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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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I'm currently unable to do Vor's Prize because it just isn't listed anywhere.


I opted to skip the prologue when the game updated expecting to have the quest sitting there for me to run sometime later, but I still don't see it despite several relogs :/

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i was completing the vor's prize quest line when i had to obtain the mercury nav segment. my problem is i cant find the node to start the mission. is there a way to fix this myself if not can some one direct me in the right way to resolve this issue please and thank you.

Edited by sadpandaz606
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I haven't seen this bug reported. It may have been.


I was doing the Vor mission, until I got to the stage where getting the Mercury Nav wasn't able to be completed. So I decided to begin the Kubrow quest. 
Opening the navigation menu, it completely freezes and the client becomes unresponsive. I have to force-quit the game.

So I am basically stuck in the ship, I can not run any missions.
- I have tried restarting my client, with no luck. 

- Left the client open to see if it could become responsive again (waited 5-6 minutes with no change).

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This (the helmet) 








Got stuck not being able to do anything in conclave after i spammed ESC during and after the choose your team menu because it wasnt responding




This is like my 6th bug report of the day im clocking out

Edited by theclinton
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Attempting to equip a Warframe immediately after logging in freezes the UI. The only thing I can do is access the chat panel. Will investigate further.


EDIT => Selecting any other menu seems to prevent the UI from freezing when changing Warframes (i.e. it only freezes if Warframe selection the first menu you go to).

Edited by Spacetimer
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Navigation UI: Cannot select a new mission without first cancelling the current mission.  Selecting a new mission within a planet should automatically imply cancelling the currently selected mission and bringing up the Accept/Cancel interface for the new mission.

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Not sure how to obtain because I did not do much to make it happen, but somehow, in the Liset, when I checked my teammate's loadout, he had the exact same profile picture, and exactly same weapons and rank. The only difference between us was the name. It was two people for a T3 Exterminate and the leader initiated the ready.

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I have had some problems with the ESC button, when i attempted to access the navigation function, the screen went black and then it went back to the display when you press ESC.


The second one was that when i relogged, the navigation fucntion worked, however the missions part didn't. when i selected a mission, the screen zoomed into the planet and then zoomed out.


I hope this helps. :P

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When fighting Alad V on Nightmare Mode he did not have the nightmare mode boosts.


Edit: It appears that bosses have weakened in general. Upon fighting Sarga Ruk on regular mode I noticed that he was Level 1 when the average enemy was 11.

Edited by Solandis
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I have a bug where when the game first loaded my ship I was tracking my z axis randomly waiting for the game to load and now its stuck and pointing straight up. Its like when you start a Gamecube controller pressing a direction when a game first loads. You would get a camera bug and you would have to reset. Well I did, and Warframe still does the camera poll. It's as if it thinks that's the default viewpoint. I know this cus I figure that from the evidence that the camera snaps back when I select mods or upgrades it shows the correct camera axis position. So I can only guess something is not coded yet to refresh your camera axis alignment. Funny as it also messed up my arsenal because my character is now facing backwards when I want to customize my peeps. I also tried a few missions and no luck the camera still follows. Also with different characters and still no luck. 



In game name: Mcfearsome


Hear are pictures of said glitch in the link below.


Edited by Mcfearsome
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UNABLE TO SELL WARFRAMES / UNABLE TO SELL WARFRAMES / UNABLE TO SELL WARFRAMES !!!!!!!!!!!!!! But since you haven't placed it on the Bugs list I will take it that the bug was intentional for you guys to get more profits from slot purchases ? Bravo ! Very shrewd business sense !

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I'm currently unable to do Vor's Prize because it just isn't listed anywhere.


I opted to skip the prologue when the game updated expecting to have the quest sitting there for me to run sometime later, but I still don't see it despite several relogs :/


It was repeated multiple times that the prologue, AKA Vor's Prize would be a one time thing, and if you decided to skip the prologue it would take you straight to the game and just credit you as having completed it. That's what the skip the prologue DOES. Why would you expect skipping it to NOT skip it?

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I know you've probably already heard this but can you please fix the Mercury Nav segment. PLZ


Also for some reason the infested ancients will sometimes shoot a harpoon out like the ones used by the grinner melle chicks (not sure if intended or not). 


The mods canot be seen except for a single row when viewing in my collection.


When looking at items (mods, foundry) not everything fits all on the screen and my warframe covers the edge which is slight annoying.


Also bring back the equiped selection in mods so if i look at my paris prime i have a tab for the mods that are on my paris prime (all, warframe, priamry, secondary, ect.) it makes fussioning equiped mods so much easier.


Also (it may be my S#&$ty computer) when i go into the asernal of spin the planets around it lags quite a bit.


Dont want to sound like im complaining because i love the new update and hope u can fix these and any other bugs as soon as possible.




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Not sure how to obtain because I did not do much to make it happen, but somehow, in the Liset, when I checked my teammate's loadout, he had the exact same profile picture, and exactly same weapons and rank. The only difference between us was the name. It was two people for a T3 Exterminate and the leader initiated the ready.


This bug, or similar ones have been around for some time, especially with the profile pic, and sometimes with the weapons of teammates being cloned to look like someone else's loadout. It could be a variant born along with U14, but it also might just be the same old issue poking back in.

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UNABLE TO SELL WARFRAMES / UNABLE TO SELL WARFRAMES / UNABLE TO SELL WARFRAMES !!!!!!!!!!!!!! But since you haven't placed it on the Bugs list I will take it that the bug was intentional for you guys to get more profits from slot purchases ? Bravo ! Very shrewd business sense !


Or it's just that the guys watching this thread and updating the OP finally actually got to take a nap for a bit.

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