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Okay De, U14 Has Made It All The More Prevalent That You Need A Test Server!


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A TON of the issues that came with U14 probably could have been avoided if you guys had a test server.


The test server would be completely separate from a persons normal game progress but it would use the same log-in info (if thats possible).



The test server would only been open for a week or two before a big update like U14 goes live. Yes this would mean that big updates would take an extra week or two to go out, BUT it would be completely worth it.


The test server would also have infinite credits and plat for people to use so that they can easily test the new content without grinding for stuff (as the purpose of the test server is to test the new stuff, so grinding is not a needed factor).


Nothing gotten in the test server would ever transfer to the main game and it probably be best to reset all the data when re-opening the test server for the next big update. Example: The progress and stuff people had in the U15 test server would be wiped clean when the U16 test server is opened.


Now for the people that can actually use the test server, it should either be certain people DE picks, or could depend on if people have spent money on plat recently (Example: lets say if someone has spent $20+ in real money in the last 4 months they get test server access). Doing both of those would be best though to be honest.


You would also need to have a section in the forums for the test server bugs and such.


A test server would be a GREAT step to making big updates like U14 less buggy, and it would more than likely improve warframe all together.


Edit: Adding this means you could also take off the beta tag on the game. As you would have a separate server for testing things.

Edited by Dtexas
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If there is a test server added I hope people like notionphil or Xylia (just two examples of people who put so much thought and effort into their posts about the game) are picked and not just the regular DE testers (assuming there are testers.)


Quite frankly I don't trust the current/regular testers (assuming there are some.)

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Experimental Warframe servers incoming xD  


Aren't we the testers...?

True, but obviously alot of the community just whine (which is good in a way) when updates like this come out and there are major bugs. Games like Dayz and Starbound have started doing this so its not a bad idea. (im not saying either of those games come out with perfect updates, but still)

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If there is a test server added I hope people like notionphil or Xylia (just two examples of people who put so much thought and effort into their posts about the game) are picked and not just the regular DE testers (assuming there are testers.)


Quite frankly I don't trust the current/regular testers (assuming there are some.)

I think it would be cool to have it as an optional thing that people can play on maybe have a much lower server capacity then normal. 

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at this rate, when they release the game they will have no players

We agreed when we signed up to be the beta testers, though. Forcing the work of beta testers onto an even smaller group of "pre-beta-testers" simply pushes the responsibility to someone else.


Both of us (hopefully) registered for Warframe for fun, but we have an added responsibility of beta testing the game for DE. It's the least you can do considering it's a F2P game where you aren't obligated to pay money.

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We agreed when we signed up to be the beta testers, though. Forcing the work of beta testers onto an even smaller group of "pre-beta-testers" simply pushes the responsibility to someone else.


Both of us (hopefully) registered for Warframe for fun, but we have an added responsibility of beta testing the game for DE. It's the least you can do considering it's a F2P game where you aren't obligated to pay money.

In that case they would be alpha testers. I don't see an issue with having the "Alpha" of an update pass through a tester screen before release.

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We agreed when we signed up to be the beta testers, though. Forcing the work of beta testers onto an even smaller group of "pre-beta-testers" simply pushes the responsibility to someone else.


Both of us (hopefully) registered for Warframe for fun, but we have an added responsibility of beta testing the game for DE. It's the least you can do considering it's a F2P game where you aren't obligated to pay money.

While thats true. What im talking about is different. The amount of bugs that comes with some of this large updates is absurd at times and shouldn't be a thing. A test server would help significantly in helping updates go out more successfully and it would mean we are no longer beta testers as the game could be considered out of beta due to DE now having a test server.

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Aren't we the testers...?

Basically, this. If the game is still considered beta, then it's our jobs to give them feedback on how to fix, tweak, or change things. Constructive feedback.


Shedding more light on features that they're working on would be great (possibly in a new forum section), we could provide criticisms and suggestions in order to help make releases/updates more polished. Of course, that would also open the floodgates for those people who, for whatever reason, can't do anything but complain about an issue, but it'd be up to the rest of us to overshadow those complaints with quality feedback.


If they really did want to go through all the trouble of adding a test server though, then I can't really argue against it. It seems to work fine for Riot with League of Legends, so I don't see why it wouldn't work with Warframe.

Edited by Ailith
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As dramatic as always I see.  A test server could probably help, yes, but If were going to put a magnifying glass on U14 then I feel you've made a mistake.  U14 has a lot of bugs but U14 also seemed rushed out just for the fact that all notification that was given on Thursday to its progress for release and the dev stream on Friday.  Your proposed test servers sound like they add time to the clock anyway when DE could have just delayed the update for more heavy testing in-house for perhaps the same results.


Now things that I wish had better testing would NOT be the content itself but the network stability responses to the content.  But perhaps that's just me because the biggest annoyance to me in U14 is the devastating "infinite loading screen but really you're in game" (seriously I pulled up my map with the loading screen up and could move around I just couldn't see) but this only happens in parties and not solo.  Testing connections to random people is a far more difficult task to do in-house than bug fixes of content.

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As dramatic as always I see.  A test server could probably help, yes, but If were going to put a magnifying glass on U14 then I feel you've made a mistake.  U14 has a lot of bugs but U14 also seemed rushed out just for the fact that all notification that was given on Thursday to its progress for release and the dev stream on Friday.  Your proposed test servers sound like they add time to the clock anyway when DE could have just delayed the update for more heavy testing in-house for perhaps the same results.

Im not trying to seem dramatic, infact I dont really have a problem with U14 bugs or anything personally. I was simply stating the fact that there where a lot of bugs that could have been avoided if better testing was done, either through a test server, or even if DE gave the update more time. Either way I dont see how a test server could be bad honestly. I do think DE shouldn't say a release date unless they are absolutely sure its good to go.

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Aren't we the testers...?


Not everyone wants to be the tester. I do, you might, but I'd venture that the majority of players do not. Having a test server would ensure that bugs are brought to light sooner, and would allow the player base to give better input on items as they are being developed, which is good because stuff is more likely to be changed as it is being made rather than when it is done. 

I'd like to point out that I joined the design council so long ago under the impression that I'd be giving input into the direction of the game. Aside from voting on a few polls, or seeing a status update I don't really feel like I have a good platform for creative input. A lot of the time things are pushed out and I'm offering advice on a finished project. I don't get a lot of say in the details up to that point, however. 

Edited by Acos
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Aren't we the testers...?


When you're charging real money for something, you want to make darn sure it works. If DE released a test client and put together a separate server for it (no, Warframe doesn't use servers for matchmaking, but the game still needs to connect to a server) they have the option of stress-testing all their stuff in a way that I doubt their in-house bug testers can match -- I mean, look at how much stuff was missed going into this update. The playerbase was finding this stuff right and left, it's obvious their in-house team can't match the combined forces of thousands of players. Allowing a select group of players to stress-test and bugtest new updates before they go live would enable DE to find bugs before they hit the masses and prevent things like the scrambler issue from happening. Need a new frame/system tested? Give it out to the test group, let them go nuts. 


People are always going to be chancy about testing something when real money is on the line. That's why creating a test environment where plat and credits are not an issue ensures that new systems get tested just about as rigorously as they can be. 

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Since people want to argue semantics I will help you out.

A TON of the issues that came with U14 probably could have been avoided if you guys had an Alpha  test server.


The Alpha test server would be completely separate from a persons normal game progress but it would use the same log-in info (if thats possible).



The Alpha test server would only been open for a week or two before a big update like U14 goes live. Yes this would mean that big updates would take an extra week or two to go out, BUT it would be completely worth it.


The Alpha test server would also have infinite credits and plat for people to use so that they can easily test the new content without grinding for stuff (as the purpose of the Alpha test server is to test the new stuff, so grinding is not a needed factor).


Nothing gotten in the Alpha  test server would ever transfer to the main game and it probably be best to reset all the data when re-opening the Alpha test server for the next big update. Example: The progress and stuff people had in the U15 test server would be wiped clean when the U16 test server is opened.


Now for the people that can actually use the Alpha test server, it should either be certain people DE picks, or could depend on if people have spent money on plat recently (Example: lets say if someone has spent $20+ in real money in the last 4 months they get test server access). Doing both of those would be best though to be honest.


You would also need to have a section in the forums for the Alpha test server bugs and such.


A test server would be a GREAT step to making big updates like U14 less buggy, and it would more than likely improve warframe all together.


Edit: Adding this means you could also take off the beta tag on the game. As you would have a separate server for testing things.


It would also allow them to sync the PC and PS4 updates.

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