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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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I bought some kubrow stuff with plat and i got some kubrows, first one was Raksa, second one was Raksa, and third one was also Raksa. I spend many plat on these kubrows and i think this is a bug, can i PLEASE get a plat refund/Kubrow change? I have 3 of the EXACT same kubrows...


That's not a bug, that's the RNG screwing you over.

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I got this tooltip error:


Think it came after I got my kubrow egg.

Can confirm, I'm in the same boat.




Also, the message the ship AI plays as the egg hatches plays every time I come back from a mission. Possibly related as they both happened at the same time, well before I hatched my kubrow.

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Having end of mission UI issues at resolution 3440x1440, also problem with sentinel saying it's unranked when in fact it is level 30 (seems to be when sentinel dies).




Settings below using max or min UI scale and auto or 21:9 aspect ratio doesn't seem to effect it.


Edited by MrWoohoo
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Hi my quest is bugged or im doing somthing wrong?





No icon for quest:



If any1 know pls help me.Ty

Have the same problem.

What I did was craft the Negator right then, right there, then they started that resource talk, but the quest marker never appeared.

Edited by S.C.
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My game just crashed as I was playing on Pluto Dark Sector Defense. It was at wave 5 and there was very little lag beforehand so I did not expect it. Happens often. 


There was also something about the connection failing that Warframe failed to send crash information as well. 

Edited by FaintestAura
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The Loading time on mission when with squad is too slow on my part. . . It makes quite unbearable, I also feel sorry to the people that plays with me since they would have to wait for me to finish loading which takes roughly around 5-6mins each run

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"-Upon completing the Howl of Kubrow mission to obtain an egg and not receiving one, Lotus and Ordis dialogue appears for both if you didn't get an egg and if you were to receive an egg. Dialogue proceeds up to point of Ordis asking you to drop the egg as you approach the incubator area in the lower deck of the Liset. "

I am having a similar issue where I would try and get the egg for 4-6 hours of running through that same mission (both in solo and public) and yet no egg. I'd come back Ordis would wonder how hard the egg is to find and Lotus would tell me to go to earth to find it. Then they would start the conversation as if I have an egg and would tell me to put it in the incubation chamber. I still did not have the egg.

Also when I was doing the solo runs I'd come across the Kubrow dens with no Kubrow around or coming out when I attacked the den.

The newest thing that just recently started happening about twenty minutes ago, I would finish the mission, they would go through the same conversations, then when I would go to run through it again the indicator for my quest is not listed with E Prime.

Edited by NightmareLeviathan
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First off great job with u14 DE.  Very ambitious turn for warframe and frankly overall a nice one.  However like with many highly ambitious projects a few issues i'll try to list them here in condensed form.


Do something about the egg drop rate.  I understand that they need to be rare, lest we have a glut of eggs, however i was looking at less than half a percent droprate before I finally gave up, please do something about this, ESPECIALLY if you intend to keep the quest the way it is.  It ties up the node so if alerts happen peope are going to miss it, plus its really disheartening to grind and grind for 6 hours and little to show for it.


On the Kubrows directly, costs are exceedingly high for the materials combine that with the insanely rare droprate of the eggs to begin with and we're looking at a mechanic that may die (playerwise) before it is fully realized.  Eggs are rare, blueprints while reusable (one major plus) are expensive and then to make the items requires loads of creds and materials that are rare.  Please consider a rebalance.  Its fine to be expensive OR rare but to be both eh not a good idea.


Various ship issues.  


Having your ship talk to you is great but having him say the same thing every time you come on board about your kurbow, or when he and lotus go on about the same mission back to back can get iritating.  Perhaps they say their peace after you log on or you have a ship comm option if you need to review your current task instead of the same thing over and over again.  The occasional chat, "welcome back to the ship opperator" and the random status update chatter fine but dunno how many times he and lotus kept bugging me about having to find an egg then telling me that i have to find one right on the heels of it.  Or after i started a kubrow (i broke down and bought the pack) ordis's constant MPD monologue regarding his taste/distaste for them.


Mod bank, like the idea of them being readily acessible like they are however depending on where you have your frame parked in relation to the terminal he/she may block sight to up to over half of the interface.  Stand to the side and access at an angle you're fine, straight on you're not going to see anything.


Installing components.  Noticed early (especially with the incubator) it wouldn't let me install it until i cleared an additional mission after securing the component because it had me installing something into the nav as well (dunno why) and it wouldn't let me install the incubator until i had come back to the ship from another mission.


Foundry, frankly love everything about it, though i'd like to see an option to be able to see more items at once but this has always been something I'd like to have seen, maybe a thumbnail mode option or something.  Nothing major though.


Armory, like the foundry love it, takes some getting used to after the year and some change of the old armory style but it is quickly growing on me.




Again like to see a change to the drop rate of eggs.


Infested based defense missions are scaling too high too early.  Mobs are spawning too quick too early.  Mob types and mix is too nasty (multiple specials, in one wave, together, before wave 10 is just, well no it shouldn't be happening, at wave 9 i think my mate and had a toxic, an arson, and an energy sapper, on top of 5 fliers and all the other little guys (including ancients of which i counted about 10)).  I like the idea of having a new infested type but it needs to be rescaled especially if you're going to buff ancients.  Ancients arguably OP to begin with in this update have gone to the gym, taken steriods, sold their souls to whoever, gotten cybernetic implants, and tied their shoes.  I love a good fight but this isn't a fight its a slaughter.  Especially with how things are scaling in defense missions as of right now.  Last run my mate and i got to 13 before we ran out of revives.  Wave 13, dark sector, Jupiter.  This same mate and I could duo ODDs up to 15 without breaking a sweat before this regardless of our setups.  This is just a bit wrong to have them boosted THAT much.  While we're on infested if you're going to add things that sap energy or health don't nerf our way of trying to recover.  Get disrupted and if you happen to get an orb sucked up by carrier while under the scramble effects it just eats the orb no energy restored, orb wasted, and i sware that every update energy orbs get rarer and rarer, can reckoning kill a group 10 orbs fly out, every one of em health.  Anyway basically i'm just calling for a general look at the infested defense missions too rough too quickly and possibly a backing down of their insane health plans especially if you're going to be throwing new ones on top of us.


Thats about it I fear i've been rambling but been playing more or less since u14 launched and am very tired.  So i'll leave with this; overall great job, all updates are going to come with issues, and frankly this has been one of the smoother ones i've been a part of in my years of online gaming. Keep up the good work DE and remember fix the infested.



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- Module selection screens show blank mods for first and fourth row of mods.


- Alerts on nodes that have a quest on are inaccessible until quest is complete.  Since Alerts typically last under an hour these priorities should be switched so the Alert has priority or modify UI similar to Normal/Nightmare to allow choice of which mission you want to run on a node Quest, Alert, Nightmare or Normal mission.


- Loading screen show incorrect number of ships for multiplayer games.

   - Solo game shows 1 ship,

   - 2 player games show 3 ships,

    -3 player games show 4 ships.

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The new ship thing looks interesting so far. However, it looks like that there is quite a number of bugs to report regarding the update.


(Screenshots in the [ spoiler ] tag)


--- A minor bug with the quest that shows up in the navigation panel.



--- MODS are not showing properly in the inventory. They are missing their respective pictures.



--- I have noticed that I am missing some of the fully upgraded mods in my inventory. They show up as installed on my weapons/warframes (pre-patch installed MODS) but are completely left out in the MODS inventory. So far I've noticed a fully upgraded Hell's Chamber, Split Chamber and Overextended missing (there might be more). The latter two show up in the "upgrade menu" of weapons/warframes. There should be a second (fully upgraded) Split Chamber on the list, too.






--- Occasionally I get stuck at "Please wait..." screen while trying to join a squad on a mission. No matter how long I wait, nothing happens. The controls are non-responsive even though everything looks like it's still working "in the background".


--- The game freezes for a few moments when a weapon levels up. (Not sure if this happens only at that time, I'd like someone to confirm this, too.)


--- Now a question/suggestion: Is it possible to make the mouse scroll work at the "Mission Complete" screen to scroll through rewards and mods obtained? The only way to do so now is to click and drag the scroll bar. 




--- Yup, just checked and quite a lot of Rare Fully Upgraded MODS are missing from the inventory. (Radial Disarm, Vortex, Sound Quake etc.) I guess I am not the only one experiencing this as some people report the same problem in Region chat.

Edited by Syphe
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Ok, a couple more bugs(some of them are already known, but I took some screenshots):


Not sure if this is a bug, but when your sentinels dies, you shouldn't see the sentinel in the mission complete log?




After I've returned to my ship, the game said that both my sentinel and it's weapon are level 1, which is wrong because my sentinel is level 24 and it's weapon is level 30.




In the upgrade menu of any warframe/weapon/sentinel you can't see the mods well, because of the warframe, see below:




Also, after you scroll down to the bottom in the mods menu, you can't see the mods from the last row, you have to put your mouse over them to be able to see:





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I don't like the new armoury/mod screens because the image of my frame gets in the way.


My Howl of the Kubrow quest seems to be bugged - there's a prompt on the navigation which looks more like a filename


I can't access my clan dojo - I tried through the communications menu and it wouldn't respond, and then when I tried to go through the navigation menu, it left me hanging at "please wait".

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Can confirm, I'm in the same boat.




Also, the message the ship AI plays as the egg hatches plays every time I come back from a mission. Possibly related as they both happened at the same time, well before I hatched my kubrow.

Happened after I got the egg too

Edited by faresamir7
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I've gotten a number of bugs and so far they've fixed themselves by logging off or doing other missions a couple times or entering my clan dojo but I've had Vor's Prize: Confront Vor for a while now and I've completed the mission it refers to but still prompts me to complete the mission. I can't access the mission again and completing other missions or restarting the game hasn't fixed them like the other issues I've encountered. Seems to be a combination of some of the confirmed bugs listed. 


On a side note I'm enjoying the changes and updates very much. Once you guys get the kinks sorted out it'll be a great step forward and I think the tutorial will make newer players feel more comfortable with playing. Feels more like a progression. Just got a few HUD errors and event sequencing bugs to tussle with and it'll be top quality. 

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- Lag on mod window. Slow respond time.


- Why slow down the upgading progress this much? Now we need to scroll left to right just to see row of mods and their ranks.


- So anyoing to always go and click the cancel and bottom right... Why can't we just de-select it by clicking.. like we used to do earlier.


- From mod combination window the "remove mod from build" doesn't do anything... well, expect crash the game.

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