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Who Here Doesn't Trust Ordis? I Don't


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"You can trust me, I will never attempt to eject you and let you die in the outer space to set myself free"...




(A toggle button to on/off him would be great. I feel that people will end up being bored with his lines.)

Edited by unknow99
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i like his attitude but more rude comments would be nice for when i switch my loadout, mods, fusion,transmute,build something. Just more little things from him. 

"oh you can use more weapons than just the soma? you must be a pro."

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Protip: Never 100% trust near sentient know it all mechanical things. Never do this.


Something usually goes wrong.


I got tired of hearing Lotus hundreds of hours ago though so I turned her voice off, update hit, saw a new guy in the ship, turned voice back on, heard him speak and immediately turned it directly back off and turned it back up just so I could turn it off fully again just to be 100% sure.

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So far I like the character, but I cant say I trust him.

Does any one ever worry that we are a bunch of super powered thugs who hear voices, though?

That REALLY scares me.


Also the orange circle in the Liset when some guy is talking nonsenses. I preferred the old UI because I'm not really happy with games that make me panic. GUYS, I'M TRAPPED ON MY OWN SHIP HEARING VOICES!

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"oh you can use more weapons than just the soma? you must be a pro."


"That color scheme.....I apologize, I didn't realize you were blind.  You're not?  Oh...."



"Interesting weapon choice.  I didn't know you enjoyed suicide."


"Of course you'd choose [chosen warframe]."

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would you trust an AI with a 'male GlaDOS'-personality for which these lines aren't even 'out of line'?



"Everybody loves some destruction. Don't you, operator? Oh. You're taking [weapon]. Nevermind."


"So, I was thinking. Operator has slaughtered all those kubrows. Does operator not realize one has boarded the vessel?"


"Oh. You're back. Mind getting that damn monster- unpolite kubrow to stop chewing on my interior?"


"I was thinking, we could make the extraction more efficient. You simply jump out from any window or hole in the vessel, and I come pick you up!"


"There is a grineer galleon ahead. I thought you'd like to know it's targeting this vessel."


"There once was a corpus scumbag from Venus, and he killed the operator's kubrow. There has never been a happier- sadder moment in my existence."


"Operator has a.... fascinating choice for colours... excuse me whilst I turn my visual sensors off."


"Void cloaking system disengaged. Or was I supposed to engage it when getting close to an enemy fleet? I get those two mixed up some times."

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