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The Frame That You Use All Its Skills


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For me it would be Volt, thinking on it thats about the only frame I feel I dont want to remove a pwoer from, most others I use 2-3.




You missed Volt in the table and given the prime variants use the same powers its likely more accurate to include those into one effective frame as in most cases players use either the normal or prime and rarely both (other than for mastery).

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Every frame so far for me! I am against forma'ing an ability slot, so I just bring every ability I can!

I don't understand the reluctance to forma a power slot. The first and second powers cost less than any of the other Warframe mods. It makes sense to mod the slot and then throw the power into a blank slot if you want it.


Also I use all four on a Mag build and a Rhino build.

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I pretty much use all powers on all my frames, which at the moment are Oberon, Nyx, Mag and Rhino.


Not a lot of reason to do that when you can just swap in an ability into a blank slot instead. Overwrite the ability slots with a polarity you'd use no matter what.

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Lv1: Massive amounts of mobility

Lv2: Quick decent

Lv3: BEST Shield skill in the game (Yes Rhino Fanboys BETTER then Iron Skin!)

Lv4: Crowd Control for Days!!!


(Also, is any other PS4 players Prime Access Avatars not showing up on the forums? Im using the Loki Prime Icon in game but the forums still show my old Zephyr one...)

Edited by (PS4)JDBriggsBlader
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I only use all of the skills reliably on Loki, Vauban, and Rhino, and I don't tend to have all of them equipped at the same time.



Most Warframes only have two skills that have real utility, so the others would take up Module slot real estate that's too valuable to spare when there are things like Redirection, Vitality, Streamline, et cetera that are essential, and many aren't competitive against Modules that are more conveniences like stamina boosters and Rush.

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@ Loswaith ... good pick up on the inadvertent omission of Volt +1


The revised chart below includes additional respondents as well as grouping Prime with nonPrime

I had considered the very same point in the original draft (interestingly there was one respondent who listed Loki and Loki Prime separately)



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idk how people manage to use all 4 skills on loki/frost/nekros and still stay efficient enough. normally taking four skills on almost any warframe is very unpleasant, as ironic as it sounds. But if i can name one warframe that i feel comfortable taking all four skills, it has to be zephyr. All four of her skills are very useful in almost all circumstances.

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@ WinterbornX ... just a thought, but wouldn't upgrading mod slots on a warframe be a critical factor in determining skill usage?


From what I can tell, changing slot polarity isn't a common practice  

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I use all of Trinity's abilities to make an infinite sustain tank Trinity. She has the ability to time-delay nuke an enemy (WoL + EV), be a (reflection) tank with a reflection build, Link's reflection, and the 75% damage reduction from Link, and a near-instant heal with more damage reduction. (And it heals Sentinels too.)

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Excalibur: 1: Get through people to go somewhere, 2: Pretty powerful stun, 3: Shortcuts galore, 4: Pins people to walls

Oberon: 1: Great hall clearer, 2: Great hall security (can see numbers when mobs come in), 3: Decent heals with instant rez if active, 4: Kaboom

Nova: 1: Prod/Butcher/Infested repellant, 2: Kaboom, 3: Quick movement, 4: Kaboom


But, my favorite frame?

Loki: 1: Nope, not me, 2: Can't see me, 3: Can't find me, 4: Can't shoot me

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Excalibur: 1: Get through people to go somewhere, 2: Pretty powerful stun, 3: Shortcuts galore, 4: Pins people to walls

Oberon: 1: Great hall clearer, 2: Great hall security (can see numbers when mobs come in), 3: Decent heals with instant rez if active, 4: Kaboom

Nova: 1: Prod/Butcher/Infested repellant, 2: Kaboom, 3: Quick movement, 4: Kaboom


But, my favorite frame?

Loki: 1: Nope, not me, 2: Can't see me, 3: Can't find me, 4: Can't shoot me

As Loki is my main, I completely agree with all your descriptions lol xD

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I use all the skills on: Ash, Banshee, Ember, Loki, Rhino, Volt.

I either haven't gotten around to play some of the other frames properly yet (Hydroid, Nekros, Nova, Saryn, Trinity, Valkyr), or am not using one or two of the skills of the rest (Cal, Frost, Mag, Nyx, Oberon, Vauban), or barely using any useful (teamwise) skills (Zephyr)

P.S. Can't wait to swing Mirage (and make her look like a female Protoss :D)

Edited by TMHowler
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