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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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My Kubrow egg was incubating and when i woke up this morning he had hatched but he was still incubating and the incubator timer was acting like he was still in the egg. See screenshot.


Wont allow me to copy picture from my steam profile so here is the screenshot link.



Edited by Legonist
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ok, my kubrow get killed in the first mission, in the last wave(the collar one) and the mission ended, but after that my kubrow dont appears in the ship, first i log out and reloging, but that dont fix the problem, i instead do the mission again and a kubrow whitout name that does nothing and have 969 of health and no shield appear as my kubrow companion in the mission, i finished the mission and my kubrow dont appear, but lotus and ordis says that i have it that i make a bound with him, but the only thing i have is the collar, a little help please, i miss my kubrow(and i spend all my platinum in the pack and in the grow rush)

please help

Edited by Mariboreas
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Okay, adding to the list, any other details or Kubrow simply no longer on ship/an option anywhere once the Defense mission is complete? Does relogging fix? 


Collar quest completed, Kubrow vanished/not in stasis, relogging didn't fix.


Edited by LoopStricken
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Are there any plans to fix the bug for alerts? 


If one player in the group has completed the alert and other players who haven't yet select it as a node the map defaults to the regular node instead of the alert. We have yet to be able to test whether or not it only does this if the player in question that has completed the alert is the party host. We just dropped the player in question when it kept happening and it then allowed us to actually do the alert. 

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When changing a weapon's upgrades and then selecting "mods" you get a warning message: "Mod configuration has changed. Exiting will lose changes."

Which really happens - so you have to click "back" first to save the changes and then go back into the upgrade screen and THEN press "mods".

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Was expecting the last hotfix to address this but alas...I'm still stuck. Killed Vor, quest is active, but I have nowhere to go.




Can we still expect a hotfix for this today? Would love to finish Vor's Prize and boot up my ship all the way ;)

Edited by xxx7
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Small annoyance here, onehanded pistols (and some other weapons) are realy hard to change the color design because most frames hold the weapon above where my vision is, should be a easily fixed by adjusting the viewpoint of the player.


My idea would be to give us a 3D model to see, when we recolor weapons, that way we see what parts we recolor(let them blink shortly when you hover over whatever color you are changing) and we see our weapon from more than one angle which makes things just that tad bit easier to adjust.


Thank you for your time DE, i might be a bit butthurt that it takes so long to go through my forge/planets (and everything looks like i have bad eyesight and needed a lupe) but the update is great nonetheless ( well the parts that work and which i could access so far)

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Random bans:
There´s been a significant amount of threads about people getting baned for no apparent reason, from what i´ve gathered, these bans happened after completing the E Prime mission (Kubrow egg) while the catalyst alert was active.
My guess is that they got automatically banned as if they were trying to exploit to get additional catalysts from the alert even though they were playing to complete the quest.
Gone Kubrows:

Okay, adding to the list, any other details or Kubrow simply no longer on ship/an option anywhere once the Defense mission is complete? Does relogging fix? 

I´m not sure what could cause this one but seems to happen after starting the quest mission once the Kubrow reaches adulthood. Completing or failing, the kubrow disappears.
Relogging does not fix the issue.

You can still do the mission even if your kubrow goes missing.  It replaces it with a default white Kubrow who doesn't do anything other than follow you around.  It has no name or shields either, but you still don't get your Kubrow back if you fail.

Nightmare mods:
Nightmare mode is not rewarding any nightmare mods, simple as that.
Edited by Nachino
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Idk if this is only happening to me or not, (Kinda pissed and don't feel like reading 162+ pages to find out) But every time i play a game with ancient Healers and there are more than two that spawn my game crashed. its happened 4 consecutive times now. Its impossible to gather stuff to continue on my Hidden Message quest since i cant collect Neroudes to complete the construction.

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My kubrow is missing as well, it's been replaced by an egg I apparently picked up after the first one. Relogging, restarting the game or running a mission don't fix it...


Saddest day of my life (as a Tenno) :(

Edited by snrd3r
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there seams to be a problem with the armoury, while playing the prologue missions during the raid on the corpus supply depot just after recieving the blueprint for the device to get rid of the thing vor attached to the warframe I decided to switch from my grineer loadout to my corpus one accessing the armoury resulted in me becoming stuck in the armoury, I can't change weapons, I can't exit it, not through clicking the exit button, not through hitting the escape key not through random button mashing of my keyboard nothing. after rebooting I tried again and same result, this seams to only have happened after the last patch as it worked earlier when I switched from my anti-infested loadout to grineer loadout.

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My Kubrow disappeared from my ship after completing the Kubrow collar defense quest mission.


I failed the mission at first, then went to do the mission again and completed the mission.


I'm not sure if this happens to everyone who completes the mission or completes it after an initial fail. 


My heart dropped when i saw an empty incubator with "No active Kubrows".


Relogging back in doesn't return kubrow. Apparently sobbing quietly doesn't bring it back either.

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I have one unfortunately. 


Whenever I go to make a derelict extermination key while in/ leading a full party i get stuck and my movement, menu pull up (esc), etc. refuse to work. Only thing that works is chat (and even that may be limited to squad chat. No clues here)

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