, it has some threat if you do nothing about it, after a long period of time, but it can easily be killed. Do you seem to forget that the Tenno have even more advanced weaponry that we do, it's fighting an alien race that can literally bend physics itself in order to complete it's goals. 



Considering human history, and the sheer amount of time we've  spent to this day perfecting the art of killing one another. any outside force coming in to take out this humanity  would be in for a loosing fight. We may fight amongst ourselves, but given an enemy that unifies the entirety of humanity against it. 

they'd lose, harshly.

The Tenno are humans, are at least a branch of humans. They experienced what we experienced, except a lot more. They're born from war, live for war, and die for war. 

Edited by MegaSnail
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Warframe logic won't work.



Comparably, a rocket launcher in warframe does 600 damage, that is enough to kill nearly every frame in the game... (though IRL Rocket launchers are 6x more damaging)


Grenades in Warframe are strong to.......



Tanks would be indestructible without Punchthrough weapons.


Bombs would do like 5k damage. (the only frame that could survive would be Valkyr)


Our Armor is about 1k


The only warframes that could stand a chance would be Nova, Mag, and Nekros.



Nekros: Because he could summon solders to help him (though he would probably die before summoning them)


Mag: Since most of are weapons are made of metal, though i doubt she would last 5 seconds on the battle field.


Nova: She could actually oneshot the planet. X_x though it would be a Kamikaze..... 

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You do understand that radial disarm isn't the only ability he has. 


And, no, you don't seem to understand that their current time era is is in the future. Or do you think that everything that happens there is as simple as: One bullet goes pew = One shield going down. 


A regular Soldier would be comparable to fighting a duck in this situation. Sure, it has some threat if you do nothing about it, after a long period of time, but it can easily be killed. Do you seem to forget that the Tenno have even more advanced weaponry that we do, it's fighting an alien race that can literally bend physics itself in order to complete it's goals. 



The Tenno are humans, are at least a branch of humans. They experienced what we experienced, except a lot more. They're born from war, live for war, and die for war. 


They use bullets. X-x Bows, Rocket launchers, Flamethrowers, and some needle weapons...


Infested weapons, and Corpus weapons: Are as advanced as Warframe weapons get... ( and even then we already have some versions of Corpus weapons IRL)


Ya,,, SO ADVANCED!!!!! (facepalm)


INvisibility: Counter: Heat sensors (unless warframes don't admit heat which they probably do)


Decoy: Unless it actually looks like Loki IRL it won't do anything...


Switch teliport: ..... Do i need to explain?



Also Tenno have limited energy... so ya, they may be strong for 1 hour, but then they would be dead.... X-x

Edited by Feallike
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You do understand that radial disarm isn't the only ability he has. 


And, no, you don't seem to understand that their current time era is is in the future. Or do you think that everything that happens there is as simple as: One bullet goes pew = One shield going down. 


A regular Soldier would be comparable to fighting a duck in this situation. Sure, it has some threat if you do nothing about it, after a long period of time, but it can easily be killed. Do you seem to forget that the Tenno have even more advanced weaponry that we do, it's fighting an alien race that can literally bend physics itself in order to complete it's goals. 



The Tenno are humans, are at least a branch of humans. They experienced what we experienced, except a lot more. They're born from war, live for war, and die for war. 

I agree with the principle, How ever, humanity is no push over. We're capable of some pretty amazing things, How long would it take for us to devise a plan to feed false information for the tenno to recieve, lure them to a location and drop nuclear weapons on them, we've enough arsenal to destroy our planet. I highly doubt even a tenno can withstand the force of a thousand nuclear explosions simultainously.  In a reality based situation, humans are neither weak or defenseless.

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You do understand that radial disarm isn't the only ability he has. 


And, no, you don't seem to understand that their current time era is is in the future. Or do you think that everything that happens there is as simple as: One bullet goes pew = One shield going down. 


A regular Soldier would be comparable to fighting a duck in this situation. Sure, it has some threat if you do nothing about it, after a long period of time, but it can easily be killed. Do you seem to forget that the Tenno have even more advanced weaponry that we do, it's fighting an alien race that can literally bend physics itself in order to complete it's goals. 



The Tenno are humans, are at least a branch of humans. They experienced what we experienced, except a lot more. They're born from war, live for war, and die for war. 


Its in the future alright, but I'm not so sure they have the edge when it comes to weaponry, not from what is seen in-game atleast.


Yeah, the Tenno bend physics, but ultimately the same rules apply to them.


Depending on the number of Tenno we are talkling about, I don't see the Tenno standing a chance.


And please, don't even bring in Nova, the whole anti-matter deal is just way too far off for her to even be remotely "realistic" (not sure I dare use that word in this discussion, but there you go).

Edited by Radford_343
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Warframe logic won't work.



Comparably, a rocket launcher in warframe does 600 damage, that is enough to kill nearly every frame in the game... (though IRL Rocket launchers are 6x more damaging)


Grenades in Warframe are strong to.......



Tanks would be indestructible without Punchthrough weapons.


Bombs would do like 5k damage. (the only frame that could survive would be Valkyr)


Our Armor is about 1k


The only warframes that could stand a chance would be Nova, Mag, and Nekros.



Nekros: Because he could summon solders to help him (though he would probably die before summoning them)


Mag: Since most of are weapons are made of metal, though i doubt she would last 5 seconds on the battle field.


Nova: She could actually oneshot the planet. X_x though it would be a Kamikaze..... 


They use bullets. X-x Bows, Rocket launchers, Flamethrowers, and some needle weapons...


Infested weapons, and Corpus weapons: Are as advanced as Warframe weapons get... ( and even then we already have some versions of Corpus weapons IRL)


Ya,,, SO ADVANCED!!!!! (facepalm)


INvisibility: Counter: Heat sensors (unless warframes don't admit heat which they probably do)


Decoy: Unless it actually looks like Loki IRL it won't do anything...


Switch teliport: ..... Do i need to explain?



Also Tenno have limited energy... so ya, they may be strong for 1 hour, but then they would be dead.... X-x

*sigh* The entire military runs off of some kind of energy source, it's enough to sustain Loki some way or somehow. Seeing as they are brought from an unrealistic universe onto the real world, I'm sure Loki could figure something out. The Tenno do not run on pure anger, they are patient and seek the best chance they got. And, really? Heat sensors? Do you believe that such a primitive thing like THAT would stop Loki? Listen, if that was the case Loki would be useless. Just give every single enemy in the game heat sensors and Loki would be dead. Maybe they already do. Maybe, oh so maybe, there is something that can counter that. 


The Corpus shoot super heated plasma balls that is basically the equivalence of shooting a chunk of sun to a guys face. 


Oh god, don't tell me you think that we have something that's equivalent to something of a Corpus tier weapon that is made to destroy armor based artillery, soldiers, and basically anything else of the primitive source. Look at the Grineer. You're overestimating the humans.


Our bombs will do 5k damage? So you're telling me that, in the future, our weaponry will become weaker as the time goes by? 

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Its in the future alright, but I'm not so sure they have the edge when it comes to weaponry, not from what is seen in-game atleast.


Yeah, the Tenno bend physics, but ultimately the same rules apply to them.


Depending on the number of Tenno we are talkling about, I don't see the Tenno standing a chance.


And please, don't even bring in Nova, the whole anti-matter deal is just way too far off for her to even be remotely "realistic" (not sure I dare use that word in this discussion, but there you go).

Humans only have one advantage: Their numbers. 


The Tenno are use to fighting things with bigger numbers than themselves.  

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*sigh* The entire military runs off of some kind of energy source, it's enough to sustain Loki some way or somehow. Seeing as they are brought from an unrealistic universe onto the real world, I'm sure Loki could figure something out. The Tenno do not run on pure anger, they are patient and seek the best chance they got. And, really? Heat sensors? Do you believe that such a primitive thing like THAT would stop Loki? Listen, if that was the case Loki would be useless. Just give every single enemy in the game heat sensors and Loki would be dead. Maybe they already do. Maybe, oh so maybe, there is something that can counter that. 


The Corpus shoot super heated plasma balls that is basically the equivalence of shooting a chunk of sun to a guys face. 


Oh god, don't tell me you think that we have something that's equivalent to something of a Corpus tier weapon that is made to destroy armor based artillery, soldiers, and basically anything else of the primitive source. Look at the Grineer. You're overestimating the humans.


Our bombs will do 5k damage? So you're telling me that, in the future, our weaponry will become weaker as the time goes by? 


I smell a Loki fanboy. :/ I am going to stop replying to you after this.

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*sigh* The entire military runs off of some kind of energy source, it's enough to sustain Loki some way or somehow. Seeing as they are brought from an unrealistic universe onto the real world, I'm sure Loki could figure something out. The Tenno do not run on pure anger, they are patient and seek the best chance they got. And, really? Heat sensors? Do you believe that such a primitive thing like THAT would stop Loki? Listen, if that was the case Loki would be useless. Just give every single enemy in the game heat sensors and Loki would be dead. Maybe they already do. Maybe, oh so maybe, there is something that can counter that. 


The Corpus shoot super heated plasma balls that is basically the equivalence of shooting a chunk of sun to a guys face. 


Oh god, don't tell me you think that we have something that's equivalent to something of a Corpus tier weapon that is made to destroy armor based artillery, soldiers, and basically anything else of the primitive source. Look at the Grineer. You're overestimating the humans.


Our bombs will do 5k damage? So you're telling me that, in the future, our weaponry will become weaker as the time goes by? 


I can't say for sure that our weaponry will become weaker over time, but there was this race called the sentients who came and screwed the Orokin over pretty bad using their own technology against them, thus forcing them to devolve their technology in order to fight them.


Judging from the pretty poor standard of ballistic weaponry in warframe judging from in-game functionality, much of the expertise of ballistic weaponry seems to have been lost over time. I don't think the Orokin waged much war before the sentients arrived (I could be wrong here, as I am in no way 100% up to date with the lore).


Yeah, the corpus have some advanced technology, but shooting plasma isn't necesarily more efficient than shooting a bullet. You're shooting a human sized target vulnerable to pretty much anything going fast enough, wether you want that thing to be a ball of super heated plasma going pretty slow or a .50 cal bullet is irrelevant as far as I can tell.


If the Tenno were somehow to use their spaceships to bomb earth from orbit, yeah I agree, then we wouldn't stand a chance. Just as if Nova were "real" she'd just make the entire universe explode. That's neat!

Edited by Radford_343
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I can't say for sure that our weaponry will become weaker over time, but there was this race called the sentients who came and screwed the Orokin over pretty bad using their own technology against them, thus forcing them to devolve their technology in order to fight them.


Judging from the pretty poor standard of ballistic weaponry in warframe judging from in-game functionality, much of the expertise of ballistic weaponry seems to have been lost over time. I don't think the Orokin waged much war before the sentients arrived (I could be wrong here, as I am in no way 100% up to date with the lore).


Yeah, the corpus have some advanced technology, but shooting plasma isn't necesarily more efficient than shooting a bullet. You're shooting a human sized target vulnerable to pretty much anything going fast enough, wether you want that thing to be a ball of super heated plasma going pretty slow or a .50 cal bullet is irrelevant as far as I can tell.


If the Tenno were somehow to use their spaceships to bomb earth from orbit, yeah I agree, then we wouldn't stand a chance. Just as if Nova were "real" she'd just make the entire universe explode. That's neat!

I can't help but be persuaded. 


Also, no, if Nova was real it would completely rewrite our understanding of science. She would not be able to destroy the universe, but she WILL be able to destroy a quite a bit of the OUR solar-system's energy. Just destroying a single atom is a feat by itself, but destroying an entire planet? Also, let me explain anti-matter to you. Anti-matter is something that, when in contact with the opposite matter, will destroy itself and the other matter. So, one Antimatter + One Matter = No matter. But, what will happen BECAUSE of this is something way more advanced. Gamma radiation may be something that is left behind by this, we don't know. So, that is the basics. It's a subtraction formula, which ever has the most value wins. But this is the scary part about Nova, she can turn matter into anti-matter. So, the basic formula is this:

Let X = Time Nova is active, Y = Amount of antimatter possibly produced, Z = Amount of energy given


Now, seeing as the active time of Nova is not known, let's just put it into something along the lines of ~1 year. This is ~365 days, and knowing Nova as someone who can use her ULT at least once in every mission, she can POSSIBLY produce at least 4 kg. This depends on what her enemies are, who the enemies will affect, and what they'll do. Seeing as her ult only is sprayed on the surface, although this is not mentioning other abilities such as anti-matter drop that create pure anti-matter that can also make matter into anti-matter (shooting at it makes it more powerful). 


Now, at the max radius, her ult will reach ~75 meters. If we take a completely normal chunk of earth, no trees, no wildlife, just the ground and possible units. If we spray antimatter EVERYWHERE... well I'm sure you understand the amount of anti-matter there is. Now, another thing is that her ability does not affect matter the way it is supposed to happen. Instead, the antimatter is somehow used to "prime" the molecules. What does this mean? It means that the molecules reach the highest point of possible energy. Once the molecule is destroyed, the energy will be released. The energy is conserved, but the molecule is now gone. 


You know what. You do everything else. I'm tired xD

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Guys srsly?


Let me elaborate with facts.


1.- Tenno will never invade like in alien movies, they would sabotage our facilities (like those mining machines). They will infiltrate.


2.- The lotus only need a team of 6-10 Nyxes, they mindcontrol some wolrd governors, it would only take a minute or two , the order is given WW3 here we come, while humans battle nd if they manage not to kill themselves after a while, I would then attack with the rest of the tenno forces, that are at least 5 million. Now every tenno kills arround 400-600 highly doped supersoldier clones in about 40 minutes and they are armed and prepared, and with full health. Doing some math it would take roughly 2 hours for the humans to be completely subdued, or dead. And im being optimistic.

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doesn't antimatter destroy any matter it touches and make a massive explosion? so it couldn't it theoretically blow up the earth? the in game mechanics of antimatter are wrong so in real life she would be stronger


I don't know. Have we actually seen anti-matter touch and destroy matter, causing a massive explosion, or is that mere conjecture? Haven't seen the Earth blow up yet so I guess not. It's theoretical. So I don't think we're in a position to say what effect the power would have. And if that were the case, then Nova wouldn't use the power at all.

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Guys srsly?


Let me elaborate with facts.


1.- Tenno will never invade like in alien movies, they would sabotage our facilities (like those mining machines). They will infiltrate.


2.- The lotus only need a team of 6-10 Nyxes, they mindcontrol some wolrd governors, it would only take a minute or two , the order is given WW3 here we come, while humans battle nd if they manage not to kill themselves after a while, I would then attack with the rest of the tenno forces, that are at least 5 million. Now every tenno kills arround 400-600 highly doped supersoldier clones in about 40 minutes and they are armed and prepared, and with full health. Doing some math it would take roughly 2 hours for the humans to be completely subdued, or dead. And im being optimistic.

Technically she would have to get in close range to do it, then we would have a giant flash of light and an aura surrounding him but we will not say that for now that it has an aura around him.We would also hear him scream as he can feel his mind being controlled for that moment of time and also it doesn't last long but we could probably say they don't have a duration.


Also, we can also assume that these places are secured with cameras unless they take out the cameras but then again they would also prepare for something like that and shut down the place and search it. 


Plus, humans are smart so as soon as we hear about places being sabotaged, we will learn, possibly set up a trap and capture a frame, maybe take it, I don't know. Earth has spies and leaders and maybe even criminal masterminds that will understand what they will try to do next. They have prepared for this type of situation and ready themselves if they get these places compromised.


But, let us not underestimate the Tenno. They may try to work together to combine their powers and do damage.


But we must understand that Tenno aren't immune to Rockets, Bullets, and Lasers. And also understand that humans aren't as dumb was we think(Do not base your answer off the USA), but with war, we will go all out to take out our enemy or stop them. Last resort is nukes, but that is only if they are at the end and most of the population is dead.


Plus, don't think we don't prepare for espionage 

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